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Comestic and Plastic surgery in Taiwan

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Post by terrie35 » Sun, 09 Oct 2011 8:15 am

Hi, guys, is this Dr Kao's site?

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Post by terrie35 » Sun, 09 Oct 2011 8:17 am

Hi, guys, what is Dr Kao's email?

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Post by Worries » Sun, 09 Oct 2011 10:38 am

Hi dear terrie35,

Yes this is Dr kao blog. Btw I'm still do research on him. Recently just happens to know 1-2 case of his bad reviews. U can check up in Purse Forum-Asian nose surgery.

Dr kao ... l=f&fid=14
Tel 886266061921
Email: [email protected]
I would love to share to ppl who knows how to appreciate...

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Post by nosecraze » Sun, 09 Oct 2011 12:05 pm

Hi Terrie, yes it's goretex wrapped with a layer of silicone.
I did closed surgery too btw.
Anyway I'm sure all doctors have their own good and bad press but for me I will definitely stick with dr kao be cox he's seriously a very good doctor.
A ear nose throat specialist, good bedside manners, and fyi he had booked his trip to Bali with his wife and still squeezed in our operations because we insisted and he visited us to see how we are the day right after he returned from his holiday.
And the best part, he entertains all my paranoid emails, haha!

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Post by shinangel » Sun, 09 Oct 2011 10:49 pm


I have just uploaded my latest 9 month post-op pics to my online TPF album. To the ones who would like to see it: pm me!

NB: Please do not show those pics to other people without asking for my permission.
NB2: To all the folks who had PS: I would of course greatly appreciate to see your before and after pics. Confidentiality guaranteed.
1st NJ: Dr. Lansangan - Philippines - Goretex
2nd NJ: Dr. Hsu - Taiwan - Rib
3rd NJ: still undecided

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Post by bbabymilo » Mon, 10 Oct 2011 4:06 am

nosecraze wrote:Hi Terrie, yes it's goretex wrapped with a layer of silicone.
I did closed surgery too btw.
Anyway I'm sure all doctors have their own good and bad press but for me I will definitely stick with dr kao be cox he's seriously a very good doctor.
A ear nose throat specialist, good bedside manners, and fyi he had booked his trip to Bali with his wife and still squeezed in our operations because we insisted and he visited us to see how we are the day right after he returned from his holiday.
And the best part, he entertains all my paranoid emails, haha!
I had rhinoplasty with Dr Kao Chuan Hsiang on 2010. He is friendly but result is another thing. If you want to spend thousands for a subtle/natural looking changes, he may be suitable for you. But if you are looking at drastic changes, I strongly believe korea is a better choice. Although there is a language barrier between you and your surgeon, they are in the comfort zone of doing dramatic changes.

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Post by nosecraze » Mon, 10 Oct 2011 6:18 am

Hi bbabymilo, I believe u have emailed me before prior to ur surgeries. I'm not sure how ur surgery went buy mine is completely different from my original nose.
I am not looking to convert ppl to become dr kao's followers but I wld like to remind everyone that the eventual result of your nose is very much determined by the participation and communication of yourself and the surgeon.
Dr Kao refused to do alarplasty for me and I firmly insisted and in the end he gave in. U have to go into details. Show him pics of noses to let him know exactly what u want. The shape of the nose frm different angles etc.

To those who have emailed me for my nose, I'm sorry but I will not be sharing them as I do not wish to treat my face like another piece of meat on display.

Each respective doctor has their website which showcases ample examples of their work.

I am however willing to meet up and explain or chitchat with the 1st timers.
A man's meat is another man's poison, after I did my surgery with chuang and Kao, I looked completely different.
And trust me, unless you hate your face so much that you no longer wish to look like ur mother's child den perhaps u can consider other options.
Btw, it is the eyes that changes the look of a person.
A nose surgery with an eye job will not have much changes.
Dr Kao is an ENT specialist hence he only modifies your nose to the best possible workable way. I am sure u guys have read any beautiful looking noses that have all the various health and breathing problems.

To each his own, be prepared and do your homework before you embark on your journey!

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Post by Worries » Tue, 11 Oct 2011 6:21 pm

shepherddy wrote:Hi Worries,

May I know how much is double eyelid surgery by Dr Kim from korea?

How long do you have to stay in korea for the surgery?
Hi dear, mine is a revision eyelid so it's cost me 4k sing include accommodation in bkclinic guest house. With flight n food total spend 5k. I stay in for 7days 6 nights.
I would love to share to ppl who knows how to appreciate...

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Post by littlepills » Wed, 12 Oct 2011 1:02 am

Has anyone had facial contouring with Dr Tsai?? How is the result? please help.

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Enquiry on facelift surgery clinic in Taiwan

Post by Worries » Fri, 14 Oct 2011 6:00 am

Hi Dear members! Does anyone have any ideal which plastic surgery clinic in Taiwan specialize in Facelift? Pls help.. I would like to bring my mum for Facelift surgery as I research in some forum no much information about facelift ya.. :(
I would love to share to ppl who knows how to appreciate...

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Post by Blissful09 » Tue, 18 Oct 2011 2:57 pm

[quote="Worries"]Hi nosecraze!
Thanks alot for sharing your experience with us here. I had been contacting Dr Kao recently, indeed he is a v patience dr who reply my email for e pass 4 days even though he is now busying with his (Live patients surgery Event)...

I'm still considering whether to go Korea Banobagi or Itemclinc or Dr kao Taiwan. Most member here r pretty experience with Rhinoplasty. Can anyone please advise me what type if silcon that can have a result an increase of natural height on bridge (height increase abt 1mm) with a nice Thin n Curve bridge, which silcon should I use? Im kind of confused.. I'm aware of e advantage n disadvantage of both GoreTex n Silcon but I gonna choose one, just that I don't want to make the wrong choice which makes me ended up with a thick n straight high bridge...


Does banogobagi use rib? or plastic materials only?

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Post by missuglynose » Fri, 21 Oct 2011 12:55 am

Atlantis wrote:Hi guys - I finally went through all the pages. I am thinking of going to Taipei in Mid-July for nose and eyes. I was born in Taiwan so I can speak Mandarin, but grew up in Canada so my English skills are actually better than my Chinese. But still fluent enough to converse in Mandarin.

I am wondering if anyone is going so I can have a buddy during that time. And if needed I can be someone's translator.

My aesthetic sense is actually very different from a lot Asian people...I actually don't like really large eyes with very visible double eyelids. Unless your face is suited to that kind of look. With Asians, our face tends to be slightly flatter and less 3-dimensional so sometimes the really large, double-eyelid look is kinda scary...or something about it doesn't suit the face.

Mine is actually an inner double eyelid - and I want to keep it that way, but I have a lot of fat and skin which makes me tired looking - so likely I'll probably ask for very little removal of fat and skin and a slightly higher double eyelid which will turn into more of an inner. I find a soft, curved lid line is more energetic than a lot of people with the double eye lid. But that's just me.

As for nose - mine is just kinda undefined around the nose bridge and dorsum, and the tip is slightly I am not really sure if I want to use rib or cartilage graft. I also don't want a super high Eurasian nose...I don't want to make new friends in the future and when they look at old photos of me, find out that I look completely different.

But yeah if Blissful and Missuglynose is still around - I would really like some feedback on Dr. Hsu. The last time Blissful updated, she seemed really pissed at Dr. Hsu, and wished for a primary originally done by Korean Doctors. I am wondering if she did that for revision or if she went back to Dr. Hsu. And are korean doctors really actually good at autologous grafts for rhinoplasties? Also Missuglynose - you did yours with Dr. Hsu - using cartilage from your ear - was there resorption? And how are you liking the results now?

From what I know about the techniques in the West - there's a surgeon in New york that uses high-def endoscopic method of doing his rhinoplasty procedures - and it has been said that this method drastically lowers bruising and swelling as well as formation of scar tissue because only the tissue that needs augmentation are disturbed. There are people who went and had their nose bumps shaved (which usually cause tonnes of bruising on the face) and at 5 days post-op they look pristine. No swelling or bruising, and they just went on vacation within a week of doing the rhinoplasty. As well, there are surgeons in Maryland US that harvest your ear cartilage and using different methods (like for instance rolling and shaping it in fascia) prevents the huge amount of resorption that we see with cartilage from the ear.

The Taiwanese doctors are certainly 3-4 times cheaper than these US surgeons and can potentially have more of an idea of what is beautiful for Asians look like...but I am concerned about other things like the aftercare with Nurses seem terrible (that is unheard of in the west), and resorption or lack of resorption, the sometimes outdated methods of performing surgeries (like Dr. Chuang with his epis). I am wondering if anyone has any feed back on this. Or if anyone has looked at US surgeons and has seen those technologies and methods I outlined.

I welcome any feedback. Sorry for the long post
Hi everyone! I guess I pretty much disappeared off the face of the planet after my surgery was done and I continued with my healing process.

Anyway, I thought I would share the final results of my surgery as a form of closure and to help others who are looking to get their eyes/nose done in Taiwan.

I am now 22 months post surgery.

Double Eyelid Surgery via Mini incision method by Dr. Chen at Regent

I am VERY satisfied with the way my eye look now. I wanted a natural look and Dr. Chen lets you choose the height of your crease yourself, so you have total control over the final result.

Rhinoplasty and Alarplasty using ear Cartilage by Dr. Hsu
I won't lie and say that the results are perfect, because they are not. I chose to use material from my own body at the risk of warping/resorption, so I was prepared.

Overall I am satisfied with how my nose compliments my face. It is smaller than before, and the bridge is higher. Overall I still look like myself, but more of a 2.0 :D

I think my nose bridge is slightly warped towards the right, because under VERY specific angles I can see that the bridge of the nose is curved slightly to the right. This is BARELY noticeable and doesn't really affect my overall appearance.

From the side profile, I can see that resorption has led to my nose having a VERY SLIGHT hook in the bridge. Again this is not noticeable and I have to point it out for people to notice it. The tip of my nose also looks abit too pointy from certain angles, but again, not very noticeable.

As for the tip, I am completely happy with the way it looks now. The alars are no longer too wide for my face and the tip is not too bulbous but still slightly rounded to retain a youthful appearance.

Overall, I would say go for rhinoplasty using rib/ear cartilage if you are looking to enhance your current looks and are not too hung up on seeking perfection (i.e. you want to be a model/celebrity). If a straight, "perfect" nose is what you're after, then silicone/goretex implants may be more suitable for you.

For me, I wanted a smaller, sharper nose that would make me look prettier, and my objectives were met. It was also more important for me to use natural materials from my own body versus achieving a flawless appearance.

Final verdict: I would say that my satisfaction with my nose is 90%

I have updated my PS progress blog with very recent pictures.

Hope this helps!

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Post by shepherddy » Fri, 21 Oct 2011 7:32 pm

missuglynose, I'm interested in doing a double eyelid surgery. With regards to your surgery with Dr Chen, may I know how to book an appointment with him? Secondly, how to get to him from Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport?

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Post by missuglynose » Sat, 22 Oct 2011 12:10 am

Regent Beauty Clinic:

Contact No.: +886-2-2731- 4008

Not sure what their e-mail address is. Why don't you call and ask for their e-mail?

Also, from Taoyuan International Airport you'll probably need to take a taxi to the city center. You'll find a map and the address on the website. Just print and show it to the taxi driver. The location is very central so the driver would know for sure. It should take you about 1 hour to get there :)

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Post by distordedx » Sat, 22 Oct 2011 11:07 am

Stepherdad - when are you going to get your eyes done? And why did you choose dr Chen? I wanna get my eyes done too but not double eyelid just wanting to lengthen and make eyes longer....idk what surgery is that though.... Who are you going with?

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