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SG = Brave New World

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SG = Brave New World

Post by stacey » Tue, 18 Nov 2008 12:51 pm

Am I the only one who gets this funny feeling...

I could go into the details, but I'm sure you know what I'm talking about...

...or need I elaborate?

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Post by Saint » Tue, 18 Nov 2008 2:14 pm

I'm guessing from your various postings that you've probably never been to Singapore before so yes, could be seen as a Brave New World. Do you plan to make a reckie trip first? A lot of people find is very hard to adjust to life here and it can be a very lonely place. But on the other hand many people absolutely love it here :cool:

You are asking all the normal questions about what to expect, but be prepared, it's not like the US, the UK, Australia, it's Singapore.

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Post by stacey » Tue, 18 Nov 2008 3:44 pm

nope - havent been. and will move out of necessity to follow job perhaps..

but your point asked a different way... how much of a culture shock do you get when moving to UK, Australia, USA, NYC, etc...

A lot maybe... perhaps more than at SG.
But for me moving to NYC was natural and received very well...
SG just seems to be a more hermetic place than most others...
I have no question I'll like it and I and most people would live well there...
The question on the back of most people must be how long until you feel you're in a different world..
Everyone has a 'number' they want to reach before retirement...
Perhaps everyone also has a 'number' before they want to retire from SG...
for some the number is 25+ to life though...
and I am a big fan of 'to each his/her own' !

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Post by durain » Tue, 18 Nov 2008 3:59 pm

if you dont do it, you never know. if you do it, put it down as experiencing another country - whether it is good or bad.

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