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by Mad Scientist » Mon, 12 May 2014 7:46 pm
Ok I think you are extremely confuse. I will give you point by point on how these pans out.
If you migrate to another foreign country with your sons before the age of 11 and plan to skip NS by renouncing SG citizenship these are the steps
1. Child will only get 2 years SG PP validity on a 5 years valid PP before the age of 11 prior leaving SG
2. At the turn of 13, child needs to return to SG or go to SG Mission to extend SG PP validity.
3. Apply Exit Permit for One Year 364 days for child and no bond is required. Continue doing this till 16 DOB
4. At the same time FAMILY UNIT applies for Foreign citizenship the minute it is allowed to do so as the time frame to defer ends when child reaches 16.Hence you need to count backwards.
5. Once EP is approved at 13, submit application to defer pending renunciation at 21 to Mindef.
6. Submit proof if family already has a foreign citizenship or the foreign internal department has received your family application pending approval to Mindef. This is vital as it shows that you want to sever all ties with SG
7. Concurrently sell your HDB house. Pay all debt, fines, taxes whatever tangible that belongs to the SG Coffer. You must be squeaky clean
8. It will takes about 2 months to submit by snail mail and another month to get it approve if
a) you already gained foreign citizenship
but if you are in the process
a) as long as it is before the child 16 DOB and you are granted foreign citizenship, you will be approve to defer. It will take about 6 months for clarification with foreign agencies on your application
9. Once child is granted approval defer, another set of docs will be attached for submission to Mindef.
10. At this stage it will take another month to grant an Exit Permit for child till 16 and another Permit for child till 21.
11. Once reached 21 you are required to renounce SG citizenship at any SG Embassy or ICA
12. If you fail, your SG citizenship will be removed from you at 23
13. Tertiary education is not allowed be it local or foreign before serving NS.
14. If child is still studying formal education up to diploma in foreign land, a bond of $75K minimum or the higher income of one parent of more than $75K if proven by IRAS or two living sureties which is one will be the parent and another a living relative in SG to ensure child will return to SG once he completes his education. It comes with a fine for the sureties if things turns to custard
15. At 16 DOB , child will undergo medical checkup, by then if your deferment is approved till 21, an EP will be required to register and this medical check up is not required
16. At 18, child will serve 2 years or 1 yr 7 months depending on his physical fitness
17.During this time even if you are granted approval to defer you can always rescind and serve SG NS
a)SG only allows Single Citizenship hence the lengthy procedure as you cannot becoming stateless in this world
b)If child holds foreign citizenship, he is still require to serve NS namely his birth right is SG and SG Citizenship super seed foreign ones that was acquired later as you are considered naturalised foreign national.
c)At 21 he needs to decide to forego one or the other citizenship
d) If he so chooses to remain with SG citizenship then he needs to serve NS and renounce foreign citizenship as proof as per clause (a)
e) There are foreign countries such as US, OZ, Sweden, NZ, UK which allows one to renounce these countries citizenship for the sole purpose to serving the NS in SG. Based on different age limitation of 27, 33, 30 and 35, you can regain these citizenship once you renounce at 21. An immigration lawyer should be able to assist you on this
f)If child refuses to return, bond will be forfeited or sureties will be fined but that does not omit his liabilities of NS duties
h) He cannot renounce his SG citizenship without serving the NS
i) It is wise for those planning to do this leaves SG as early as possible
j) Implications of refusal are
arrest during transit
Employment in SG
Fines and jail
I will talk about Re entry Permit for those born overseas by SG parent when time permitted
Does this answer all of your problems?
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