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How to get slim like the locals

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Post by mondaymorningquarterback » Wed, 24 Sep 2008 9:39 am

Thanks for that pretty picture bunny. You just ruined my lunch

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Post by EADG » Mon, 29 Sep 2008 10:08 pm

One of the first things that struck me when I arrived here from Japan was the considerably higher percentage of overweight and even slightly chubby people.

I won't repeat here what I've already said about my misgivings for local food, but I do think diet has a lot to do with it.

Unfortunately I don't find the fish here as good, which I think plays a major role. Not all Japanese food is super healthy, but I do feel I ate better there with the exception of the cheap fruit here.

Odd as people here seem more athletic than their Japanese counterparts.
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Post by chixchix » Tue, 30 Sep 2008 9:35 am

Some people actually feel that Chinese women are genetically more on the slimmer side, most of them even after they give birth they still have no tummy pouch. Their food is not spicy most of the time, less salt, its just different compared to Malay,Indian or Western cuisine.Unless, the couch potato sits in front of the tv and eats and eats but dont exercise.. thats when they put on ... anyone can..

Malay food is more coconut based,,the lemak.Rich in fat..I feel that Malays and Indians are bit heavy on the below body, like butts and thighs.Indian food especially the South Indian food is spicy, lots of curry powder type. North Indians, they love their food with ghee. but no matter how slim a girl is, the " child bearing type of hips" are always there...and expands after giving birth.

most of the time, women here dont want to exercise.Either no time, or no discipline. I feel that our western friends body type are different ..they are taller and bigger in size..
If compare western babies with our local babies,,, our babies are smaller in size..although new born weight can be up to 4 kg.

So dont worry, eat what you want in moderation, reduce the oily stuff and out.. and I think all should be well. :)

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Post by Splatted » Sat, 04 Oct 2008 7:32 pm

one tip to staying thin like the locals: You will notice most singaporeans drink water, in contrast to many westerners who drink nothing but carbonated liquids (coke, pepsi, diet coke, pepsi max, etc etc)

Carbonated drinks can mess around with a person's metabolism, and have been proven (or should I say theorized?) to cause people to pack on the pounds if drunk long-term. ... rt-disease

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Post by ihatechinesefood » Sat, 04 Oct 2008 9:23 pm

i dont like local food.
the ratio of carbs to protein is like 80:20?!

rice, noodles takes up the entire bowl with pathetic amount of minced meat or "meatballs" made from startch.

eating local food definately makes a person fat.
gimme a sandwich anytime man.

how the girls stay slim here is...not eating?!

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Post by Global Citizen » Sat, 04 Oct 2008 9:43 pm

There is a difference between complex carbohydrates and simple carbohydrates. Not all carbs are bad for you. In fact about half of your daily calories should come from carbohydrates -- mostly from grains, cereals, fruits and vegetables. Only a few of your daily calories should come from simple carbohydrates like table sugar ... omplex.htm

Finally eating smaller portions helps as well.
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Post by EADG » Sat, 04 Oct 2008 11:21 pm

I think that's the real factor, GC.

When I go back to the States, I'm amazed at the sizes of portions (and the conundrum of expecting value for money vs. not wasting food as a sin and therefore feeling obliged to finish it all, etc.).

I cut my portions down when living in Japan, I think it made a big difference.
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Post by Global Citizen » Sat, 04 Oct 2008 11:45 pm

EADG wrote:I think that's the real factor, GC.

When I go back to the States, I'm amazed at the sizes of portions (and the conundrum of expecting value for money vs. not wasting food as a sin and therefore feeling obliged to finish it all, etc.).

I cut my portions down when living in Japan, I think it made a big difference.
I agree EADG> I find that as I grow older, my metabolism is slowing down and I've had to cut back on my portions as in addition to that, I'm also not as active as I once was what with all the dancing and walking I used to do. :)

I eat rice as my staple almost daily interspersed with pasta or noodles from time to time, enjoy my food tremendously so don't really skip meals and I've always been slim. I have to admit though that I've also been blessed with good metabolism and at 5ft 2in, and a petite frame, any excess would show up real quickly. I definitely believe portion control plays a big part as does drinking water versus sodas.
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Post by sundaymorningstaple » Sun, 05 Oct 2008 6:04 pm

I could write a whole tome here but as I've already put most chapters elsewhere in these threads I won't go into to much detail. However, I tend to disagree with the 50% of the diet should be carbs. I would only agree IF you were doing a solid exercise program or were extremely active. You are right about the simple vrs complex starches. But one should NOT eat starches first thing in the morning (e.g., brekkie). This is what makes you hungry at 10am. If you have as basic protein & veg meal for breakfast and do not have fruit juices or fruits UNTIL AFTER YOUR PROTEIN, you will reduce the craving for the 10 am snack. Having grains/starches/fructose/glucose first thing in the morning causes an insulin spike which is what causes the cravings. Same thing for eating carb snacks or alcohol (which, by the way are carbs as well). These should be had within 30 minutes of having a good protein meal. Later will cause an insulin spike which leads to more consumption of the same.

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Post by Global Citizen » Sun, 05 Oct 2008 11:16 pm

sundaymorningstaple wrote:I could write a whole tome here but as I've already put most chapters elsewhere in these threads I won't go into to much detail. However, I tend to disagree with the 50% of the diet should be carbs. I would only agree IF you were doing a solid exercise program or were extremely active. You are right about the simple vrs complex starches. But one should NOT eat starches first thing in the morning (e.g., brekkie). This is what makes you hungry at 10am. If you have as basic protein & veg meal for breakfast and do not have fruit juices or fruits UNTIL AFTER YOUR PROTEIN, you will reduce the craving for the 10 am snack. Having grains/starches/fructose/glucose first thing in the morning causes an insulin spike which is what causes the cravings. Same thing for eating carb snacks or alcohol (which, by the way are carbs as well). These should be had within 30 minutes of having a good protein meal. Later will cause an insulin spike which leads to more consumption of the same.
SMS, there's definitely something to what you wrote. If I generally eat breakfast, it's usually small and may consisit of coffee with either fruit, fruit yoghurt or toast or cereal and I find myself getting hungry late morning. When I skip eating, I don't feel the same hunger pangs.
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Re: We have been thru the

Post by hk203 » Fri, 17 Oct 2008 4:43 pm

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Post by hermanchauw » Sat, 18 Oct 2008 3:01 pm

Diet: avoid carbo, avoid sugar, eat more meat, eat more veges, eat more FAT (not the transfat kind).

Exercise: strength training, HIIT, avoid long slow steady state cardio.
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Post by sassyhoney80 » Mon, 20 Oct 2008 10:51 am

Im Local, and ive always been out of place untill i lived abroad. Im 5ft 10" and I am a curvacious size. I learnt from my life experiences that beauty is truly skin deep. Now I am totally comfortable with who I am and with my curves. Don't try to fit in, as long as you are healthy and enjoy life and exercise a fair bit to avoid unecessary illnesses, thats fine :-)

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Post by drusilla » Mon, 20 Oct 2008 2:07 pm

sassyhoney80 wrote:Im Local, and ive always been out of place untill i lived abroad. Im 5ft 10" and I am a curvacious size. I learnt from my life experiences that beauty is truly skin deep. Now I am totally comfortable with who I am and with my curves. Don't try to fit in, as long as you are healthy and enjoy life and exercise a fair bit to avoid unecessary illnesses, thats fine :-)
tell me about it.

I've always had difficulties getting nice boots & high heels in my size!! But here in saudi, they have X-large feet & clothes too!! :lol: :wink:

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atkins work !

Post by lilSara » Tue, 21 Oct 2008 11:35 am

I have one suggestion which I've tried with myself and it works really well.
It's kept me slim for almost 5 years already. I think you might have heard of it so many times, atkins diet way. For myself, I'm quite relax with it. I just avoid having rice, noodles and breads, that's it !!! then I can enjoy my meals, while, having no worry for weight gain. I still can eat whatever I want. For example, in the morning, instead of having congee (coz it 's basically rice), I'd have dim sums (not bao though) instead. There is less carb there.

Besides, doing some exercise for 20 mins a time, few times a week, would help you reduce your weights very fast.

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