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MRT & Taxi's with two kids??

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MRT & Taxi's with two kids??

Post by jac12 » Wed, 16 Jul 2008 3:06 pm

Hi just hoping some other mums can help me get my head around using the MRT with two little ones. We are deciding if a car is going to be really necessary for us when we move to Singas soon. I have a two year old and a baby so currently we use either a Mc Claren double stroller or our Phil and Teds. How would I go getting either of these on/off the MRT and into taxis? Do all stations have lifts now as I cant really get either of these onto an escalator. Also what is the safest way of travelling in a cab for toddlers? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Post by rodandhelen » Wed, 16 Jul 2008 4:25 pm

Hi how are you?
We are lucky to have a car but on those trips i do have to do by taxi i manage with my 2 yr and 4 month old, thats only because he is still in a carry car seat, but to be honest i havent braved taking the phil and teds with me. Most taxi drivers are pretty good and will get out and help you but i have had the odd one that pushes you to hurry up.
I havent gone on the MRT so cant give any advise on that, but i have gone on the bus with the two kids, the phil and teds but most important of all the husband.

Good luck with the move


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Post by durain » Wed, 16 Jul 2008 4:28 pm

works for me with 2 kids on the bus, MRT and taxi. i only take the super lightweight maclaren vollo as it is easier to handle and carry.

p/s i am a dad. :wink:

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Post by cbavasi » Thu, 17 Jul 2008 7:35 am

i have two children and have been taking them on foot, taxi & mrt for the last 18 months (the youngest from birth). we opted against getting a car and have parlayed that expense into an condo in the center of town which means i can walk to the shops & school. i bought a phil & teds when my youngest was born and it was fantastic (my eldest was 2.5). i didn't find it difficult to put into a taxi since you don't need two hands to collapse and generally the taxi drivers would help if i had a lot of packages as well. there are lifts at all the MRT stations except the one at orchard is currently under construction ( they told me will be like that until next march) but the sommerset station is only about another 5 minute walk. i've only taken one child on the bus when i'm alone since it's difficult to get the stroller on board unless it's my umbrella one. in the taxi i used to use the baby bjorn with the baby and my son sits strapped in the middle. i generally leave the door open until everyone is strapped in which used to drive the taxi drivers mad - but now i'm faster so not fumbling around as much.
i've found that people will help you - especially if you ask. i rarely if ever take my helper with me - but if you do get a helper it's another set of hands to help you around town. singapore is a great place for young families!

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Post by sundaymorningstaple » Thu, 17 Jul 2008 12:27 pm


nice post. :wink:

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Post by Forks » Thu, 17 Jul 2008 1:38 pm

It can be done if need be and in many cases as they get older it can be easier than a car as the trains and buses can get you right where you want without the hassle of parking. Taxi drivers are generally good and people on trains as well, give it a go and see how you feel. :D

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Post by jac12 » Thu, 17 Jul 2008 2:46 pm

Thanks for the great responses. Sorry Durain I should have said parents rather than Mums. Rod and Helen I agree it will be easy when my husband can come with us but that will only be on weekends unfortunately. Cbavasi I had thought that we might try and do the same as you ie. get a better positioned condo rather than a car as we love walking and would probably prefer not to have all the hassle of a car. The baby bjorn will work well for our baby in cabs (until she gets too heavy!) but do you guys just use the normal seatbelts in the cabs for your toddlers? I did google toddler harnesses and found some in the US but they didnt look like they were quick enough to install for cabs. What do you guys use for wriggly 2.5 year olds?


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Post by aussiemeg » Thu, 17 Jul 2008 2:47 pm

Hi there

We are lucky enough to have a car but now my 2 and a half year old twins want to go on the train and taxi like their friends. I seem to manage pretty well and have taken the phil and teds with me. The decision as to whether to car or not really depends upon where you are going to live and what sort of things you like to do but my opinion is that taxis are still cheap in singapore and although the quality of driving can be of concern they are on the whole really helpful drivers and gentlemen. You can also get a joey harness for your toddler for safety.


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Post by cbavasi » Thu, 17 Jul 2008 4:20 pm

Jac12 - the toddler will get used to being strapped in pretty quickly - we'd come from jakarta where my eldest had only been in car seats for hours on end so you can imagine the 'freedom' of being on the loose in a taxi! again - strapping them in the middle for awhile will help since they are less likely to pull open the doors and windows. the best thing is just to keep reminding them not to touch and maybe give them something to keep their hands busy (for me it was lots of snacks - again the taxi drivers were less then impressed - but hey-ho!) you won't be in the taxi for very long unless you plan on going to the zoo or science center or something like that. for everyday stuff you'll probably just have 5-10 minute rides. i used the baby bjorn for a really long time just for taxis and then a sling (and put the belt through). now my little one is 18 months and she sits on my lap and i strap the belt over both of us and the part that goes over your shoulder goes under her arms (so it's like a double strap around the waist). the taxis are generally pretty good - i always sort of cringe when i'm waiting in a long line and see a red or white one (they are a little more beat up and the drivers seem to be a bit more 'peddle to the metal') - but that being said some of the smoothest rides we've had have been in those beat up ones.
i have a joey safe and honestly couldn't figure it out and my little one would go nuts when she saw it because it was quite cumbersome - but every child is different.
you may find after you get here that you really need a car and there are leasing options (do a search on this forum).
ps to SMS - thanks! :D

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Post by thirdeagle » Tue, 22 Jul 2008 11:41 am

For toddlers and taxis, I have a Safety 1st Tote N Go Vest. I don't see them sold any more but I have seen some at the toy rental places. You put them on the kid first and once you get in the taxi you thread the seat belt through it to strap them in. Its similar to this one: ... FRG&id=832 which is another option. The downside to this one is that you wouldn't really be able to put the harness on the kid before getting into the taxi - but that just means the taxi drive just has to wait a bit longer.

I'm looking at getting this one at some point.

If I'm caught without the harness, I put my 3.5 year old in the seat next to me and strap on the lap belt. I prefer not to sit her on my lap and put the seat belt over us both. I worry that there's more danger of my weight crushing her if there's any impact and she's on my lap.

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