Singapore Expats

Relocating to Singapore...

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Relocating to Singapore...

Post by jpoorni » Tue, 02 Dec 2008 5:38 pm

We are relocating to Singapore in son is 5 yrs old.we are relocating from shanghai, but basically from india. What would be the best school for my son.local or indian school.we would be there for two years.
your valued information is appreciated.


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Post by JimH5 » Wed, 03 Dec 2008 8:41 pm

Hello Poorni--

I can't answer your question for you on which is the best choice for you to make. There are lots of variables. Here's what went into our decision when we moved here one year ago. Our daughter was 3 at the time, currently 4. . .entering K1 in January.

We wanted her to be with local kids as well as other expat kids.

We wanted to be close to our home, within walking distance, preferred, or MRT.

We wanted her to be exposed to some Mandarin, but receive the majority of her lessons in English.

What we wanted most for her first school experience was to develop a love of learning, and a respect for others. We wanted a cooperative environment, not a competitive one--she's only 4 years old.

When we came here in October 07 for a preliminary trip, we visited a couple of schools that met those qualifications, and saw how engaged the kids were at one of the Pat's Schoolhouse locations--so we chose Pat's. There are also kids at a nearby Eton House, and a Montessori, and Chatsworth, and SAS. . .and it seems that every parent we meet thinks they made a good decision for them.

There are a lot of good schools here--maybe all of them. But I think you have to see the place, meet an administrator, get a feel for what goes on there before you decide for yourself.

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Post by durain » Wed, 03 Dec 2008 10:29 pm

sometimes choosing a school depends on where you going to be living. so for a starter, have a look at this...

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