Hi there,
My name is Becki & I'm new to all of this! First off, thanks to all of you who take the time talk about your own experiences & give advice - the information on here has been really useful!
I was hoping to get a bit of advice / a few pointers on the following...
My boyfriend is being relocated to Singapore in January through his work, and I now have the daunting task of getting both a work permit & a job. I have been reading through the bits on here, and it's become apparent that a degree is fairly integral to this, which is something I don't actually have.
I am a project manager in a London based pharmaceutical market research firm, and have been doing this for 4 and a half years. I am planning on taking a course in Mandarin before I come out (to start to get an understanding of the culture and hopefully learn a few useful phrases) and am planning on continuing this in Singapore, which I'm hoping might help some what??
I am a hard worker, and am willing to do what it takes to prove my worth - even if this means working for free for a few weeks, so my question is really - is there anything I can do to improve my chances of getting interviews, and not just having my CV dismissed as I don't meet the 'qualification' criteria?
Also, how much influence do companies have when it comes to getting an EP? If I am offered a job, is there a high likelihood of being granted an EP, or is it still very much down to qualifications & experience?
Sorry for going on, but any advice would be greatly appreciated!