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Post by belle80 » Wed, 21 Apr 2010 12:10 pm

Hi everyone,
Sorry girls,…How rude of me…
Let me introduce myself, I have been member since end 2008 when I first seriously considered PS but was caught up with work and the rest of my boring life that I’ve put this aside.
The time is up and I’m really putting my foot down this time to brave the storm.

Just wanted to thank everyone for sharing your knowledge and experience. You have helped me pluck enough courage to get my act together. :D

I’m looking at breast augmentation and chin implant with Dr Chuang and not decided whether to go for Dr Kao or Dr Hsu for rhinoplasty. The thing is Dr Hsu is in Kaohsiong whilst Dr Chuang in Taipei. Which is really how Dr Kao came into the picture, cause they are both in Taipei. Decisions decisions…….

Oh well,…. for all I know mayb I just go to Chuang for everything. Hmmm wonder if can get discount :P

Anyone who has a recommendation please let me know :?

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dr chuang

Post by belle80 » Wed, 21 Apr 2010 12:20 pm

bella10 wrote:Hi Bella80.

I actually haven't gotten all my stuff planned and I am wondering if I will. It is nearly impossible to get in contact with Dr. Chuang. I want to go to Dr. Chuang and Dr. Kao and I see that you're going to Dr. Chuang and Dr. Hsu. Have you contacted Dr. Chuang yet? I've been emailing since january and I called twice but he is just so busy.

I don't know how he expects me to come in June if I can't contact him. I am still trying though.

You are flying in from the States? Hmmm,...
I've email him only recently but was planning to follow up with a phone call later this week.

You said you called. Did you have problem speaking to any of his nurses? Did they just take a msg to call back?
Heard they don't usually speak english. I mean i think i can manage somehow with my broken mandarin, but mayb get bf to stand by :P just in case...

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Re: dr chuang

Post by belle80 » Wed, 21 Apr 2010 12:25 pm

terrie35 wrote:
bella10 wrote:Hi Bella80.

I actually haven't gotten all my stuff planned and I am wondering if I will. It is nearly impossible to get in contact with Dr. Chuang. I want to go to Dr. Chuang and Dr. Kao and I see that you're going to Dr. Chuang and Dr. Hsu. Have you contacted Dr. Chuang yet? I've been emailing since january and I called twice but he is just so busy.

I don't know how he expects me to come in June if I can't contact him. I am still trying though.
You can ring dr chuang's clinic to make appt to be on the same day as your arrival. Emailing seems no use, he is very busy and works till late at night. A phone call to the clinic is more effective.

Thanks terrie35, will try to call up this week.

My concern is still 'how much will this cost me'.
Being a typical OCD, I like to know I've enough $$

don't want to be :shock: and return with less than i have planned for. would rather get it all done at the same time :D

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Re: dr chuang

Post by bella10 » Wed, 21 Apr 2010 3:27 pm


You are flying in from the States? Hmmm,...
I've email him only recently but was planning to follow up with a phone call later this week.

You said you called. Did you have problem speaking to any of his nurses? Did they just take a msg to call back?
Heard they don't usually speak english. I mean i think i can manage somehow with my broken mandarin, but mayb get bf to stand by :P just in case...[/quote]

Yes I'll be flying in from the US. The first time I emailed him was in the beginning january. I re-sent that email every two weeks but never got a reply. So, in the first week of April I called and the person did speak english. I told her I am coming from far and I have emailed Dr. Chaung many times in three months and no reply and I need him to look over my photos and tell me what surgeries he recommends and the cost.

There are many other things I need to know but this is the basic necessary information that I require. She proceeded to tell me that I needed to be patient because he is very busy. At that moment, I was kind of annoyed and repeated that I waited for 3 months already before I called. She said that she would pass the message along to Dr. Chuang.

I then received a very short email from Dr. Chuang a few days later stating that he received my message and email and that he would reply to my email in one to two weeks maximum. Well, two weeks have passed and still no reply. I will call again next week. I know he is busy but how am I supposed to know what surgeries he agrees to do or how much money I need to have if he's not replying. It is quite frustrating.

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Re: dr chuang

Post by belle80 » Thu, 22 Apr 2010 3:40 pm

bella10 wrote:Bella10,

You are flying in from the States? Hmmm,...
I've email him only recently but was planning to follow up with a phone call later this week.

You said you called. Did you have problem speaking to any of his nurses? Did they just take a msg to call back?
Heard they don't usually speak english. I mean i think i can manage somehow with my broken mandarin, but mayb get bf to stand by :P just in case...
Yes I'll be flying in from the US. The first time I emailed him was in the beginning january. I re-sent that email every two weeks but never got a reply. So, in the first week of April I called and the person did speak english. I told her I am coming from far and I have emailed Dr. Chaung many times in three months and no reply and I need him to look over my photos and tell me what surgeries he recommends and the cost.

There are many other things I need to know but this is the basic necessary information that I require. She proceeded to tell me that I needed to be patient because he is very busy. At that moment, I was kind of annoyed and repeated that I waited for 3 months already before I called. She said that she would pass the message along to Dr. Chuang.

I then received a very short email from Dr. Chuang a few days later stating that he received my message and email and that he would reply to my email in one to two weeks maximum. Well, two weeks have passed and still no reply. I will call again next week. I know he is busy but how am I supposed to know what surgeries he agrees to do or how much money I need to have if he's not replying. It is quite frustrating.[/quote]


Rang Wish clinic today and spoke to a nurse and almost confirm my booking to see the doctor end May early June. :P
We were intially struggling to understand each other but all turned out quite well somehow.

Do you know when in June would be a good time for you to go to Taipei?
I did bring up that you are looking at going around the same time but need further advise from Dr. Chuang to confirm a) what needs to be done b) price.

Pretty much told me the same thing about Dr being too busy and will come back to you asap. Sorry, i tried...

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Post by bbabymilo » Tue, 27 Apr 2010 6:42 pm

Last edited by bbabymilo on Tue, 15 Jun 2010 8:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

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kangning apt room rates

Post by aneles » Wed, 28 Apr 2010 12:19 am

anyone here visited Dr Kao & stayed in Kangning apts recently?

Are you still enjoying the room rate at NT2000 a day?

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Re: hjghjg

Post by aneles » Wed, 28 Apr 2010 12:29 am

missfoxxxy wrote:omg, any one of you tried to remove the stitches yourself?

cause I did &now my nose is bleeding excessively -_-
hope you went to see a doctor to take care of your stitches. you really shouldnt remove them by yourself, it is so dangerous.

there were stitches that were left inside my nose & i recall they slowly dropped off by themselves after a few mths (as I was washing my nose daily with peroxide so I saw the stitches on my cotton bud one day). they are self dissolving & you shldnt need to remove them.

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Post by Loukoum » Thu, 29 Apr 2010 1:47 am

for ppl who used goretex or other implants, do you think it deswells faster than using rib? or not at all lol

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Post by aneles » Thu, 29 Apr 2010 8:33 pm

Loukoum wrote:for ppl who used goretex or other implants, do you think it deswells faster than using rib? or not at all lol
i think its true.

reading from other peoples' experiences that they share, it seems their nose shapes settle down abt 3-6mths period.

their recovery can be faster if there was no trauma like shaving, breaking of nose etc...

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Surgery with Dr Kao this June

Post by bebea » Fri, 30 Apr 2010 1:40 pm

I will be going to have eyelid, rhinoplastic and chin sliding genioplasty with Dr Kao this june 15th... Will be staying at Kang Ning apartment for 11 nights... Anyone will be there having surgery with dr .Kao around this time?

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Surgery with Dr Kao this June

Post by bebea » Fri, 30 Apr 2010 1:44 pm

bbabymilo : I will be at taipei this june to dr Kao.. what do u plan to do with him ? will u be staying at kang ning as well

aneles, The rate for kang ning apt is still ntd 2000 as long as u mentioned that you are dr kao client..

anyone who has surgeries in the past with dr kao? wud appreciate if u can u share ur past experience.. thanks !

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Re: Surgery with Dr Kao this June

Post by bbabymilo » Fri, 30 Apr 2010 9:41 pm

Last edited by bbabymilo on Tue, 15 Jun 2010 8:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by RudeBoy » Sat, 01 May 2010 6:44 pm

could anyone with pictures of dr kao's work?

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Post by appletree » Mon, 03 May 2010 1:55 pm

Hi all,

it has been really long time since i last log in to this forum..
was surfing through this forum to see if there is still any xxxxx thread with kalo! :mad: kind of like leave me scars in life.. sigh..

anyway, im a patient of Dr.Kao, i just saw the posting regarding donor's rib cartilage! How great would it be that if i can use a donor's rib instead of mine, as i have the scar on my rib too.. however in another aspect, i would not be keen on the idea to use a deceased person's rib bone on my nose.. :o

Well anyway, Dr Kao did a good job for my nose, except that i dont really like the height of my nose, im thinking to reduce the height of it as i want a more asian nose too. I like the nose tip done by dr kao though. Reason why i want my bridge to lower abit as i noticed a high nose will makes a person looks more mature and usually people will suspect if you have a nose job done, most asians dont have high nose. :(

And also, can anyone share how they deal with their friends who might suspect that you have a nose job done? As the nose looks different from last time..?
Please dont ask me for pictures of my nose, you can find it in Dr. kao's website though.

Anyway, Dr Kao,too suggest me to use LA and he could help me to scrape the height of the bone, kind of like what the other forumer has mentioned, need to slice open the nose in order to do it. Im afraid to do surgeries again, scare of the pain. :(

Sorry for the long post...

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