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ortho doctor specializing in scoliosis

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ortho doctor specializing in scoliosis

Post by kayp » Fri, 11 Jul 2008 3:31 pm

Does anyone have an ortho doctor who specializes in the treatment of scoliosis? When two of my kids were checked at school the doctor (a chiropractor) said they had back problems but not full-blown scoliosis.
We'd like to get this checked out by a doctor. Any ideas?

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Post by yogibabe » Tue, 15 Jul 2008 12:32 pm

you can try to get an appointment with prof low at the nuh. one word though, his queue might be long. it will also be good to get a referral letter from the school doctor. otherwise you will be treated as private patient and it will get quite expensive.

sorry i don't have professor low's full name off hand but my mom was seeing him for a year when she had an injury on her back and we found him to be helpful and kind.

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Post by YumMum » Fri, 18 Jul 2008 1:57 am

Hi there, I had quite serious scoliosis as a kid, and it required surgeries to straighten the curve. Not alarming you, as I just just too far gone when it was diagnosed at 14. I would say though to be v v wary of chiropractors diagnosing scoliosis in kids. Everyone has a small curve of some sort, and only an ortho can give you a true prognosis using xray and scans. Chiros believe they can adequetly treat scoliosis - they can't. It's not mechanically possible, so hold out for an appt with a good ortho for sure. Keep school bags as light as poss. Swimming great to build flexibility. Best of luck.

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