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Cost of moving Melbourne to Singapore?

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Cost of moving Melbourne to Singapore?

Post by rexwrx » Wed, 04 Jun 2008 11:51 am


what's the approx. cost of moving from Melbourne to Singapore for a young family of 3?

cost should include freight forwarders, movers, packing, storage (if needed), insurance, transport (door-to-door) etc.

this would be for a 3Bedroom house, without white goods, so would be roughly 30 boxes, 5 luggages, beds, tables, cabinets, etc.

thanks :???: :???:

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Post by QRM » Thu, 05 Jun 2008 9:51 pm

Its all a bit vague, a three bed house in a ranch or in a city?

As to cost, our shipping insurance was more than the freighting cost, it very much depends on what you are shipping.

Storage for how long? Storing here in Sinagaore or in the home port?

Your best bet is to contact a few locals movers and they can give you almost instant quotes.

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Post by rexwrx » Fri, 06 Jun 2008 8:36 am

in a ranch...hahaha :lol: :lol:

no, it's in the city. will be shippin' for the usual stuff in a 3 bedroom house - things like sofa, bed, some cabinets, desk, tables, etc etc.

ok. will get quotes.
QRM wrote:Its all a bit vague, a three bed house in a ranch or in a city?

As to cost, our shipping insurance was more than the freighting cost, it very much depends on what you are shipping.

Storage for how long? Storing here in Sinagaore or in the home port?

Your best bet is to contact a few locals movers and they can give you almost instant quotes.

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Post by Missa » Tue, 09 Sep 2008 9:52 pm

Hey rexwrx,

We're about to start doing the ring around for quotes to move from Melbourne to Singapore... but would be great to know if there's any movers you recommend for service, value, etc.

We won't take much stuff... but considering maybe just bedroom and study furniture at this stage, plus a few boxes of clothing and kitchen stuff.

Australia -> Singapore: Mar09/Apr09

Leone and John
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Post by Leone and John » Wed, 10 Sep 2008 8:33 am

We moved from Melbourne to Singapore nearly 2 years ago.....

these sort of costs vary .........but like others have mentioned, depends on how much you are bringing over, the company you use and how long you may want to stay etc!!!

Would not be sensible to bring a whole house full of furniture and only stay 2 years for example.

Keep in mind a lot of apartments are fully furnished and if not, then they at least have the basics ..... a lot of people are moving all the time, you may want to think about buying from others that are moving out.

But if you are still wanting to choose a removalist be very careful with the company that you choose. At this end (Singapore) we had Santa Fe Removalists and they were superb. Could not have asked for a better team. But from Melbourne it was a different story. Remember they are packing your valuable possessions and others do not necessarily take the care that you would expect.

If you are also trying to consider how much ( in $$ ) to allow for a move here, then also keep in mind that you may need to pay up around 3 mths rental in advance once you sign a lease. Just there alone you would be looking at $12,000 and upwards.

This is a helpful forum to get info from, if you do a search you will see that there have been many people asking the same info ...... check the archives here and you might find other advice too.

am sure others will come up with extra help, we have all "been there done that AND ticked it off" !!

good luck..... you will enjoy your time here.
Leone + John Fabre
[ Singapore ]

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Re: Cost of moving Melbourne to Singapore?

Post by knutty » Thu, 11 Sep 2008 9:39 am

rexwrx wrote:Hi,

what's the approx. cost of moving from Melbourne to Singapore for a young family of 3?

cost should include freight forwarders, movers, packing, storage (if needed), insurance, transport (door-to-door) etc.

this would be for a 3Bedroom house, without white goods, so would be roughly 30 boxes, 5 luggages, beds, tables, cabinets, etc.

thanks :???: :???:
As OP's have said it really depends on a number of things but heres what I know, we moved here from Mel in July and had a 20ft container, which came from our 3 bdrm place. We got 2 quotes, our relocation ended up being a bit of a rush, we would have got more if we'd had time. We wanted to make sure that we dealt with the same company in both countries, as we've moved around a bit and found it much easier that way, otherwise you get one company blaming the other one etc.

We ended up going with Allied Pickfords because they could offer us a better deal on storage than Crown, we were able to negotiate 2 wks free storage in Melbourne, we were also told it's cheaper in Aus than Singa. Our belongs are still in storage in Singa as it's taken us a little longer than planned to get a rental place here, but it is quite expensive to store it here! We've had storage here for about 6 wks so far, we're just hoping that they're storing everything well and we don't end up with mold growing everywhere! We got mold and mildew insurance cover so we should be alright anyway, fingers crossed.

Hope that helps a bit and gives you some things to think about, just PM me if you want any more info, and good luck with it all!

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Post by Missa » Thu, 11 Sep 2008 9:33 pm

Hi again, thanks for the help :)

Main things for removal seem to be:
- use same company in both countries
- get mould and mildew insurance if storing in Singapore

I mainly just wanted to know who anyone recommends for the move, as I know our costs will ofc be different to other ppls... only 2 of us and a cat lol. Not sure what furniture we would take... depends on quotes as it may be easier just to buy the stuff over there. We wouldn't be bringing much though.

I'll get quotes from Allied Pickfords and Santa Fe for a start, thanks for the recommendations!

Yes, we also heard about the 2-3 months rental bonds *sigh*... no more shoe shopping before we move :cry:. It will be worth it though!!

Thanks for being so helpful!
Australia -> Singapore: Mar09/Apr09

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