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by pakjohn » Tue, 02 Dec 2008 1:03 pm
I eat a lot, and loved my George Foreman grill, left it in storage and was sure I'd find one here since they're made in nearby Malaysia.
The best I could do is a Princess model, (bought in Jakarta), that in some ways is way better, but the huge downside is that you cannot remove the cooking surface for cleaning. It's bigger though and square so it's great for panini's, chicken breasts, and salmon or tuna steaks. I finally got the helper to use it, once she caught on, everything was prepared on it. she even grilled the ingredients for sambal bawang in it!
If you know someone that travels to JKT often I can call over there and get the name of the store, it's a big Electronics depot style place, but I don't recall the name right now.