jyothsna.rajagopal wrote:what is the value of FRCS glasgow in singapore medical fraterniry,,,, the SMC website lists it as an registrable post graduate specialist qualification.But in reality how much value does it add on the resume or to employment opportunities ?how does it compare with FRCS Ed or London? Can someone help me with info as i am taking the FRCS G exam and would want the money and effort it to amount to something !!!!!!!!!
you will get a job with such recognized qualifications. (i presume GLASG because you're based in india?)
i don't believe there's much distinction in the public eye (pun intended) between FRCSi, FRCS, FRCophth or MRCSed due to strict regulation and qualification scrutiny by the medical council.
despite less money in the public sector and more stress and only prov registration, it's still good money (dependent on your experience).
you'll definitely be able to support a wife and child in singapore; others have done so with less pay. just finish it and clear your ICO if you can (for professional reasons).
your time spent in the public hospital will help you get the hang of the local patients and system. think of it as part of your training!
good luck, and here's an advanced welcome to the SMA. don't forget to get your SMC car label and SMA credit card on your way out.
taxico, m.d.