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PS3 game prices and best place to buy?

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PS3 game prices and best place to buy?

Post by kramerfin » Thu, 06 Nov 2008 8:46 pm


what's the average price for new PS3 games in Singapore and what's the best place to shop?

A friend is visiting me in Europe and she offered to bring me games but she has no clue where - and I don't know if they're any cheaper in the first place.

(I take it all PS3 games are region-free..?)

Thanks in advance!

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Post by sierra2469alpha » Fri, 07 Nov 2008 9:26 am

Hey kramer - no, not all PS3 games are region free. Personally, is the cheapest I've found anywhere. Just order the right region for your machine.

In terms of SIN pricing, Call of Duty 4 at HMV was $120 a month or so ago.

HTH, Mr. P

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Post by kramerfin » Fri, 07 Nov 2008 4:36 pm

Thanks sierra!

HMV has the same prices as Europe so I guess I'll just forget about it. I was hoping for 60-80 SGD for new titles.. in Canada has some good offers and easily beats street prices (COD4 is 75 SGD + shipping). But as with, there's a customs + vat risk when ordering to EU for over 45 euros worth = about 90 SGD.

About region codes - Wikipedia says
"All games available for the PlayStation 3 are region free, however backward compatibility modes (ie. PlayStation 1 and 2 games) are region locked. Blu-ray Disc and DVD region codes are also enforced."

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DimWit Kid
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Post by DimWit Kid » Fri, 07 Nov 2008 4:47 pm

sierra2469alpha wrote:Hey kramer - no, not all PS3 games are region free. Personally, is the cheapest I've found anywhere. Just order the right region for your machine.

In terms of SIN pricing, Call of Duty 4 at HMV was $120 a month or so ago.

HTH, Mr. P
COD4 at $120 is waaaaaaaaaaay too expensive.
I bought it probably 6-7 months ago (as it was released) for 89. Certainly not above 100 - never bought ps3 games above 100 (assuming you are not talking of any box-set or whatever special sets). I'm talking sing dollar.

I bought my games via amazon, or in shops (there are 3 or 4) in Funan. Even Challenger do not sell COD4 that expensive!!

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DimWit Kid
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Post by DimWit Kid » Fri, 07 Nov 2008 4:51 pm

kramer - you are right - all ps3 games are region free.

Re prices, many games, if released for Asia are at the rate of about 60-75. US-released imported games usually priced between 80-95. European released (eg. PES2009) can be more expensive, but if you buy in the right place should never exceed 100 sing. (Some places, I know, sells 110-120 sing dollars for PES2009 - what a ripoff).

When I ordered from Amazon, it is taxed and GSTed. In the end almost the same as the one I can buy here, and if I buy the US import here, I can play right away :P So I usually used Amazon when I go to the US (deliver to my hotel) or if a colleague visit me here...
(I hope that's legal eh??)

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Post by sierra2469alpha » Fri, 07 Nov 2008 5:06 pm

Kramer - Most of my PS3 games have the figure of the globe, with 4 (as distinct from Blu-Ray movies, which are Region A for us here in SIN). My thinking is that this is somewhat of a region code although it doesn't explicitly say. Having just done a bit more judicious googling, the globe and the associated number indicate the region in which online play will work. Eg, if the game has a globe and 1, then online play is restricted to DVD region 1.

DWK: Yes, I agree $120 for COD4 was expensive - I didn't buy it - it was a gift from Ms. C, but passed on the pricing for y'all anyway!

Again, amazon is one of the better sites. I'm not sure why you're worried about import duty and GST - I've never been hit as long as you buy items which are <$SGD300 or equivalent - this includes books etc. Unless I'm just lucky!

Kramer - sorry I took the globe and region number as being region lockdown as distinct from region online gameplay - my mistake, sorry.

Mr. P

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