Discuss about where to live, renting a property, tenancy issues, property trend and property investment in Singapore.
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by orbita » Wed, 25 Jun 2008 9:54 am
I am the tenant who signed the contract with the landlord.
Now my house members annoyed me so much that I cannot stand them any more. They smoke, talk loudly and were very vulga when I asked them to stop.
Do I have the right to ask them to move out?
It's my fault to anyhow ask anybody to share the house without knowing them well.
They have their names inside the contract but they didn't sign it. They share the deposit and agent fee with me.
Please help me. I'm now afraid to go home. Don't know when I sleep, whether they could do something harmful to me or not.
I'm very furious, confused at the moment. Sorry if my language sounds unorganized.
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by pat17eve » Wed, 25 Jun 2008 1:56 pm
Check with your agent to find out what are your options and if still not resolved seek legal advice.
Signed a contract before EP
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I am currently employed in a company A as permanent employee with SPass. Since I wanted a better offer I applied to another company B. In this...
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All contracts signed with foreigners in Singapore are only valid once the relevant work pass has been issued. If not issued, contract is...
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Sat, 12 Sep 2020 5:48 pm
2nd term but signed no contract yet- notice period
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I got my pass renewed last October 2020, but I haven’t signed any contract on my 2nd term, I recently got an offer from another company and all terms...
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Applying from outside vs inside Singapore
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^^^^^makes all the difference in the world.
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Is it easier to apply for a job when already inside Singapore ?
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