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Bus ticket to KL

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Bus ticket to KL

Post by Avida » Tue, 11 Nov 2008 12:13 pm

I remember posting this last Friday but the thread seem to have disappear. Dear moderator, if you have removed it intentionally, please let me know, at least I won't think I am hallucinating.

To start again, I am not a commercial tour company trying to jack up my ticket sales through some online forum.

I just bought a bus ticket to KL for 21st Nov but can't use it anymore because I have other plans in Singapore. I cannot change the date because i bought this ticket through the company website and their policy is as such.

Bus ticket is from Konsortium and it is one-way to KL. Return ticket is from First Coach (if you want this ticket too, it can be arranged but if you don't, I can change the date for this ticket, so no problem)

Konsortium ticket is S$22, First Coach ticket is S$19

I'm selling the ticket at cost price and not making a profit. Times are bad and me being frugal just don't want to waste the dollar. So if you are intending to make a trip to KL, please help me off load the ticket.

Many thanks. Pls PM or email at [email protected]

Notes to the moderator:
Why I think this post belongs here is because this is travel related and therefore can be considered as relevant to the sub-section.

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Post by Bafana » Tue, 11 Nov 2008 9:42 pm

Your selling something so it is an Ad and that's why I deleted the first post - Am leaving this post intact since you have kindly asked why.
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