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Your experience with live in maid

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Part time or live in maid? ( i have 2 kids but i dont work)

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Your experience with live in maid

Post by Kareena » Sat, 20 Sep 2008 12:22 am

Hi everyone,
Heres a list of questions for people with live in maids, if anyone would be
so kind to answer...thanks!
1. What does the lady of the house do (if she isnt working) when she gets a live in maid?
2. What does the maid eat? (makes her own food or eats what you eat)
3. Does the maid actually cook? (most of the maids were like...a little)
4. Do you actually end up having to cook for the maid ?! (i dont need more responsibilty!)
5. Does the maid wash her own clothes in the washing machine or by hand?
6. Do you have to set up a tv for the maid?...(i cant afford another tv & cable connection!)
7. How important are references in hiring a maid?
8. Is it better to get an older maid (40's) or younger?
9. what is your daily schedule for your maid if you have kids?
a lot of questions i know...but please do try and answer & bear with me!
take care!
PS- if anyone has a transfer maid in mind who is good with kids, housework and cooking pls contact me.

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Re: Your experience with live in maid

Post by cbavasi » Sat, 20 Sep 2008 9:14 am

edit: cutting post due to second thread started by OP who is starting multiple posts on same thing. waste of time.
Last edited by cbavasi on Sun, 21 Sep 2008 8:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Your experience with live in maid

Post by road.not.taken » Sat, 20 Sep 2008 9:17 am

Kareena wrote:Hi everyone,
Heres a list of questions for people with live in maids, if anyone would be
so kind to answer...thanks!
1. What does the lady of the house do (if she isnt working) when she gets a live in maid?
Wow! A lot of questions, but good for you for trying to figure it all out. I can't speak for everyone, but here's how I'd answer #1, and these are not in any particular order:

1. Volunteer at the kids school (10+ hours/week)
2. Supervise/manage 'home-leave house' (bills, insurances, vehicles, maintenance)
3. Cook dinner
4. Pay all the bills, both houses
5. Take the pets to the vet
6. Take the kids to the doctor(s) (immunizations, orthodontists, dermatologists, etc...)
7. Run all the errands
8. Organize all the travel
9. maintain all correspondences here and abroad (birthdays, anniversaries, parents in hospitals)
10. manage services here (gardener, air/con, etc...)
11. Walk the dogs
12. Arrange for car servicing
13. Arrange all couples social time
14. 95% of the marketing
15. Maybe most important: advocate children's educations (driver's ed, SAT prep classes, college tours, tutors, new strings for instruments, summer camps, and most importantly -- whenever possible -- do it all so I'm here when they get home from school)

There's more -- I just can't think of it all...

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Post by boffenl » Mon, 22 Sep 2008 1:00 pm

Sorry, had to write in. There are thousands of activities out there to distract you from your family if that's your choice (or need if you work). Many other threads on this topic just now as well.

Many expats with multiple maids spend quality time shopping, lunching and working out. It's the quintessential Expat wife lifestyle. But there is a new breeze blowing through town and more people are arriving on local packages. Old timers on large expat salary packages 9I estimate) will soon become a thing of the past. One such person suggested you'll never have this opportunity (for live-in help) again, so take full advatage. Don't know--for me it would seem like too much of an advantage.

If you can't afford another TV and cable box, then maybe a live-in won't be such a good idea. You'll need to buy not just her food, but clothes and roundtrip ticket home too. There are also hidden costs--like feeding her when you go out to eat. Although I saw (for the second time) a family eating out with the maid at McDonalds and as they gobbled down their Big Macs she patiently fed the baby--never was any food offered to her. Truly something out of the middle ages.

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