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Post by snowqueen » Wed, 03 Dec 2008 8:51 am


I'm about to have my first baby in March and have been stocking up on supplies.

I have mainly been getting Huggies (Newborn and next one up) as they are cheaper than Pampers but having been on a UK forum they say that Huggies leak poop everywhere so have been getting either Pampers or a supermarket own brand like Tesco and Asda.

I have some free samples of Drypers which I will also try but I just wondered if anyone could please share their recommendations/ experiences of the best ones to use which are not too expensive.

Many thanks

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Post by smayrhofer » Wed, 03 Dec 2008 9:41 am

Wow you're stocking up early! I am due in April and would also be very interested in recommendations for diapers.

I want to try and save costs as much as possible, so recommendations for cheap diapers that work would be great.

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Post by rodandhelen » Wed, 03 Dec 2008 9:45 am

Hi if you want to save money in the long term on nappies then buying cloth ones are the best option. They have some lovely cloth ones around and are not too much hard work to wash :-)

Good luck

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Post by smayrhofer » Wed, 03 Dec 2008 9:55 am

What do you do when you go out, though? You have to store the soiled nappies until you get home, right? Won't that be messy, especially if my baby has an explosive diaper (if that's what it's called)?

Also, how do you clean those kinds of diapers? You can't just throw them in the washing machine - you'd have to get rid of the solid stuff first right? Sorry this probably sounds really ignorant, but I could never figure out the logistics of cloth diapers!

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Post by rodandhelen » Wed, 03 Dec 2008 10:01 am

Thats ok.
Yes you have a little more to carry if you are out, you just keep a wet bag on you to put the soiled nappies in until you get home. Alot of people only use cloth nappies while they are home and then have a pack of disposables for the trips out. Honestly its not as bad as it sounds :-)

As for cleaning, i think it depends on the brand but the ones i have you just throw away the liner that you put in them which holds most of the poo, rinse any excess that may be on the nappy itself and throw them in the washing machine. Its a little more work than disposables of course but its not lots of extra work either.

Hope this helps

Oh and yes its explosive :-)


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Post by joop » Wed, 03 Dec 2008 10:55 am

Drypers is affordable only drawback is their tape's very sticky and makes a very loud sound and that will frighten baby.

You can aso try Huggies, Mamy Poko and Nepia (Small sizes only available for order online, with a minimum of a carton).

You can use Mamy Poko for night use. Price-wise I guess is about 40 cents per piece.
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Post by diana13 » Wed, 03 Dec 2008 12:39 pm

Hi. We used Pampers right after she was born and then after a few months stepped over to the Huggies. We were very happy with the leaking or what so ever. But here in Singapore she gets a rash from the Huggies. Now we're using Mama Poke and are very happy with this brand. It also depends on your babies skin as well. sometimes they get a rash from a very good brand and are happy with the cheap ones. It really is just a matter of trying and budget.

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Post by cbavasi » Wed, 03 Dec 2008 1:58 pm

i'm in agreement with diana13 - i used pampers newborn with both my children (mostly b/c they were born early and they were the smallest fit) and switched to mamipoko. i tried other brands with my second (my first i stuck with mamipoko til he was potty trained) but i found my second also got a bit of a rash with the others. try holding out for the sales at carrefour or giant - sometimes they are a couple $$ off. whatever you do - make sure you get a LOT of the newborn diapers... the infants seem to go through them every hour on the hour for the first couple of weeks :D

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Post by kristyna » Wed, 03 Dec 2008 2:36 pm

Pampers are the best for the newborn. Just don't make a huge stock of diapers as you have a long way to go yet :) and don't know how big is the baby gonna be. You won't probably need many newborn size diapers. On the other hand, your baby can be as tiny as mine - still using the newborn size and she is 4 months old! :oops: .

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Post by Callalily » Wed, 03 Dec 2008 5:20 pm


I would advise you to wait until you have your baby before buying too many nappies. You might hate pampers and think huggies are the business or vice-versa. Wait until you try. With my twins, I had to change several times before I found the nappy that didn't leak. All children and all nappies are different.

To come back to the real/cotton nappies, I used cotton ones in the day and a disposable one when we went out or at night. It worked perfectly.
Using cotton nappies doesn't mean you must only use cotton nappies all the time. You can mix and match. Another important point, they must be changed regularly (every 1.5 hours), use liners to limit mess, wash at 60 degrees.

Best of luck and enjoy your pregnancies. Anyone expecting twins?

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Post by durain » Wed, 03 Dec 2008 6:49 pm

pampers/huggies in singapore are not the same as those in the UK in terms of "holding" them in.

agreed with Callalily that some nappies will work better with your baby and you need to try a few brand until you find the ultimate one.

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Post by Blue Sapphire » Wed, 03 Dec 2008 11:38 pm

I've tried so many brands like drypers, huggies, mamipoko, pampers etc.

In order of cost per diaper:

Drypers is the cheapest at about 20 cents each and I used it the most because I thought it was value for money and quality wise it was fine. It hardly leaks too! Quick absorbancy. Only downside was the strap which is a sticker type but it isnt a big deal.

Huggies has 3 types with different absorbancy levels so thats a major plus. You can use huggies dry or comfort dry during the day and ultra for the night. Poop leaking out...never!.

Mamipoko has a softer feel and has cute designs. I found it has the least capacity so have to change more often.

Pampers the most expensive at $1 each. What are you paying for? The brand and designs?

Conclusion: Huggies dry comfort, Huggies Ultra and pull-ups works FOR MY KID.

As for rashes I apply drapoline in abundance so never had to deal with that.

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Post by snowqueen » Thu, 04 Dec 2008 3:58 pm


Just wanted to say thanks for all your comments, it has been a great help. Blue Saphire, you have now made me feel better about the 3 packs of Huggies I've bought so far.
One of my friends recomends the Pampers New Born as apparently they have a line on them which tells you when the nappy needs changing!! For her as a new mum, this really helped her. I just couldn't justify the cost myself.

I think I will buy a pack of each and see which ones work the best.

Thanks again.


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Post by natalyakir » Thu, 04 Dec 2008 5:35 pm

for newborn only pampers (yellow pack, don't remember the name), then pampers (same yellow pack) but size S, then switch to mamy poko. I tried every diaper type available in Singapore. Nepia is so-so, Mamy poko is OK, Dripers is sucks, Huggies are also bad. Also there's some type (forgot the name) it is sold on but close to mamy poko. It is ok too, though i didn;t like the pants(the sides are a bit scratchy). The best are pampers new baby and S (yellow packs) and Pampers easy up pants (green). The only time I bought Drypers for sth like 60 pieces per pack because there were no any other diapers available in the nearest shop , I was swearing, swearing to use them all! :x

P.S. Pampers red-green I stopped using because It didn't fit my baby's body(red areas).

I used mamy poko most of the time and can add that it is quite absorbent. The thing is that it is not cute design but the quality actually. If your drypers' sticky(damn sticky) tape would touch the skin of your baby, it is very painful for him\her to get it off. Really! That freaked me out! :???: Mamy poko fits better. For us, at least. I used it a lot and changed it sometimes every 3 hours, sometimes in 5-6 hours, so can recommend. Huggies all types are not that good (to me). If your baby wears them, the skin will be wet as i found out, it does not absorb that well. mamy poko for those who didn;t started to crawl yet. Beware the poo pocket , because of that all of the poo turned out to be everywhere but not in the diaper. As ur baby starts to sit,walk, at around 8 months, change to pants, much more comfy!

it is better for your baby's skin to change diapers every 3 hours, not 6 hours and not to apply much of the diaper cream. I ued it only first few months or maybe even first 2 months. Just change more often and immediately after poo. If you cannot afford quality diapers, then buy cheap ones but change often. It is not right put your poor baby in a diaper for 6 hours with a lot of diaper cream and tthen wonder - where did this rash come from? His\her skin needs to breath!

Sorry, didn't mean to offend anyone! :)

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Post by cbavasi » Thu, 04 Dec 2008 8:20 pm

diapers are a little like shoes - what fits one person well may cause another discomfort...
there has been a lot of good advice here ... but the wonderful thing about being a parent is the choice is up to you. as with everything "parent" related - it's all about trial and error. my mom used to say having children was like cookies... the first batch is always a trial... of course my brother didn't take too kindly to that. :)
i do have to reiterate my comment about the amount of diapers the newborn goes through... it's quite a few. i'm talking about the first few weeks. for those of you moms out there - don't you think??? i really forgot that 2nd time around.
also, i remember reading all the "what to expect" books and was busy wiping my newborns bottom with cotton pads and water... messy, messy! when i had my second i realized they were using pigeon wipes in the hospital from the get-go and i did that. you'll pick up things as you go... you'll do great!!

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