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MLM in Singapore

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MLM in Singapore

Post by ksl » Sun, 15 Jun 2008 3:42 pm

I was knocked off my feet the other day, in one of the shopping malls Kovan in fact, which a person with a VID No was promoting a fruit mix drink, which i became interested in, until they quoted me the price of 132$ for 2 bottles.

I question the advertising standard, because the advert was quoting 18 amino acids, from fruit, So i asked for the bio-chemist analysis to back it up, which they couldn't give me. 18 amino acids from fruit and no grains :???: Even in the american brochure it doesn't quote 18 amino acids, which also puzzled me, although it did refer to amino acids.

When i got home i did a little digging to find out it was an MLM business, the manager phoned me the following day, asking my interest, so i was looking at doing private label although not possible with MLM.. I questioned the legality of his business and he quoted the exemtions of 2001.. So i checked the exemption, but they do not seem to be exempt, because one needs to pay full price for the package, and cannot get wholesale prices even for promotion purpose, and they only give a 30 day return, when Singapore states 60 days, to qualify. They also recieve commission with a downline too, although that is okay, if they do not get commission on membership fees. I didn't register to find this out!

Maybe i have misinterpreted the exemptions but i don't think i have, I mean I was really taken aback on the price of mixed fruit and some green tea with mangosten. I would have thought 10 to 20 $ at most, because the packaging was very well done, with good sales material and TV promotion.

My question of legality didn't seem to bother him at all, I guess this is really a blatant attempt at emptying peoples pockets, so be warned these fruit drinks, are most certainly very expensive! I guess it's only a matter of time before someone gets upset! although i enjoyed the taste, I have put the link simply to warn people about the price of this product and the fact that you should request independant analysis, not what they have done in their own research & development labs

Mods decide if the link stays or not!

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Post by MikeDirnt » Wed, 18 Jun 2008 12:54 am

so is this drink AVA approved?
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Post by ksl » Wed, 18 Jun 2008 2:38 am

MikeDirnt wrote:so is this drink AVA approved?
Well the sales team didn't know much, and the head guy who phoned me, says it is, but I doubt it very much, because I was under the impression, that all imports must have the importers address on the bottles, there is neither a company address, just the US one. and the peoples email.

I said to him I believed it to be, illegal and i didn't wish to get involved with it, the drink was quite good, but certainly not worth, that kind of money, although with MLM you are paying for the packaging & promotion, i guess the drink they would give you free ha! :lol: But is the risk worth it, maybe they have relaxed the laws.

Although I really couldn't sell anything like that, I have a conscience, when it comes to friends and relatives...I'm also very aware just how difficult it is to build a sales team up, that will perform, that's the biggest con of all! I'd say 95% of members will fail in the sales network, through lack of motivation and the inability to be productive to make anything significant, its a novelty for most, and a very expensive lesson for many. I have a friend in Denmark who finished his full time job, in animation to join Amway, he tried for months to recruit me. without luck!

Although i believe Amway is one of the better ones, but still pricey :roll:

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Post by MikeDirnt » Wed, 18 Jun 2008 9:42 pm

i dont deal with MLM. dont like the commission fees structure.

if you have a good conscience, why dont you try check with AVA. you can protect the consumers if it happens to be harmful. nice drink may not equate to being healthy :)
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Post by ksl » Wed, 18 Jun 2008 11:10 pm

MikeDirnt wrote:i dont deal with MLM. dont like the commission fees structure.

if you have a good conscience, why dont you try check with AVA. you can protect the consumers if it happens to be harmful. nice drink may not equate to being healthy :)
I do have a good conscience not only for consumers, but also for people on the edge of the law, this is why i made a point of telling them, that they had better be careful, they are not breaking the law, the law is complicated and it wouldn't be nice for anyone to be caught on the wrong side were MLM is concerned, because ignorance of the law is no excuse, here in Singapore...I would hate to see even them go to jail for a misunderstanding of the 2001 exemption. But they have had there warning, and now people on here have also been warned of them.

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Re: MLM in Singapore

Post by saint73 » Thu, 10 Jul 2008 7:32 pm

Maybe i have misinterpreted the exemptions but i don't think i have, I mean I was really taken aback on the price of mixed fruit and some green tea with mangosten. I would have thought 10 to 20 $ at most, because the packaging was very well done, with good sales material and TV promotion.

My question of legality didn't seem to bother him at all, I guess this is really a blatant attempt at emptying peoples pockets, so be warned these fruit drinks, are most certainly very expensive! I guess it's only a matter of time before someone gets upset! although i enjoyed the taste, I have put the link simply to warn people about the price of this product and the fact that you should request independant analysis, not what they have done in their own research & development labs

Mods decide if the link stays or not!

:roll: KSL,

All MLM product is not cheap as many in the market as I saw the websites that 2 bottle costs SGD$125.00 average.I think the drink is mix with water right?

How much they sell you?? :roll:

All food or drinks should test by HSA or AVA in singapore before sell to the consumers.If you buy from MLM product should request the test analysis approve by HSA/AVA as this is protect yourself in your health.

Almost MLM business owner would not care for pple as they more concern their own benefit as I have met many pple like that as I will not surprise at all. :cry: :cry: :cry:

Do you remember previous case from slim products which caused 1 one person need to transplant kidney case...????I would not explain more details here...before you purchase from outsider should check properly..

The advertise in the websites of the products will not responsible for consumer healthy.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. :???: I dnt think I will buy such products...

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Post by ksl » Thu, 10 Jul 2008 11:28 pm

I think singapore price was 135$ for 2 bottles, I never purchased any, I'm not that silly, however, i did like the taste! :)

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Post by ancientmoon » Wed, 30 Jul 2008 12:17 pm

MLM is attractive but hard to success
u can go to c the statistic on MLM
i forget wat the website name.
Get back to u once i found the url

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Post by jacques007 » Fri, 05 Sep 2008 2:28 pm

I believe the company selling the juice is by the name of xango? It's an american company which imports it's products from America and have distributors in Malaysia as well..
Well, I dont think Amway is better as i've got a lot of friends who are in Amway and they dont earn much.. Probably because Amway is more established now.. One key point to join an MLM company is too look for those who are still pioneering, cuz you've got the chance to be in the limelight if you do well.. =)

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for those struggle in MLM...

Post by eau » Sat, 06 Sep 2008 11:48 pm

This is very interesting and useful for those struggling in setting up home based business. pls check this out

Moderator has removed apparently the member's name from the hyperlinked MLM site noted above. The link still works but she cannot gain any advantage personally from it.


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Post by sundaymorningstaple » Sun, 07 Sep 2008 12:03 pm

eau wrote:This is very interesting and useful for those struggling in setting up home based business. pls check this out
And this also on the same site which basically says, it's all BS and we won't be held liable even if you follow our instructions. Therefore just another MLM scam!
Renegade System Earnings Disclaimer

Any earnings or income statements, or earnings or income examples mentioned on this website or in emails sent by Renegade System, are only estimates of what you may earn but there are no assurances or guarantees that you will do as well as the statements or examples or as well as others. If you rely upon any earning or income statements we provide, you must accept the risk of not doing as well. Where specific income figures and examples are used and attributed to an individual or business, those persons or business have actually earned that amount. However, there is no assurance or guarantee that you will earn the same amount. If you rely upon any figures we provide, you must accept the risk of not doing as well. For all these reasons, your participation in this Program and your purchase and use of our information, products and services should be based upon your own due diligence and judgment. Renegade System is not responsible for any success or failure of your business due to the participation in this program or your use of our company's products and services.
Sounds like eau is really eeeeeuuuuuu! Another sucker born every minute!

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Post by MikeDirnt » Mon, 08 Sep 2008 2:09 am

i know this is a bit irrelevant but i wonder if there is anyone that fall for the oilpod investment?
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Post by jacques007 » Mon, 08 Sep 2008 11:41 am

Oilpod investment? Never heard of it.. But will take note of it since you mentioned..

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Post by j8rry » Tue, 09 Sep 2008 10:56 pm

what do you guys think of fine wine investments?

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So can MLM be done?

Post by Fat girl » Wed, 10 Sep 2008 3:45 pm

Seems like a debate is goin on. so in conclusion can mlm be done and make u earn big bucks?

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