chicsavvy wrote:Does anyone knows where to buy Italian Balsamic Vinegar? I've been wanting to get those real mean balsamic vinegar ever since I dined at Vertigo in BKK a few years back.
I don't know if they have added anything else to it but just dip it with some olive oil with the warm assorted breads, it can be just as good as a small full-filling snack.
When I asked what type of balsamic vinegar they used, the friendly Thais just said "Italian Balsamic Vinegar."
It has a partial sweet taste along with the sourness of the vinegar. It is unlike the usual balsamic vinegar where you could only taste the extreme sourness.
Let me know if anyone has the details
for me to cook at home that is.
From the vinegar expert, balsamic vinegars can be purchased here, although you should experiment with vinegars, the equivalent is an Asian 6 month to 3 year old vinegar, older the better, but more expensive, the 6 month is 100% natural sorghum and fruit, no additives or colouring, and no vinegar taste because the fruit juice is fermented at the same time, but you still know its vinegar.
Depending on what food you are cooking, you could look at the range of vinegars in NTUC, these are developed for food and drink.
Although you do not dilute them with food, just marinate pork for example in the pineapple vinegar....all the vinegars are natural sweet, and can be drank with water, although soda water is better, for health or mix the vinegar for salads, with olive oil. Cranberry or the red grape is tasty.
There are about 10 flavours in all, depends on the flavours you want. Balsamic is a much sharper taste, which you can feel as its going down, the Asian ones are more mellow, because of the different ingredients, mainly rice based.
Italian balsamic I have seen in Takashimaya, I think it was in the basement, cold storage part.
But there are many copies about too, so be careful, a true modena is around 12 years old minimum, is not cheap a 250ml bottle in Singapore would be expensive, anything under 200$ is a copy balsamic.
take a look at these prices ... modena&qet