Singapore Expats

Jan walk-in

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Jan walk-in

Post by voxvox » Tue, 30 Dec 2008 12:05 pm

Knowing that times are bad now and will probably be worse next year, i believe companies will cut down their travel budget and travel less frequent. This will ultimately lead to lesser flights. Will it affect the cabin crew's allowance and salary? Est 3.5K per month? Wonder if SIA will retrench anyone? Pretty surprise that they are still recruiting.

i thought of trying for the walk-in in Jan. But trying to weigh the opportunities cost of giving up my current job vs being a cabin crew at economy recession times. Anyone wana share any thoughts? thanks. :)

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Post by Plavt » Tue, 30 Dec 2008 5:12 pm

Economies are very hard to predict both national and international. The UK is suffering badly because much of the economy is serviced based and as people lose jobs and their incomes they cut down on non-essential items. Examples are foreign holidays, designer goods, new clothes, cars, in short non-essential items. This has a 'domino' effect on countries such as China which export goods to the UK, America and many other countries. Those who read listen to the news will know factories are closing in China with massive job losses. There has been considerable foreign investment in China, not least in building factories. No doubt by now not so many business men/women will be traveling there.

However, the price of oil has dropped so airlines may be able to drop their fares and this could stimulate competition or maybe just about keep them in business (hard to say as I am no economist). Looks like we will have to wait and see as always.

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