Singapore Expats

Don't they do medicals before NS?

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Post by ksl » Fri, 13 Jun 2008 6:58 pm

sourisso wrote:i see.... i don't know as much as you on the subject, i wish, as i would obviously find interest in it for myself (i know mostly about workout, muscles chrono-nutrition etc)

40 beats a minute, indeed ! Does it help keeping a strong effort going ?
Mine is much much faster :?
It helps to train the heart, just jogging doesn't really do much for exercising the heart, because the heart will adapt to the effort.. Athletes will improve their effort, by interval training, but slowly and in a controlled manner, not to shock the heart. One must not extend maximum effort too long at the 100% rate.

So for an untrained person a sprint of 100 meters at 30 to 40% of maximum heart rate, will introduce them, to hard work slowly, this should be done over several weeks, to get the muscle groups accustomed, to the effort...increasing effort each time until you feel comfort at a fast sprint, once you start to feel, a sense of enjoyment and satisfaction, it will be because of the chemicals released, up until then it is just plain hard and many dislike it.

From there one just goes on to the next level of exercising the heart, so you would consider hill running, slowly and controlled for a week or two, building up endurance and also exercising different muscle group, than a jogger. next would be mountain running, increasing effort for the heart, it is a very slow process, but through exercising and strengthening the heart muscle, under consistent training, will result in lower heart beat, to pump the same amount of blood around the body....any stress caused by cholesterol in the veins will result in higher blood pressure and increased heart beat, because of the force needed to pump the blood, through a narrow vein.

The most common formula used is found by subtracting age from 220...better to read through this link for a clear understanding.

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Post by bruinbear » Mon, 16 Jun 2008 11:17 pm

I was quite surprised the Officer Cadet collapsed and died. I had thought by the time they got to that stage of training, they would have been very fit already. Collapse from exhaustion maybe (I heard quite a few of such cases each year) but to collapse and die really very sad.

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Post by ksl » Tue, 17 Jun 2008 4:22 am

bruinbear wrote:I was quite surprised the Officer Cadet collapsed and died. I had thought by the time they got to that stage of training, they would have been very fit already. Collapse from exhaustion maybe (I heard quite a few of such cases each year) but to collapse and die really very sad.
Sadly many young people do pass away every other day, some in their sleep, the strangest thing i have noticed, is they have all been men. I have not noticed any sudden deaths in young women.

News on the Singaporean two that passed on, ... id=1476427

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Post by ksl » Thu, 19 Jun 2008 11:40 pm

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