Hi everyone,
Heres a list of questions for people with live in maids, if anyone would be
so kind to answer...thanks!
1. What does the lady of the house do (if she isnt working) when she gets a live in maid?
2. What does the maid eat? (makes her own food or eats what you eat)
3. Does the maid actually cook? (most of the maids were like...a little)
4. Do you actually end up having to cook for the maid ?! (i dont need more responsibilty!)
5. Does the maid wash her own clothes in the washing machine or by hand?
6. Do you have to set up a tv for the maid?...(i cant afford another tv & cable connection!)
7. How important are references in hiring a maid?
8. Is it better to get an older maid (40's) or younger?
9. what is your daily schedule for your maid if you have kids?
a lot of questions i know...but please do try and answer & bear with me!
take care!
PS- if anyone has a transfer maid in mind who is good with kids, housework and cooking pls contact me.