A friend of mine moved from Tokyo to Singapore a few years back. Guess what she hates most? That it's almost impossible to go hiking here. Singapore's tallest "mountain" is a whopping 165m (with a paved road to the top), and you need to fly for several hours to find someplace to trek that doesn't feel like a sauna full of bugs.MattV wrote:I've been in Tokyo 4 years, I'm an outdoor person and miss seeing forests, it costs about $200 to get out of Tokyo for the weekend, Singapore is more oudoorsy.
That said, I've also lived in both Tokyo and Singapore, and on the whole I like Sg better. It lacks Tokyo's endless reserves of new weird stuff, but it's a lot more livable: crowds aren't as crazy, prices are generally cheaper, it's a hell of a lot greener and the climate, while boring, lacks Tokyo's unpleasant extremes. So for me, living in Sg and doing getaways several times a year (which is cheap and easy) is just about perfect.
This, on the other hand, is an excellent reason to come to SingaporeAlso, what is your favorite local food in Singapore? I LOVE TO EAT!