Appreciate any advise

I think there should be no problem with CPF. When I first came here on EP, I paid (actually my company did on my behalf) CPF. Few years later I went back to my home country, and according to my agreement with my company, withdraw the CPF and paid the sum back to my company. I then came back here 1 year after that, stay back here on EP again but by the time, CPF was not compulsory to EP holders so I did not put in any sum. 2003 I became a PR and asked CPF whether I needed to repay my previous CPF amount and the answer was no.sundaymorningstaple wrote:Yeah, up till around '97 or so, EP holders were subject to CPF contributions as well. One of my mates from NZ worked on the old Asia Badger project back in the '90's and and made contributions to the CPF funds as required back then. He subsequently went to Indo, M'sia, Dubai and back to Singapore. Last year he applied for PR and got is without a problem. (He left the CPF in the whole time and it has been accumulating interest at 2.6 & 4% for the past 12 years or so. So yes, a lot hinges on the CPF contributions.
And, like said above, having a pretty good explanation of why you left in the first place. Hopefully not to get a son out of NS! Will sink you for sure.
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