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List of Skills Training Programmes (STPs)
I. Filipino Ongoing Development Program (FILODEP)
1. Leadership Training
2. Personality Development
3. Baking
4. Cooking
5. Dressmaking
6. Facial Aromatherapy
7. Guitar
8. Handicraft
9. Hairstyling
10. Basic Mandarin
11. Taekwando
Contact Details :
Contact Person: Sis. Rosalind Chan, Administrator
Address: Franciscan Missionaries of Mary
49 Holland Road, Singapore 258849
Tel : 62722535 / 64737324 (telefax)
II. GO Forth Services
1. Basic Computer and Programming
2. Fundamentals of Nursing Aide
3. Giving First Aide (FA)
4. Care for Infants and Young Children (CI)
5. Care for Elderly (CE)
6. Home Management/Nutrition & Per. Dev. (HM)
7. English Proficiency Class
Contact Details:
Contact Person: Pastor Rey Navarro
Address: 304 Orchard Rd
#03-93 Lucky Plaza (S) 238863
Office Number: 67347889
Fax : 64722754
HP : 97362828
[email protected]
[email protected]
www :
[email protected]
III. Archdiocesan Commission for Migrant and Itinerant People (ACMI)
1. Baking Course
3. Computer Course
4. Basic Dressmaking Course
5. Intermediate Dressmaking Course
6. Advance Dressmaking Course
7. International Cuisine
8. Asian Cuisine
9. Basic English Course
10. English Level 1, 2 & 3
11. Hairdressing Courses
Contact Details:
Contact Person: Ms. Elizabeth Tan
Address: 2 Highland Rd #03-19, CAEC Bldg
Singapore 549102
School Location:
11 Hillside Drive (off Upper Serangoon Rd.
Singapore 549115
Inquiries: 6284 8797 (every Sunday)
[email protected]
IV. Filipino Overseas Workers in Singapore (FOWS) - Skills Training Program
1. Basic English
2. Basic Mandarin
3. Basic Guitar Playing
4. Voice (Vocal) lesson
5. Dancing Class
6. Arts & Craft
7. Aromatherapy
8. Bookkeeping & Accounting 1
9. Bookkeeping & Accounting 2
10. Computer Fundamentals
11. Computer Electives
12. Computer Technician & Networking
13. Basic Baking
14. Advanced Baking
15. Nursing Aide **
16. Basic Dressmaking
17. Advanced Dressmaking
18. Cosmetology
19. Hotel Restaurant Mgmt/ Catering
20. International Cuisine
21. Food Production/Preservation
22. Tailoring
23. Taekwondo
24. Entrepreneur & Wealth Management
25. Rondalla Course
26. Ballroon Dancing Lesson
27. Photography Lesson
Contact Details
Contact Person: Ms. Cora del Rosario, Manager, Bayanihan Center
Administrative Assistant: Lilia Guangco
FOWS President & Coordinator: Ms. Encar Montales
Bayanihan Centre
43 Pasir Panjang Road, Singapore 118503
Singapore 118503
Telephone : 64743700
Fax : 64722350
[email protected]
V. Holy Family Filipino Group Skills Training Program
1. Dressmaking Course
2. Basic Computer Course
3. Nursing Aide Course
4. Hair And Beauty Care
5. Guitar Lesson
6. Aromatherapy Course
7. Basic English Course
Contact Details:
Contact Person : Vikkie de Jesus, Coordinator
Addresss: Church of the Holy Family
6 Chapel Road, Singapore 429509
(along East Coast Rd)
Handphone : 81805294
VI. Novena Filipino Community Skills Development Program
1. Caregiver Courses
2. Computer Courses
3. Cosmetology Course
4. Culinary Arts
5. Dressmaking (Basic & Advance)
6. Modern Basic Handicraft
7. Therapy (Aroma & Reflexology) Courses
Contact Details
Contact Persons: Sis. Mary Laetitiae, Spiritual Adviser
Mr. Ian Flores, NFC Main Coordinator
Ms. Luz Macaraig, NFC SDP Coordinator
Address: Marymount Convent
790 Thomson Road, Singapore 298142
Telephone : (Sis. Mary) 62509151
Fax : 62501804
[email protected]
1. Career and Money Management
a. Building self esteem
b. Planning & time management
c. Effective communications
d. Managing your money
2. Technology and Communications
a. Intro computing
b. Business communications
c. Business computing
3. Advanced Management and Enterpreneurship
a. enterpreneurship
4. Electives
a. Style with confidence
b. Business english
Contact Details
Contact Persons: Ms. Sarah Mavrinac
Address: AIDHA Center
2 Nassim Rd., Singapore 258370
Telephone : 67325434
Fax : 62386762
Website Address:
[email protected]
VIII. FAST - Foreign Domestic Workers Association for Skills Training
Office address: 120, Kim Seng Road, Singapore 239436
Telephone : 6735 7687, Fax: 6735 4322
[email protected]
Course offered : Chinese and Malay cooking
with partners :
Asia Innovatory Management School
Contact Details
No. 3 Lim Teck Kim Road
Singapore Technologies Building
#08-02 Singapore 088934
[email protected]
Tel: 6227 5464 / 62277996
Fax: 6227 9672 / 6227 9672
Courses offered:
a. Business Management
b. Information Technology
c. Personal Development
- Trinity Christian Centre - Filipino Ministry
Courses offered:
1. Computer Literacy I
2. Computer Literacy II
3. Basic Cosmetology
4. Advance Cosmetology
5. Basic Guitar Lessons
6. Basic Dressmaking
7. Advance Dressmaking
8. Small & Medium Enterprise
9. Agri-Business Class
10. Foot Reflexology
Contact Details:
Office address: Trinity Christian Center
Trinity @ Adam, 21 Adam Road, Singapore 289892
Telephone : 64684444 Fax: 64676005
[email protected]
Website Address: