I'm curious why you think it's "unfair"? Do you think that Singapore owes you, a foreigner, a job? Strange concept that! In time of economic crisis, like that which is happening now, you are going to see more and more of this as this government does not owe you a living, but it does owe it's citizens the ability to have a better chance of a job. If that means tightening the point allocation (of which we have no knowledge other that the fact that it does exist) then they will do so and rightly so.astridante wrote:I just feel its unfair that good people tryn to make an honest living getting the door slammed in our face..
If you feel it's unfair for a country to put it's citizens first then maybe you should head back to your country of origin and get a job there. You will be a lot more secure (albeit, maybe poorer though). The Government of Singapore does NOT owe you a living. Again, the poster before, had a job for a couple of years already, so it's still most probably a quota problem as it's easy to get a renewal with the same company (virtually automatic). All they have to do it pay the $60 for the renewal fee once the new S pass it issued. As I said, I lost to this month, I'm losing 3 more in November. As there is no way that I can get my local staff strength up high enough to boost the average 3 month quota base. It sucks, but that's life.