sundaymorningstaple wrote:Some of you will remember that I went on a diet earlier this year and there are a couple of scattered ongoing updates in the Health Forum. A couple of you have even met me at seasider's before Xmas last year.
Today is the last day of my diet. It has been hugely successful. Beyond my wildest dreams actually. I have spent the past 22 weeks on a fantastic weight loss program that is more a lifestyle change than a "diet". While the credit for losing the weight goes to the Doctor who designed and oversees theses weight loss programs, I would not have know about the program had it not been for Baloo an Admin at who advised me that he was near finishing his run on the program with his unbelievable 49kg loss in 6 months. At that time I though

what in the devil must I do on this diet to obtain losses like that. After reading the links that he gave me, I found that his losses were "almost normal" with others both before and since. A few losing up to 90kg in a year. Two were recently featured/interviewed on
Today Tonight an Australian TV Program (last Thursday a week ago - June 6) One who just finished losing 88kg on this program in one year.
Anyway, today is the last day of my programme proper.
I started the diet on the 13th of January but cut down on some stuff one week earlier. After 20 weeks on the program I had lost exactly 25kg. I've been on a specially prepared stabilization diet for the past 16 days. This was to stop the weight losses without causing our bodies to react adversely and causing cravings, hunger and ultimately weight gain. I have lost another .8kg since then for a total weight loss of 25.8kg. I'm 1.7m tall and weighed 94kg when I started. Today, I weigh 68.2kg and I have gone from a 40" waistline to a 31". I can now wear the Tuxedo I got married in, back in 1983, for my 25th Wedding Anniversary this coming September. Do you have any idea how good that feels?
The weight-loss program does not have you taking any pills, special shakes, specially prepackaged foods or supplements (other the multivitamins - which you buy from whomever you feel like). While the diet is a low carbohydrate one, it IS NOT a high protein or high fat one. It is a balanced diet. The food is all fresh and unprocessed consisting of leans meats, seafoods & poultry and plenty of fruits and vegetables. Of course there are foods that are not allowed during the duration of the program but hey, it's a minor inconvenience considering what can happen.
The weight loss is great. But the real eye-opener is the other things that have happened due to this program. My HBP which I have had to deal with for the past decade has been borderline high around 145/95 while under medication (2 types). I am also a long time gout sufferer and cholesterol was elevated so was also taking meds for that & the gout. In February I had an appointment with my GP (usually quarterly). He noticed that I appeared to have lost weight (explanations then followed, along with links for his own research as he had not heard of the program either). I was 4 weeks into the program at that time and had lost about 6kg. He cut my Gout meds (allipurinol) in half.
Saturday two weeks ago I went again to the doc. He almost fell over. However, he wasn't complete dumbfounded as he had done some research. I, on the other hand had quit taking my BP med on Thursday so Sat was the beginning of the 3rd day without any. When he took my blood pressure he had to check and do it 3 times because my blood pressure was NORMAL at 110/70. I asked him how long before residuals of the meds would be out of my system, and he told me 24 to 36 hours max. At any rate, he stopped all my BP meds right then. He also asked me to monitor it for two weeks and ordered a full blood work-up and urinalysis. When I returned this past Saturday for the follow-up. My blood pressure was still at 110/70 AND My uric acid levels were within normal ranges as were both my good and bad cholesterol. Therefore he has stopped all of my medications now. For the first time in a decade I'm 100% pill free and literally "in Perfect Condition" health-wise. I have a BMI of 23.6 and a 14.7% Body Fat Ratio
Now comes the rebuilding of my physical self so I can strap on the scuba tanks again! I've just regained 20 years of my life. I weight the same amount that I did in July 1968 when I was discharged from active duty. That was 40 years ago.
If anybody amongst our readers needs to
seriously consider doing something about their weight then I would strongly recommend that you consider getting more information on this program!