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Settling young children when starting work

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Settling young children when starting work

Post by middle1nz » Sun, 17 Aug 2008 9:35 am

Hi, I hope someone can give me some advice as I have two young children (2 and 3) and I have reservations regarding settling time...

My husband and I are both teachers and looking to secure full time contracts in the near future however I wonder whether it is actually feasible to both start work full time at the same time - and settle young children into new creches/preschools plus hire a live in maid all at once.

Would it be really hard to do this without a lot of stress given my children are young? as we are contemplating coming when the youngest starts preschool at 3? or can it be achieved with success?

If so, would we need to arrive quite a bit earlier in Singapore to set up?

We are currently in NZ and I am just relief teaching so my youngest isn't in creche.

Many thanks


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Post by woozel » Sun, 17 Aug 2008 1:16 pm

Hi Michelle

I read your post with interest as my husband and I are moving to Singapore in October (from Sydney) with our two kids - 2 & 4 and will both be starting work full time straight away!

When are you planning on going over? if it is after us, you can use us as guinea pigs, and I will let you know how it all went. :) We are looking to take an au pair with us for 4 - 6 months to take the pressure off us finding schools / maids etc straight away.

My company is looking into the visa requirements of this route / seeing if this is possible to do, so I can keep you posted on this front.

I haven't read too much about both partners working on this site - have been browsing around to see what I could find out.... but there must be loads out there.



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Thanks for advice

Post by middle1nz » Mon, 18 Aug 2008 9:18 am

Hi Wendy

Nice to hear feedback so quickly. We aren't moving for another year but by then our children will be exactly your ages because at the moment my little one isn't a year yet.

Yes will keep in touch as I wonder how it will all go with you. Good idea about getting an au pair, never thought of that.

Best of luck, will keep in touch as I will no doubt have loads of questions closer to the time but thought there's probably a lot of groundwork to do so its not going to be too much of a shock.

Have a great trip - hope the experience of starting up is a positive one foryou.


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Post by RIP » Thu, 21 Aug 2008 8:08 am

I am moving from Sydney in Sept with my husband working and I will have to look for a job while I am there and am struggling with the whole how long would be enough for my 3yr old to settle in, find him a school, find a maid etc.
Have you got your kids into school or have any ideas of good ones there?
I had heard Eton House at Broderick was good but now have read on this forum that is may not be that great.

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Post by middle1nz » Fri, 22 Aug 2008 2:19 pm

Hi, good luck with hunting for schools - my husband and I want to teach at the Australian International School as heard it was really good and great facilities. I know from attending a seminar that the American International School is very good - and despite different curriculums at primary it is easy to pick up as foundations are similar.
As for preschools - not sure at all although they start for 3-year olds. Good luck with settling children, I know from teaching they are very adjustable, probably more so than us.
Are you going to enlist a maid? We definitely are as I know preschools don't go all day, slightly shorter than school hours.
Let me know how you fare,

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