Moreover you need not do a press check as they are reputable and use high tech machines.
You should ALWAYS do a press check, especially on a book. I have seen things printed on million pound presses look ugly as hell because the "minder" is crap.
That's what it boils down to. The minder is the guy who controls the ink flow, the plates, the paper pick levels etc etc.
Always ask for a proof. Depending on the cost a wet proof is always preferable but not always readily available these days so an inkjet one is used more often than not.
Also, I would be looking to European suppliers rather than SG suppliers for books if it's going to Europe. The freight cost is the expensive bit as is timings. Alot of the European printers use the old presses which are still in superb condition. Location counts for quite alot.
I was looking to get my clients stuff printed here and then shipped back over but the freight cost was too much in the end to make it feasable, let alone the clients timing demands of 3 to 5 days. Everyone wants things quicker and quicker and cheaper and cheaper! Ho hum that's life I guess.
Don't p*ss me off! I am running out of places to hide the bodies.