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Anyone know where to buy a bike bag?

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Anyone know where to buy a bike bag?

Post by jochick » Thu, 28 Aug 2008 9:29 am

I'm looking for a bike bag to take a bike on a plane. Does anyone know where I can buy one and approximate cost?


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Post by QRM » Thu, 28 Aug 2008 10:06 am

I saw bike hard-travel case in that Trek shop near tanglin mall/St Regis, there's also a large specilaize shop in the tudor building next door.

an alternative is just ask for the original cardboard box that bikes get shipped in and use that for your travel. It will only last for one or two trips but they are free.

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Post by Girl_Next_Door » Thu, 28 Aug 2008 1:30 pm

I think there are three kind of bike bags, hard case, soft case (just a bag) and semi-hard case. Soft case being the cheapest of course, but it offer the least protection. The hard case has the most protection, but it is the heaviest, so if you are traveling, there is a high chance you might exceed your weight limit. Consider a semi-hard case, which is a good in-between.

The one sold in Trek shop in tanglin is quite expensive, probably driven by the high rent around that area. I think they also have a semi-hard case. A friend of mine bought the exact same model at T-3 Bicycle Gears in east coast, at about 20% cheaper than Trek shop. I cant remember what is the price since I am not paying attention. Google T-3 Bicycle Gears, give them a call, and ask them the various types they have, and how much they are charging for each, before you go all the way down. There are quite a few bike shops around east coast and river valley. Google them and give them a call.

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Post by durain » Thu, 28 Aug 2008 8:00 pm

i have used the cardboard bike box as QRM mentioned. works a treat. even Mark Beaumont use a cardboard box!

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Post by idpearl » Sat, 30 Aug 2008 8:49 am

Should help you out! Lists all the bike shops in Singapore.

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