............................................................................sundaymorningstaple wrote:saturdaynitespecial,
The least you could do was give proper credit for your plagiarized posting. I notice that you have cut and pasted it from www.angryangmo.com which was posted on 5 December. Pretty sad. Why didn't you just paste a link like this:
http://www.angryangmo.com/2008/12/05/th ... singapore/
Dear SMS,
I took it from another forum whereby in that flora, the culture is such that there is a lot of cut and pasting by forumers to discuss issues, give opinions, furnish valuable information for people...ET AL
Nobody gives two hoots where forumers get their discussion topics from....whether it is original work or from somewhere else which may provide interesting ideas...etc to the uninitiated and ignorant.
As life is short, and u are coming to your 60 years of age.....why get work up over a trivial matter like plagiarizing...blah blah blah....
There are more serious issues like degree mills originating from the west and serious plagiarizing by college students from the internet in order to get their degree/thesis..
So, lighten up matey......