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Post by jessie90 » Mon, 25 Apr 2011 11:47 pm

Actually mine eyelids are currently like what Boii18 mentioned, deepset and quite unnatural. People even ask if I'm mixed.
My eye crease does not go down all the way, its not in line with the epi despite the stitches and cuts.

The other forumers are right, Wish Clinic is full of gossipy-ish 'beauty consultants'. You only get to see Chuang for probably 15 mins or so for a consultant before you get whisked away by one of his very annoying staff.

I'm not even satisfied with my nose, although Worries insists it suits my face.

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Post by terrie35 » Tue, 26 Apr 2011 9:35 am

Worries wrote:
terrie35 wrote:Hi, Worries,

Your eyes look good...don't will take about 6 months for all to deswell. Did you do epi ?
hi Terrie,in real person of me look more swollen thick eyelid.. Yes I did epi. Btw I replied on ur question about cartilage for nose le.. U seen e Msg?

Hi, Worries, yes I have seen the message. Many thanks ! I was thinking of having ear cartilage for the be bridge if there is not enough from the septal.

You are thinking of revision for the eyes? If so, you have wait 6 months before doing anything? Hope all will turn out well for you by 6 months and you don't have to do any revision. Your epi is well done because I can't see any scar.

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Post by terrie35 » Tue, 26 Apr 2011 9:41 am

jessie90 wrote:Actually mine eyelids are currently like what Boii18 mentioned, deepset and quite unnatural. People even ask if I'm mixed.
My eye crease does not go down all the way, its not in line with the epi despite the stitches and cuts.

The other forumers are right, Wish Clinic is full of gossipy-ish 'beauty consultants'. You only get to see Chuang for probably 15 mins or so for a consultant before you get whisked away by one of his very annoying staff.

I'm not even satisfied with my nose, although Worries insists it suits my face.
Hahaha, they are annoying and gossipy? Me too, not liking the staff too. Can have a look at your nose?

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Post by rhinoguy » Wed, 27 Apr 2011 12:54 am

so looks like I'll be going in June anyway. :o
I'm so nervous right now, and not sure what to prepare.

For those who are from North America (I'm from Canada), if you can give me some input/tips on traveling to Taipei, I would really appreciate it! :)

I'm particularly confused about money matters... like: the best way of converting my money to TWD from CAD, and using credit card overseas.. I'm calling my bank soon also to find out.

thanks all!

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Post by astrogirl » Wed, 27 Apr 2011 1:29 pm

Worries wrote:
astrogirl wrote:Hi worries

I think your eyes look very pretty, looking at the last photo.
thanks astrogirl.. In pic with make up looks nice but no make up in real person my eyelid vv thick.. It's pop eyelid wor.. I dint mind sharing my experience of having high eyelid at 10mm cut problem to ppl who keen to know. I can email u all if u all want to know how thick it is... Drop me a priviate MSG of ur email then I will forward u my photo.
This link may give you a better idea what to expect. I find this site useful and also you may want to check on ptosis here, I'm pretty sure you don't have ptosis. ... eries.html

Most of us have been in that position before, it's really not as bad as we think, thinking that the crease is too high, more often when 6-12 months has passed, it's become natural looking or we wished the crease was higher.

It's 24 hrs a day, everything has a cycle like from an embryo to a baby, you need to wait out the time for the skin to develope and heal.

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Post by happyfatty » Sat, 30 Apr 2011 3:19 pm

Hello! I'm new here. I was wondering if anyone planning on going to Taiwan this summer to get any type of surgery done? I am planning on going to Taiwan this summer and getting double eyelid surgery. It would be nice to have someone to heal with! or a buddy! I will be staying there the entire summer for study abroad, vacation & maybe for the entire academic year as well! Please pm me if you are going too!

So far I am only aware of 2 clinics, Dr. Chuang from Wish clinic and Dr. Chen from Regent clinic but this forum topic has helped me a lot. I am also considering bone reduction for the chin but I am not sure yet as I haven't found much reviews on the doctors that do them. Can someone please give me a few suggestions on what doctors are best for eyelid surgery and/or bone reduction for the chin? Thank you!
Last edited by happyfatty on Sat, 30 Apr 2011 3:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by happyfatty » Sat, 30 Apr 2011 3:35 pm

Also, Does anyone know where the famous girl that got plastic surgery to look like angelababy got her surgery done??? ... c-surgery/

Can someone explain to me what type of eye lid surgery she got? I would like eyes like hers. I think its epi incisional but i'm not sure how to describe it >_< thank you in advance!
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Post by Worries » Sat, 30 Apr 2011 6:19 pm

Last edited by Worries on Fri, 02 Nov 2012 1:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I would love to share to ppl who knows how to appreciate...

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wish clinic

Post by ahshake86 » Sun, 01 May 2011 6:27 pm

do agree with all gals mention tht the clinic is horrible n full of gossip beauty consultant feel bad about tht

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wish clinc

Post by strawberryeviljam » Sun, 01 May 2011 9:19 pm

omg. i jz emailed wishclinc for an advice on eye surgery n scar removal.. any other docs to reccomend in taipei? my friend gave me wishclinc's link cos she did it thr.. her after photos looks v nice! i plan to go end aug or beginning sept.. i went to taipei last mth n saw another clinc right at the smack of si men ding.. inside a shopping mall. is that good?

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Post by Worries » Sun, 01 May 2011 11:02 pm

This link may give you a better idea what to expect. I find this site useful and also you may want to check on ptosis here, I'm pretty sure you don't have ptosis. ... eries.html

Most of us have been in that position before, it's really not as bad as we think, thinking that the crease is too high, more often when 6-12 months has passed, it's become natural looking or we wished the crease was higher.

It's 24 hrs a day, everything has a cycle like from an embryo to a baby, you need to wait out the time for the skin to develope and heal.

Hi Astrogirl, i went though the website le, and the sentence was found under
Ptosis correction..i try this, and my upper eyelid still droopy low without any lift effect when i pulled my brow. i have Ptosis...

(Young patient with ptosis

The upper eyelid is drooping low even though the brow has been pulled high by the patient to try to see better.)
I would love to share to ppl who knows how to appreciate...

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Post by strawberryeviljam » Sun, 01 May 2011 11:21 pm

Worries wrote:This link may give you a better idea what to expect. I find this site useful and also you may want to check on ptosis here, I'm pretty sure you don't have ptosis. ... eries.html

Most of us have been in that position before, it's really not as bad as we think, thinking that the crease is too high, more often when 6-12 months has passed, it's become natural looking or we wished the crease was higher.

It's 24 hrs a day, everything has a cycle like from an embryo to a baby, you need to wait out the time for the skin to develope and heal.

Hi Astrogirl, i went though the website le, and the sentence was found under
Ptosis correction..i try this, and my upper eyelid still droopy low without any lift effect when i pulled my brow. i have Ptosis...

(Young patient with ptosis

The upper eyelid is drooping low even though the brow has been pulled high by the patient to try to see better.)
oh okay.. thanks. i shall wait for his reply.. hope it'll turn out good! cos i did my nose in thailand. my eyes not balanced so i wanna correct it. thanks alot..

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surgery in taipei

Post by strawberryeviljam » Mon, 02 May 2011 5:31 pm

i'm planing to go for my eye surgery end aug beginning sept. any interested parties tt wanna go during that period do let me noe!still waiting for doc's reply..

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Post by aneles » Fri, 06 May 2011 12:31 am

worries, based on your photos, your eyes looks like it is recovering nicely (for 4 mths). in your last photo, your eyes dont look small, infact your eyes look nice! is your eyelid crease height still 10mm at 4th mth?

I concur with the others, pls give it somemore time (at least review at 6th mth) & do not be hasty to jump on the revision immediately.

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Post by terrie35 » Fri, 06 May 2011 10:10 pm

Does anyone know of any surgeon in Taiwan using ear cartilage for the nose bridge?

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