To have a company rubber stamp, it demonstrates a psychological presence for an authoritative position. When a chop is being depicted, be it on invoices or documents, it signifies and denotes the status-quo of the particular figure. This has been ingrained into Asian culture as a form of sacred relic and mutual trusts.
In today's modernized society, eliminating mundane traditions and cutting corners, having a rubber stamp might be seen or deemed as a naive progression for business engagements. However, cultures are in place to guide and established trusts between parties, sometimes seen as loyalty, royalty and respect. A simple example would be a procurement manager is likely to continue a relationship (chop the invoices) with an existing supplier and reject a fresh competitor even if there are incentives to entice him. This shows the importance of a rubber stamp as compared to online generated signatures.
Food For Thoughts : Ever wonder why is it always more costly to acquire new clients than to retain existing ones?
On the issue of forgery or duplication of rubber stamps, like it or not, frauds are inevitable due to human nature. Therefore, it is crucial for the person yielding the rubber stamp to safeguard it. In addition, companies should hire external auditors or have an internal audit team to constantly check all documents and identify frauds/errors. This should not be left out or taken as an excuse to cut corners.
Lastly, in any case of fraudulent stampings, a forensic team will be engaged to investigate on the stamped documents (position of chop, strength being used, time etc.) and determined the mastermind.
To sum up, a company rubber stamp symbolizes authority, builds mutual trusts between parties and overwrites certain conditions (example shown above). However, do not breach this forged relationship as once broken, deemed ended and utmost impossible for a make-up.
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