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CX Singapore base Flight attendant recruitment 09/2008!

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Post by Plavt » Sun, 07 Sep 2008 2:23 am

Blade wrote:Not at all, read my former posts.

You will not believe the attrition rate.

So if you are applying, make sure you are 100% comitted and have no illusions about the job.Don't waste co. TIME AND RESOURCES.

They could have trained somebody else..

No hissy fit OK?
I have read your former posts and they are rubbish, be a good idea if you simply shut up, since you obviously don't know what you are talking about. :roll:

Ps: Be a good idea if you had a little walk to your local book store and bought yourself a good dictionary as you obviously don't know what a hissy-fit is. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by Blade » Sun, 07 Sep 2008 2:04 pm

''so u quitted'' hey watch your grammar,someone is having a HISSY FIT or worse!!

No didn't ''quttied [?] in fact 20+ years this Oct.

''so neither does anybody else'' Bad grammar too tsk,tsk

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Post by dreamDimpossible » Sun, 07 Sep 2008 3:07 pm

The advert says "minimum arm reach of 208cm", mm...roughly a minimum height of 1.58m?

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Post by dreamDimpossible » Sun, 07 Sep 2008 7:15 pm

whitepetals wrote:the process is much simpler than the other airline interviews.

1st round is the reach test, must be able to reach the mark on the wall...if u pass that then u'll be grouped into tens and wait for group interview. in that, you'll do a self intro and answer the qn that is posted to everyone in general, usually why u want to join CX and stuff. after everyone is done with self intro, the interviewer will post a group discussion question where u are required to discuss among urselves and come up with a common answer to present to the interviewer.

after that, everyone will be given a card saying that u'll be notified within 2 weeks or so if u're shortlisted for the next round of interview.

2nd round is the final round, which comprises of a 1-1 or a 2-1 interview, and a chinese language assessment test. 1-1 interview is just like a management interview where they will throw u questions on ur experience, why u wanna join this airline, etc etc...

the language assessment is to test ur mandarin. they'll give u a paragraph with chinese han yu pin below the characters (its usually an inflight announcement). you'll be given time to read the passage to yourself before reading it aloud to the personnel. after reading the passage, you'll be asked some questions in english where you have to answer in mandarin... simple questions like why do you want to be a cabin crew with CX and what are your hobbies etc.

you'll be given a card which states that if u're shortlisted you'll get notified within 6 weeks. if you pass, then go for medical checkup, and then pre employment briefing, signing of contract and etc. lastly, prepare to fly to HK for 6 weeks of intensive training!

hths! :D
Can we tip-toe to reach the mark on the wall? What about skin check? Are visible acne scars a taboo? Coz i'm got some on my cheeks.... =(

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Post by udunowhoim » Sun, 07 Sep 2008 8:50 pm

Blade wrote:''so u quitted'' hey watch your grammar,someone is having a HISSY FIT or worse!!

No didn't ''quttied [?] in fact 20+ years this Oct.

''so neither does anybody else'' Bad grammar too tsk,tsk

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Post by Mushroom » Sun, 07 Sep 2008 11:17 pm

Lovely shan wrote: they wont reply u till their interview deadline is will only hear them after that coz they will have to do pre-selection. thks.
Hi Lovelyshan,
So does it mean that not everyone will be invited for the first round interview?

Anyway does anyone know the height of the first marking for the height reach during SIA interview, is it 208cm or lesser? Becos i can only reach the shorter one and not the second marking.
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Post by akiheartfelt » Mon, 08 Sep 2008 12:13 am

Urgh what's this fuss about how many turns you can do a day? Isn't it obvious that the answer is ONLY ONE? Crew are not robots! besides, there are aviation laws to govern crew's rest period and there is absolutely no way you can hop onto the next plane without a min. rest period :shock:

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Post by Lovely shan » Mon, 08 Sep 2008 12:29 am

akiheartfelt wrote:Urgh what's this fuss about how many turns you can do a day? Isn't it obvious that the answer is ONLY ONE? Crew are not robots! besides, there are aviation laws to govern crew's rest period and there is absolutely no way you can hop onto the next plane without a min. rest period :shock:
Yah i agree, that's why i posted earlier and was told off by some ppl on this forum...

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Post by Lovely shan » Mon, 08 Sep 2008 12:35 am

Mushroom wrote:
Lovely shan wrote: they wont reply u till their interview deadline is will only hear them after that coz they will have to do pre-selection. thks.
Hi Lovelyshan,
So does it mean that not everyone will be invited for the first round interview?

Anyway does anyone know the height of the first marking for the height reach during SIA interview, is it 208cm or lesser? Becos i can only reach the shorter one and not the second marking.
Hi mushroom,

yupz, if the airline asked to write in, they will definately do pre selection to differiate which one is within their range of acceotable ones. and also for sq interview, they will ask you to touch the markings which is the height of the compartment boot on the aircraft coz we stewardess are to carry out pre flight saftey duties that enable us to open the compartment. and besides to help out passengers who need our help to stow their belongings on the overhead compartment. as if u are unable to hit their markings, then too bad.. well, they have their reason besides all that i mentioned above,... this to ensure staff's safety as well, coz if you are unable to reach the compartment, you might hurt ur back when helping out pax stow their belongings coz pax's belongings are not light at all and also in any case of emergency when plane take off, sometimes the compartment will open up due to heavy stowage and you have to immediately reach out for the compartment when nexcessary during a safe altitude.. perhaps this answer your burning questions. this all applies to all airlines ... SAFTEY comes first.

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Post by Mushroom » Mon, 08 Sep 2008 9:46 pm

Lovely shan wrote: Hi mushroom,

yupz, if the airline asked to write in, they will definately do pre selection to differiate which one is within their range of acceotable ones. and also for sq interview, they will ask you to touch the markings which is the height of the compartment boot on the aircraft coz we stewardess are to carry out pre flight saftey duties that enable us to open the compartment. and besides to help out passengers who need our help to stow their belongings on the overhead compartment. as if u are unable to hit their markings, then too bad.. well, they have their reason besides all that i mentioned above,... this to ensure staff's safety as well, coz if you are unable to reach the compartment, you might hurt ur back when helping out pax stow their belongings coz pax's belongings are not light at all and also in any case of emergency when plane take off, sometimes the compartment will open up due to heavy stowage and you have to immediately reach out for the compartment when nexcessary during a safe altitude.. perhaps this answer your burning questions. this all applies to all airlines ... SAFTEY comes first.
Hi LovelyShan,
Usually SIA request us to write in, they will just auto generate an email to invite us to round 1 so i thought it would be the same for Cathay.
Anyway I guess my question wasn't clear. Sorry about it~ I understand that safety is very important but I just wanna know the height for the marking that was pasted on the wall during SIA interview? There were two marking so it's the lower or higher marking 208cm?
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Post by Lovely shan » Mon, 08 Sep 2008 11:22 pm

Mushroom wrote:
Lovely shan wrote: Hi mushroom,

yupz, if the airline asked to write in, they will definately do pre selection to differiate which one is within their range of acceotable ones. and also for sq interview, they will ask you to touch the markings which is the height of the compartment boot on the aircraft coz we stewardess are to carry out pre flight saftey duties that enable us to open the compartment. and besides to help out passengers who need our help to stow their belongings on the overhead compartment. as if u are unable to hit their markings, then too bad.. well, they have their reason besides all that i mentioned above,... this to ensure staff's safety as well, coz if you are unable to reach the compartment, you might hurt ur back when helping out pax stow their belongings coz pax's belongings are not light at all and also in any case of emergency when plane take off, sometimes the compartment will open up due to heavy stowage and you have to immediately reach out for the compartment when nexcessary during a safe altitude.. perhaps this answer your burning questions. this all applies to all airlines ... SAFTEY comes first.
Hi LovelyShan,
Usually SIA request us to write in, they will just auto generate an email to invite us to round 1 so i thought it would be the same for Cathay.
Anyway I guess my question wasn't clear. Sorry about it~ I understand that safety is very important but I just wanna know the height for the marking that was pasted on the wall during SIA interview? There were two marking so it's the lower or higher marking 208cm?


perhaps i can't ans your qns... coz i 'm not sure what's the height , well that's the minimum height for the 2 markings. During my time, there was just one marking.. and not all are required to go through it, i'm one of them. :)

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Post by pink petals » Tue, 09 Sep 2008 1:03 am

is there any age cap for female for CX?


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Post by purple.sara » Tue, 09 Sep 2008 1:08 am

CX age limit is from 18 to 55 retirement age...
the 208cm is arm reach, tip toe is allowed.


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Post by becrew » Tue, 09 Sep 2008 1:47 pm

anyone has any ideas about what the time frame is from first interview to depart to HKG for training? 3 months? 4 months?

Lovely shan
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Post by Lovely shan » Tue, 09 Sep 2008 1:48 pm

becrew wrote:anyone has any ideas about what the time frame is from first interview to depart to HKG for training? 3 months? 4 months?
Based from the past thread, it's roughly ard 2 mths

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