Praise Ye The Lord.
The little muppet is back !
Halleljulah..bismilla and all that
Thank you for answering my questionhibri2 wrote:by the way, i browsed around this thread and no one seems to have answered the question (i can be wrong, as i just scan thru the posts) anyway, just in case:x3 Candy wrote: can i know wad kind of houses/property are those
walk·up also walk-up (wôkp)
1. An apartment house or office building with no elevator.
2. An apartment or office in a building with no elevator.
(as an Adjective)
1. having the function of carrying plans, orders, laws, etc., into effect: the executive producer
2. of or for executives: the executive car park
3. Informal very expensive or exclusive: executive cars
for executive, #3 seems to be the one you are interested in.
about your age and so, well, the first time i moved to my own place (with housemates) i was 17, so you can be near there if you choose that...
Why do you say that I am thick-skinnedsundaymorningstaple wrote:She'll be back. She comes and goes. Have to give it to her, she's persistent and thick-skinned so she should do well when she matures a little more.
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