Hi Terrie,in Taiwan i only heard rips cartilage for nose bridge or silcon. for ear carilage is for nose tip..another techinque which my bro does is using his nose tip centre cartilage to lengthen his short nose problem.terrie35 wrote:Anyone come across a doc in Taiwan who can use ear cartilage for the nose bridge?
Hi worries,Worries wrote:
Pls advise...thank u
oh no.... boii.... this a$$hole is really more interested in his audi cars than people's lives. this is his car collection! http://www.motormorph.com/?p=2707boii18 wrote:don't go to dr chuang
he has ruined my eyes despite me asking not for a high crease, and despite me asking for my epi to be natural and not to make my eyes longer.. he said can be done but result is;
a) epi is unnatural, squarish corner
b) asymmetrical epi - one side more and more squarish, horrible! there's no sharp edge in the epi at all
c) high eyelid which looks deepset and unnatural - something i specifically asked NOT to .
i went to korea to repair some of the damage, it looks good now.
i recommend dr kim for now, still have to wait and see though;
am 3 months post-op revision.
cost me a bomb to revise the damage chuang CJ of wishclinic has caused. and he does not even want to help me or revise for me.
he seems more concerned about his audi sports car?
hi Terrie,in real person of me look more swollen thick eyelid.. Yes I did epi. Btw I replied on ur question about cartilage for nose le.. U seen e Msg?terrie35 wrote:Hi, Worries,
Your eyes look good...don't worry...it will take about 6 months for all to deswell. Did you do epi ?
ya.. I agreed with u I look like Thai gal lo. Without make up I can't step out of house. I hate it. My swelling nvr go down since after 2mths onwards it bothering me. Especially my medial fold higher than back crease this males me look fierce. I will share my experience with Dr Kim after 24th April.. Thanks for ur advised.rhinoguy wrote:hi Worries,
I actually think your eyes turned out great. Maybe the pictures don't show your main concerns, which I think scarring and too high of eyelid. I do think that your eyes don't really look Chinese anymore (if that is your ethnicity), it looks more like Southeast asian (Thai and such), and maybe that's why you are having a hard time adjusting to the new crease heights. But I agree with babyangel11, give it some more time, and maybe it will come down to a height that is comfortable for you.
thanks astrogirl.. In pic with make up looks nice but no make up in real person my eyelid vv thick.. It's pop eyelid wor.. I dint mind sharing my experience of having high eyelid at 10mm cut problem to ppl who keen to know. I can email u all if u all want to know how thick it is... Drop me a priviate MSG of ur email then I will forward u my photo.astrogirl wrote:Hi worries
I think your eyes look very pretty, looking at the last photo.
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