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Keeping in touch with the Ex

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Post by ozchick » Sun, 09 Nov 2008 4:59 pm

hibri2 wrote:well, as much as i can i like to keep all my ex's near to me.

at least part of them, a finger, an ear or if possible some internal organs...

otherwise, we cant generalize one answer for all situations people!... this type of questions as well as "do you prefer short or long hair styles" are so much "case by case" situations that are sort of pointless.

i will also add, that expecting empathy or advise in an pool of anonymous strangers is creepy to say the least.
Oh for God's sake hibri2, how DO you manage to socilaise at all?! Why don't you be a nice boy and crawl back to the drain-pipe from whence you came. Sigh.....
How CAN you compare this discussion with the merits of long and short hair??
Jeezaloo, and a pool of anonymous strangers is JUST the place to find out how everyone else manages such matters.
So have you been diagnosed with any personality disorder hybri 2, or you just a bit damned odd?!
As for "sort of pointless" well, why would YOU respond to something that's pointless? Maybe cos you're "sort of contrary"?! :roll:
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Post by Strong Eagle » Sun, 09 Nov 2008 10:52 pm

I wouldn't want to be 'friends' but getting laid once in a while might be OK.

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Post by earthfriendly » Mon, 10 Nov 2008 1:55 am

I appreciate the male perspectives on this. Most females I know would have no qualms staying in touch with the ex. It is enlightening to hear from multiple males, not just one or two that I happen to chance upon this topic. Of all the multitude of topics out there, it is not possible to touch upon in real life , time constraint or whatever. Forums are useful for little chitchats.

The last time I ever chanced upon this topic was many years ago, still a single. We were doing a double dates, me and my girlfriend. This young and handsome doctor, yumilicious =P~ , broke up with his girlfriend and got rid of all the memobilia, photos, gifts from the relationship. My girlfriend did not understand why and told him she personally would hold on to it. After all, it is part of her life, serves as a remembrance. And my girlfriend is one who keeps in touch with her ex, someone she met from school. It is part of her and it is important for her to preserve that part of her life.

Well, I guess many men see it differently.

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Post by hibri2 » Mon, 10 Nov 2008 10:23 am

ozchick wrote: Oh for God's sake hibri2, how DO you manage to socilaise at all?!
its an old recipe from my grand mom, sorry i cant share it with you as its a family thing (you know how gypsies are), so if you want to socialize as smoothly as me, you will have to find your own recipe, i mean... its obvious that you need it.

maybe ask me nicely and i will consider...
ozchick wrote: Why don't you be a nice boy and crawl back to the drain-pipe from whence you came.
i will take your suggestion under consideration and file it under my "to do - 2023" list.
ozchick wrote: Jeezaloo, and a pool of anonymous strangers is JUST the place to find out how everyone else manages such matters.
which is sad... and who is Jeezaloo?
ozchick wrote: So have you been diagnosed with any personality disorder hybri 2, or you just a bit damned odd?!
ozchick wrote: As for "sort of pointless" well, why would YOU respond to something that's pointless? Maybe cos you're "sort of contrary"?! :roll:
i like pointless... you are the one taking something pointless way too seriously, dont you have some activities to do to help control your rage problem?

then, you could have done the proper thing and ask a moderator to delete my post as this is "strictly speaking" and i was completely off thread (read the rules, just in case) but you decided to go mental a little bit, maybe trying to get some sympathy from the anonymous strangers, silly choice of actions... but well, we live in silly times.
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Post by EADG » Sat, 15 Nov 2008 1:15 pm

Strong Eagle wrote:I wouldn't want to be 'friends' but getting laid once in a while might be OK. with the ex- best

got contacted by my college GF a couple of years ago, we had lived together for 3 years and together longer and were very close

we broke up when graduation was near and we both strayed during a summer break away from each other, though it was her choice to break up for good

it was nice hearing from her after so many years, and we corresponded for months, until she suddenly wierded out on me, she said she didn't know why but I knew it was from something she remembered that she couldn't shake from decades ago

I stopped emailing her and discouraged further contact

re what EF said, I have both kept everything or discarded everything from ex's, depending on the ex

my most significant ex said she always gets rid of everything, which is why after our 9 years together I sent everything back to her, among my many other failed and hairbrained attempts at getting her back

what I wouldn't do for one more night with her.....

so like everything, it depends, all people and all combination of people in relationships and all breakups are different so the only person who knows the right answer is the person asking the question, and not faceless names on the internet who have not met both and lived through their relationship with them
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Post by TennoHekka » Wed, 07 Jan 2009 10:02 pm

My rule is:
The less you hear from ex-s, the better your life's gonna be. No news is good news when it comes to ex-s.

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