If I have a chance to fly back home, here's what I tend to bring, that I cannot find easily or in sizes/models/brands that are not what i'm looking for:
- underwear (bras especially)
- Tampons
- Birth control pill (im used to mine..and you know hormones don't like changes heh..)
- Codeine (in case paracetamol doesn't do it for you)
- body cream + hair products I'm used to and can;t find here (don't think because you use Garnier or L'Oreal or smthg like that, you're gonna find it...sometimes you can't)
- clothes and shoes for work (I'm "tall" - casual clothes you can always get around, I mean fliplops, shorts, tank top etc... but classy stuff usually it's hard to find my size)
- some food I craved (it's amazing how the most insignificant home cookie or honey or whatever you haven't eaten in months can become like THE thing you'll pack first in you bags on the way back here
