I have email Dr Pat and told him the procedure that I'm interested in but it seem that the cost he quoted are not really cheap. Hmm.. How can i ask him for a discount rate?
Thanks for your mail and interest in our clinic.
I would like to inform you that the risk factors involve in each procedure of Arm tuck, Mandibular reduction, tiplasty and alarplasty are the same such as bleeding, infection, nerve trauma, scar etc. which is controllable. The scar of Arm tuck is running from armpit to elbow, if there is no hypertrophy it is rarely seen and we never have complaint of scar from patients including scar from tiplasty (mostly in the nostrils).
The lady in the page below had tipplasty but I did not match the before and after.
http://tokaiclinic.com/clinic/gallery.a ... gmentation
Could you please send photos of your face in front, oblique, lateral and from below up views for evaluation and more personal information; age, weight, height, health and medical history, allergies and whether you drink or smoke etc. including?
The estimate costs are as follow;
Arm tuck USD 1,800 -2,000
Mandibular reduction USD 1,800 -2,000
tiplasty USD 800
alarplasty USD 600
I appreciate your assistance in providing the requested information.
To prepare yourself for surgery I would suggest you to complete physical examination with pre operative lab test in your country if there is any abnormality detection you could be treated earlier.
The lab tests required are;
1. Vital sign; Blood pressure, pulse rate, temperature and respiration rate.
2. CBC (Count Blood Cell) , bleeding and clotting time, platelets count
3. CXR (Chest X-ray )
4. EKG, ECG (Electrocardiogram)
5. Fasting blood sugar (FBS), HIV, Hepatitis (HbSAg.B, C)
6. BUN, Creatinine, Electrolyte
7. Liver function test ; Albumin, Globulin, SGOT,SGPT, Alkaline phosphatase & Total Billirubin, Cholesterol, Triglyceride, HDL-C, LDL-C
8. Urine Examination (Urinalysis)
These lab tests can be done in Thailand but I would not recommend since any abnormality contraindicate to surgery will causes you miss the surgery if it can not be treated in time.
Please do not take Aspirin, Hormones, vitamins, herbs and no smoking 2 weeks before surgery.