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by road.not.taken » Sat, 13 Sep 2008 9:11 am
It's almost impossible to do the right thing when someone harms your child -- not once, but a few times. We quit a play group because of 'Bobby the Biter' anyway... I think your (understandable) mistake babyplush, was to react when you were agitated instead of waiting till you cooled down and could talk to her calmly. Now you may have inadvertently colored the situation so that any future dialogue might be very, very difficult. Your goal is to be able to go to the playground and not have any child be bullied, right?
So, moving forward...
Next time you are both there I'd sit very close to her even if you have a book or a magazine, but watch the kids very closely. If you see an 'opening' to speak to her, as non-confrontational as possible, take it. In the meantime: If you see any aggression from her child toward yours, I'd say: Sam, why don't you stay away from Jamie for a while if he's pushing you. If it happens again, turn to the mother and say: maybe you didn't see, but your little Jamie & my little Sam got into a tussle, do you mind if I speak to them both? If she says yes, she does mind -- then walk over to Sam to comfort him and tell him loud enough so Jamie can hear (and maybe Jamie's Mom too) -- sometimes people push and it's not right. Yes, he deserves a timeout, but I'm not his Mommy, let's play over here for a while.
She should get the hint, if not enlist the support of some of the other Moms so your 'Sam' has some buddies with similar parenting styles.