for newborn only pampers (yellow pack, don't remember the name), then pampers (same yellow pack) but size S, then switch to mamy poko. I tried every diaper type available in Singapore. Nepia is so-so, Mamy poko is OK, Dripers is sucks, Huggies are also bad. Also there's some type (forgot the name) it is sold on but close to mamy poko. It is ok too, though i didn;t like the pants(the sides are a bit scratchy). The best are pampers new baby and S (yellow packs) and Pampers easy up pants (green). The only time I bought Drypers for sth like 60 pieces per pack because there were no any other diapers available in the nearest shop , I was swearing, swearing to use them all!
P.S. Pampers red-green I stopped using because It didn't fit my baby's body(red areas).
I used mamy poko most of the time and can add that it is quite absorbent. The thing is that it is not cute design but the quality actually. If your drypers' sticky(damn sticky) tape would touch the skin of your baby, it is very painful for him\her to get it off. Really! That freaked me out!

Mamy poko fits better. For us, at least. I used it a lot and changed it sometimes every 3 hours, sometimes in 5-6 hours, so can recommend. Huggies all types are not that good (to me). If your baby wears them, the skin will be wet as i found out, it does not absorb that well. mamy poko for those who didn;t started to crawl yet. Beware the poo pocket , because of that all of the poo turned out to be everywhere but not in the diaper. As ur baby starts to sit,walk, at around 8 months, change to pants, much more comfy!
it is better for your baby's skin to change diapers every 3 hours, not 6 hours and not to apply much of the diaper cream. I ued it only first few months or maybe even first 2 months. Just change more often and immediately after poo. If you cannot afford quality diapers, then buy cheap ones but change often. It is not right put your poor baby in a diaper for 6 hours with a lot of diaper cream and tthen wonder - where did this rash come from? His\her skin needs to breath!
Sorry, didn't mean to offend anyone!