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by POOLECJ » Thu, 31 Jul 2008 11:33 am
Obama can't even admit the surge was a success. forget the fact he didn't want to go to war in the first place, can't the man simply say hey it was the right decision to surge ahead. No, the man can't. and further, how if the World does this man attend a church for 20 years with a preacher spewing hate filled words and accusations and not know what's going on. I'm all for a black, lady or hispanic president. And sadyly what is happening here is the voters are caught up in Obama's rock star image. he can give one heck of a speech, as shown on his European tour (by the way, we have many more problems in our own house right now Obama, and turning on the Germans is not in the top 5).
Now politicians will be politicians, which spin and flip flopping to certain degrees. but here we are ready to put a man in office who has just a few years of experience in the senate, has never done anything significant in his career, was a proud member of a hate america church for 20 years, and is courting the World instead of his own country.
And he has not laid out anything specific on issues other than he is raising taxes on upperclass (shut the investments off), raising capital gains tax (great for our retirment plans), going to pull the troops out (thank the republicans for the surge which might allow him to do that, but better be very careful). and he will meet with Iran and Venezuala leaders who would nuke the US in a second if they had the opportunity. Great, this will be a wild 4 years of this rock star gets in office.