My indonesian maid is urgently looking for new family. reason we released her - she needs 4 off day in a month(currently she had 2days) due to her computer class and nursing class falls every sunday. Due to my job, i cant afford to give her every sunday off day.nichib wrote:Does anyone know of anyone leaving Singapore who would like to find a good home for their home help/maid ? I am moving in July and wanted to find someone who was used to working in an Australian family- just thought I would ask around and this forum seemed like a good place. many thanks
Hi Kels - can you tell me about getting into playgroups or mothers groups ? I am keen to get into something like this asap I have a great one here in Melbourne and will miss it alot ! I agree Skype is fab- we moved from Sydney to Melb only year ago and it has been a great way to stay in touch. where abouts are you living are you open to any more friends?Kells wrote:I moved from Melbourne to Singapore in January this year with 2 children aged 5 1/2 and 3 1/2, who both attend AIS. I found it to be quite an easy transition for them, though they have missed family. Would recommend you set you family and friends up on skype or something similar as it makes it much easier for young children to talk to family and friends back at home when they can see a familiar face.
If you have any particular queries i'm more than happy to help as i know how dauting a move such as this with kids can be
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