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Anyone used bumwear or another cloth diaper? Diaper service?

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Anyone used bumwear or another cloth diaper? Diaper service?

Post by mrsli » Fri, 04 Jul 2008 11:56 am

Has anyone used bumwear diapers? ( I have a baby boy due in October and just wanted to know if anyone here had used them, since they're based out of Singapore. From their website they look nice -- but I'm a first time mum and have no idea what exactly makes a good diaper! :) Also, has anyone used any other brands of cloth diapers? Is there a diaper service on the island anywhere? We're in the process of deciding whether to use cloth or disposables and any advice from someone whose used both would be welcome!

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Post by thirdeagle » Fri, 04 Jul 2008 12:27 pm

I have an almost 5 month old and we partially cloth diaper... I use disposables for convenience when we go out, and for night time because I don't change her at night if its just pee. During the day, peeing in a cloth diaper will wake her up.

I have one bumwear pocket diaper at the moment. Its supposed to be one size fits all but I found it a bit bulky for the first few months. It fits her well now and I'm trying to decide if I want to get more or if I want to get a different brand more on that in a bit.

For the first few months I tried regular square muslin diapers, prefolds, beni benis, and kushis fitted cloth diapers. I found the kushis to be most expensive but very absorbent, comfortable and easy to use. I tend not to put a diaper cover over the cloth diaper most of the day and as long as you change her relatively quickly after she wets she doesn't really soak through.

For where to go - many department and baby stores sell beni benis and the square muslin diapers. I think I got ours at the Metro at Paragon or at Takashimaya. The prefold I got at bumwear. The kushis I got at First Few Years at Paragon. Mothercare also has some cloth diapers, as does the shop on the 2nd floor of Tanglin Mall - I forget what its called. I think I bought some Mio diaper covers there.

There are two websites run by local companies that also sell brands that are more well known in the US. Whoopeekiddies sells fuzzi bunz, bumgenius, bummis, happy heinies and mothers touch. I was thinking of trying some of those out now that my daughter is starting to grow out of the kushis. Babehaus sells drybees and wahmies.

I haven't found a diaper service here but I didn't really look hard. We used one with our first kid when she was born back in the US.

Some of it will be trial and error - what fits best with your lifestyle and what fits your kids build and temperament. Also, if you don't like cloth at the newborn stage, consider trying again later. Hope that helps. Happy to answer any other questions you have.

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Post by rodandhelen » Fri, 04 Jul 2008 1:22 pm


We fully cloth diaper our 4 month old son and have done for the last few months, we use disposableswhen travelling just for convienience.

I use bumwear and i find them really good, we dont have problems with leaks and he sleeps in one all night i just double up on the prefold insert and that works well.
They are not the cheapest but we worked out that we will get our moneys worth out of them, we used and still use disposables for my eldest and i agree they are a bit more easy and convienient but we are saving so much not buying for number 2.

My advise is to do what we did and buy one diaper take it home and we washed it a ew times used it a few times and tried it in the night before we went and bought a package of them.

Good luck


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Post by beckysmith » Mon, 14 Jul 2008 6:18 pm

We've used Bumwear diapers for more than a year and we have been VERY happy with them. Like what Rod and Helen did, we bought one and tried them for a few days before buying the biggest package they have. So far no regrets and they are really much cheaper than FBs

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Post by realthomo » Wed, 16 Jul 2008 9:55 pm

We use cloth diapers all day, except at night time when we use a disposable diaper. I don't think I will ever go back to using disposables during the day, even when we go out.

We have been using the Mothercare Smart Nappy up until about a month ago, when I discovered BumWear Diapers. I promptly ordered 5, in all sorts of gorgeous colours and patterns, and my 4 month old daughter looks wonderful in them, and they seem so comfortable. They also wash and wear really well.

We actually use them with the Mothercare Disposable Pads and a liner, placing them directly on the diaper (rather than inside) and they are wonderful! I only change her every few hours as the pads are so absorbant (and cheap). Also, it means I can re-use the diaper as urine rarely gets onto the diaper itself. Also, it makes it easy to change when you are out and about as you only need 2 diapers (just in case of a "number 2" accident), and a couple of pads and liners.

The only fault I can find with them is that the front "wings" tend to hang out - they need tabs to keep them up. FOr this reason, I have just ordered 5 Mommy's Touch diapers (from a supplier here in Singapore) and they will arrive tomorrow. I won't stop using the BumWear diapers, as they really do look and feel wonderful, but I do like the idea of Mommy's Touch as they have tabs to keep the "wings" up.

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Post by Thaiclan » Fri, 18 Jul 2008 9:20 am

Im expecting my second baby soon and have purchased online a set of BrightBots, Poppolino and Motherese nappies. I cloth diapered my first baby in the UK and found these 3 brands to work great for her.
I haven't seen these brands for sale here (but Im not much of a shopper), but they were easy enough to buy online. Oh and disposable liners are great too as they are easy to flush down the loo and capture most of the poo!

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Post by realthomo » Sat, 19 Jul 2008 10:28 pm

And liners can also be thrown in the washing machine, washed, and reused. Liners are INVALUABLE! They keep your baby dry and you can keep a CD on them for much longer.
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Post by realthomo » Sat, 19 Jul 2008 10:45 pm

So I just received my Mommy's Touch diapers. Not as good as the BumWears in terms of fit or colours, but at least the wings don't drop. I think I prefer the BumWears. I like these as they are One Size Fits All, and I don't have to go about buying new ones. I like the look of Fuzzi-Buns, but they are sized so not as good value for money.
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Post by beckysmith » Mon, 21 Jul 2008 4:17 pm

Realthomo, the newest version of the Bumwear dipes now comes without the wing-droop problem. I tried it on my baby and we love it. No wing droop - hurray !!

I was told by the nice ladies at the shop that I could bring my older Bumwear diaper for them to fix the extra snaps to fix the wing droop problem. The only downside is that it might be up to 2 weeks before I get them back. I might just send in half first to be fixed and when I get that lot back, I will send in the other half. If I send in everything together, then my baby will be diaperless as she is wearing mainly Bumwear :shock:

You're right about Bumwear being better than Mommy's Touch in terms of fit and colours. The Bumwears are simply gorgeous and they work like a dream too.

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Post by Blue Sapphire » Tue, 22 Jul 2008 1:05 am

Whenever I travel I have to bring a packet of disposable diapers with me for my baby, it takes up quite abit of space in my suitcase. We normally stay in hotels.

Anyone goes for holidays in hotels and use non-disposable diapers? Is it easier? What about washing the liners? I actually never used any non-disposables but thinking of trying.

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Post by thirdeagle » Tue, 12 Aug 2008 10:31 am

In addition to the Bumwear, I got a set of Medium Fuzzi Bunz, Mother's Touch, Happy Heinies and Bum Geniuses. I've used them all on both my 6 month old and 3 year old (at night only).

So far I've been happiest with the Fuzzi Bunz. Even though they are the only one of the set that are sized, they fit my 3 year old just fine. She's a long skinny kid, whereas my six month old is at the very chunky thigh stage. They haven't leaked at all with either of them.

My older daughter came out in bright rashes after wearing the Bumgeniuses. So we won't be getting more of those.

Both the Happy Heinies and Mother's Touch leaked with the older girl - we are going to try again and double up on the inserts - which we probably should have done to begin with.

So we will experiment for a few more days and I'll order some more. In general, now I've been using them, I think I'm more in favor of snaps than aplix/velcro. I think they'll last longer. I'm leaning towards getting more Fuzzi Bunz but the Bumwear is a close second.

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Post by beckysmith » Tue, 19 Aug 2008 9:08 am

We have been extremely happy with our Bumwear diapers and was for a while, had been toying with the idea of trying other brands. The thing stopping me was the frequent report of rashes from Bumgenius as well as the fact that velcro fasteners used its effectiveness after a while.

While I like our FBs, Bumwear work out to be a lot more cost effective as you don't have to change the size. What I like best is that Bumwear has a shop here in Singapore. Any problems with the diapers we can bring them back to the shop.

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Post by realthomo » Mon, 25 Aug 2008 12:45 pm

beckysmith wrote:Realthomo, the newest version of the Bumwear dipes now comes without the wing-droop problem. I tried it on my baby and we love it. No wing droop - hurray !!

I was told by the nice ladies at the shop that I could bring my older Bumwear diaper for them to fix the extra snaps to fix the wing droop problem. The only downside is that it might be up to 2 weeks before I get them back. I might just send in half first to be fixed and when I get that lot back, I will send in the other half. If I send in everything together, then my baby will be diaperless as she is wearing mainly Bumwear :shock:

You're right about Bumwear being better than Mommy's Touch in terms of fit and colours. The Bumwears are simply gorgeous and they work like a dream too.
Thanks for the heads-up on taking my BumWears back to the store to have new snaps put in. They put the new snaps in and now they work like a dream. I ordered some FuzziBunz as well, and they are okay, but the BumWears are a more superior make and much cooler range of colours and patterns. I actually took some flyers from the shop to hand out to all my girlfriends - they are all going to convert!
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Post by Callalily » Mon, 25 Aug 2008 3:05 pm

I used motherease cotton nappies for my twin boys. I am not sure whether you can get them here but found them really easy to use. We used disposables for night time and cotton ones in the day. I thoroughly recommend them. Better for the skin, you never run out and much better for the environment.

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Post by poodlek » Sat, 16 Oct 2010 9:11 pm


Any recent opinions of Bumwear? Tips/advice re: prefolds vs one size, how many to get, etc?

The reviews offered here, and having perused the website have me pretty much convinced but I just wanted to verify the info on their website.

Is two dozen a reasonable number to get for each size of prefolds? Do you tumble dry or hang dry them? Do they fit well and what are the pros/cons of using liners and covers?

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