Sorry girls,…How rude of me…
Let me introduce myself, I have been member since end 2008 when I first seriously considered PS but was caught up with work and the rest of my boring life that I’ve put this aside.
The time is up and I’m really putting my foot down this time to brave the storm.
Just wanted to thank everyone for sharing your knowledge and experience. You have helped me pluck enough courage to get my act together.

I’m looking at breast augmentation and chin implant with Dr Chuang and not decided whether to go for Dr Kao or Dr Hsu for rhinoplasty. The thing is Dr Hsu is in Kaohsiong whilst Dr Chuang in Taipei. Which is really how Dr Kao came into the picture, cause they are both in Taipei. Decisions decisions…….
Oh well,…. for all I know mayb I just go to Chuang for everything. Hmmm wonder if can get discount

Anyone who has a recommendation please let me know