Hi Guys and Gals,
I have been reading your forum extensively, and collected some great information. Thank you all that have contributed, it makes the decision making process in setting up a new life in Singapore so much easier.
Despite my extensive research, both on this site and various other government and commercial websites, I have been unable to find a relevant answer to the two most important questions I face. I am considering an offer to relocate to singapore to live. However, the company that I will be employed by is not singapore based, and I will be paid out of a foreign country with favourable tax rates. So the two questions are: Firstly, what kind of visa will I need if I am not to be employed in Singapore, merely to live there, that is, Singapore is just a central location and therefore convenient to live. Secondly, with the answer to the first question in mind, what, if any, tax rate will I fall under and will any of the many concessions be available? I am unlikely to spend more than 183 days in Singapore each year, and I have an Australian Passport, though have not lived or paid tax there for some time.
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.