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Chinese based Preschool

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Chinese based Preschool

Post by carolynW » Mon, 03 Nov 2008 2:27 am

Hi there! I am new to the forum, have 2 boys aged 2 and 4, we are moving from Joburg. My husband and I have lived in singapore before (we met there) but it sure looks like a different place with kids! I left when I was 6 months pregnant.

I have been trawling this forum and asking my friends for advice on preschools, we plan to be in singapore for 3 to 6 years and in this time frame we want to place mandarin as a priority for the kids. They have limited exposure now but some. I have some questions:

1.) I am open to them going to a local chinese primary school and have the following list, Nanyang (yes I know some long waiting list), Pei Chun, Ai Tong, Pei Tong. I could not figure out if they were 100% chinese or like Kheng Cheng. Feng Shan and Yumin, which have websites but have chinese names but a 1/2 english and 1/2 chinese curriculum. Anyone know of any others I have missed on my list?

2.) For preschools, if I get there in dec, I have decided to go look at CIS (mixed reviews) and Patschoolhouse (PSH). I found alot of comments on CIS but not so many on PSH, anyone who has kids there? So far on the phone I have found PSH to be very professional, well spoken etc.

3.) Are there many preschools around the living areas? I ask this as I am doing my research off the internet and would rather the kids go to a school near where we live (which we haven't found yet but likely in the west coast near alexandra technopark).

4.) any other preschools that anyone wants to recommend that have 50% or more chinese curriculum? also we are not interested in missionary schools (even if they are more secular these days).


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