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Emaar School

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Emaar School

Post by dennishlho » Mon, 15 Sep 2008 10:05 pm

Hi parents

I am relocating to Singapore from London in the new year and my family will be going out in the summer 09. At the moment, I am trying to register my 5-year old son in a few International Schools including Chatsworth and Tanglin. Came across Emaar on the website and then emailed them for some info. They were prompt and sounded friendly. I would be interested to find out if anyone has any bad experience (or good) with them. They seem to be the only school not having a waiting list for Aug 09. Is this too good to be true ?

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Post by durain » Mon, 15 Sep 2008 10:21 pm

emaar/EIS used to be ERIS in case you are doing a search on this forum for your research into International Schools in singapore.

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Post by dennishlho » Mon, 15 Sep 2008 10:43 pm

Yes I did find some info on that in the forum but I am not sure if there was any change in the management or improvement when they changed from ERIS to Emaar. I have heard there was some bullying in ERIS.

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Post by durain » Tue, 16 Sep 2008 5:58 pm

bullying? from teachers or students? if it is the students, then it is the individual, not the school.

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Post by charming » Wed, 17 Sep 2008 5:12 pm

My 14yo and 4yo started there this term.

I was in the UK during the application process and found them prompt and pro active with all correspondence. The children are happy and that is what is important. I have met the head on several occasions and was impressed with his approach.

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Post by dennishlho » Wed, 17 Sep 2008 6:57 pm

Thanks for all the replies. I have received mixed reviews so will definitely try to visit the school on my next trip out to Sing. Have anyone got any comments on One World International ?

P.S. big thanks to Babaraus, hope things are working out ok for you.

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Post by skye » Wed, 17 Sep 2008 8:07 pm

We also have a child, older than yours, at Emaar since Easter. We also read the old posts about bullying, but our boy has found the teachers and other children friendly and welcoming and we have had no problems of that kind at all. There are quite a lot of ESL students, as there are in most International Schools like ISS, OFS and Chatsworth. The main exception is Tanglin which does not take students who are not already fluent in english, but I guess that may not be an option for you with current waiting lists. The campus is spacious and pool and games halls are good. The school got its IB diploma accreditation for the High School in April and is moving ahead with accreditation for the IB Primary Years Program which would be relevant to you, OP. The head of the Infant and Junior School is American and highly visible, busy interacting with the kids and her staff when I've visited.

Didn't look at One World as it's for younger kids that mine and was not operational when we needed a school, but according to last week's Straits Times, it only has a couple of students so far. That could change very quickly though. In a previous posting in a nearby country, our older kids started in a new school with less than 30 students which grew to 800 before they left.

Best thing is to make some appointments when you get the chance to visit and have a look for yourself, to get a feel for what is best for your family.

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Post by dennishlho » Wed, 17 Sep 2008 9:49 pm

Skype: thanks for sharing with us your good experience which made us feel a bit more easy about looking for a school for Aug 09. Will definitely want to see OWI too since they have a friendly looking website and facilities etc seem good. As both Emaar and OWI have no wait list, I hope there is still a chance to get in if I manage to go to Sing and see them first in November.

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Post by Kareena » Sat, 20 Sep 2008 10:35 pm

My 4 yr old is going to Emaar. She seems happy. They have a v good campus, and reasonable fee. One thing which really impressed me , shes already singing mandarin songs and its just been a month. Their bus service is really good. I cant pick n drop my daughter so the bus is really helpful & safe.

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Post by charming » Wed, 24 Sep 2008 8:37 am

Had to laugh kareena my DD is in the same year, maybe same class, she too was singing "Head, shoulders,knees and toes" in Mandarin a week after she started and her ability to sit and do colouring and 'read' books on her own has surpassed my expectations.

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Post by radar » Fri, 10 Oct 2008 8:46 pm

We have two kids in EMAAR school and think about takeing them out. There has been too many problems since we are there. Children are often not allowed to use the toilet during the lessons and they wet their pants and the floor. There is simply not enough supervision during lunch breaks. The kids can do and eat what they want (ice cream every day) or eat nothing at all. Nobody cares what they do during the breaks.

But the worst problem for sure is that children get hurt all the time. Pushing, punching, hitting and hurting each other is simply daily business there. It seems that the principal simply ignores this problem.

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Post by dennishlho » Fri, 10 Oct 2008 9:31 pm

Really sorry to hear that. I have taken Emaar off my viewing list when I go to Singapore in a few weeks time. I hope you will find somewhere suitable for your children soon. It is outrages that they charge so much money for such poor quality education. I wonder who is regulating all these International Schools ?

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Post by Scottie » Sat, 11 Oct 2008 6:20 pm

Dennis... (I think), Sorry that you had a few replies about EIS and then one came in and you changed your mind about visiting the school. My four year old goes there..... They welcome parents that visit the school and I have been there many times during the lunchtime - the kids play in the gym with a teacher supervising them - there is a whole bunch of teachers around at lunchtime - they even stop the kids from playing to ensure that they have eaten properly, ice cream allowed to be bought only once per week. I have found the headmaster very approachable and you can always see him going about. The head of Junior school is there in the morning to welcome the kids off the bus and Mr Renson is there every evening when it leaves. I dont know how the negative feedback is there and wether that parent has approached the school about it but I suggest that they do. My daughter has come on leaps and bounds since attending the school and came home after having "an accident" in the class as kids do - and she was nicely changed into a new uniform. I mix a lot with the parents and have not heard any of these complaints. I find it very good value for money - each home room teacher looks after 12 kids in the middle and high school which is excellent attention! Can I suggest you DO visit the school and perhaps ask them about these complaints and make up your own mind - I feel you will miss out on an excellent school. Visit at lunchtime - when you go - you will see the kids just running around and playing - I have not seen any pushing, punching at all - and I go many lunchtimes - all you see is them laughing and playing (also I love the singing in Mandarin that my child does now !) I also have a friend who has two children in the middle school and both of her boys are loving the school and have not complained about it at all. Radar, have you visited the school and seen this for yourself??

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Post by lilaja » Sat, 11 Oct 2008 7:03 pm

hello, my two kids also go to Emaar and they are both very happy - the facilities are good, we have also found the teachers and heads very approachable and responsive. I do guided reading in my daughters class 1x per week and love meeting her class mates but more than that I get a chance to see how everything operates, and I can assure you if a child needs to go to the bathroom they are always allowed to go straight away. - Pre School even have a 'bathroom auntie' to supervise and to remind children to wash their hands.
JS are supervised to sit at the dining table for 15-20mins at the beginning of lunch to ensure that all have time to eat their food and only then may they go to play. JS are only allowed ice cream on Fridays, and where as the children are naturally boisterous and playful during break times there are plenty of staff around to keep things in order. -

We have found Emaar to be a warm and welcoming school and would definitely recommend it, I love the fact that as a parent I am made to feel as much a part of the school as my children do and have made many lovely friends there from all over the world

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Post by Kareena » Tue, 14 Oct 2008 12:31 pm

as i said my 4 year old goes there...i've never heard her talking about fighting or anything. she loves going to school. everyone has good things to say and just because 1 person said something negative u completely change your mind. incredible.

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