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Post by missfoxxxy » Sat, 27 Feb 2010 8:42 am

Hey guys so sorry to trouble all of you again but I was just wondering if it's possible to "flatten" your tip (I KEEP bumping my nose &i think i kinda flattened it already. It's rounder and not as pointy as I remember it being initially. You get what I mean anot? I'm really worried. I don't want a flat fat tip!

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Post by Blissful09 » Sat, 27 Feb 2010 9:14 am

tommseva7 wrote:
boii18 wrote:Hey plasticgirl, I totally agree with your comments.

I'm afraid of going to this doctor again, because he may botch up my surgery again to "display his unhappiness" over myself, or who knows as some form of revenge?

But Its financially much more wise though. I would probably go to him just for epi.

Reason why I don't want him to do my eyelid and fat grafting etc, is because of inherent risks and complications. I want to be a surgeon in the future.

If he is careless and hits an ocular blood vessel, then fails to address the issue, it can lead to blindness. Having witnessed live surgery for the first time past few days, I now understand the risks of surgery and intra-operative complications such as vessels bursting ( which, trust me, is not a good sight, though usually quickly resolved unless pt has ESRF or related problems ).

Even the slightest visual defect can affect your chances of being a surgeon

I think since you are a medical student, you should have a bright future ahead. I wouldn't risk it eyelid surgery ( with inherent risks of blindness ) especially if you are doing it with same doctor.

Myself, I am just reversing epi which should carry almost nil risk, except damage to tear duct?

I don't want him to do my eyelid and fat grafting etc, is because of inherent risks and complications. I want to be a surgeon in the future. Im glad your getting revision with Dr Hsu to get your nose fix from another doctor, actually Dr Hsu is really good with noses too pinched, he showed me a few photos when i was doing consultation with him, so he definately has experience with that!
lol did u just copy my exact same identical paragraph? ohh i guess he showed u it too then?

Anyways i have some questions.
Im not talking about double eyelid surgery BUT what is the difference between removing fat and cutting out and removing excess skin? well i mean i know the difference but who here actually can explain to me and compare what both may look like?
This is what i think and PLEASE someone correct me because i never got my eyes done so you may done more research then me.. this is only my guess.
Im guessing removing fat creates a less droppy in thickness but u may experience hollowness from removing fat whereas cutting the skin is from saggyness of the skin and your end result will look more flat/tightness instead of having excess skin that may make your doubleeyelids look smaller then they actually are.,

Please correct me if im wrong or right on my guess.

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Post by Pillowcase » Sat, 27 Feb 2010 9:58 pm

Hey babymilo, can you pm me your msn?
I can't pm yet. :/
I'd like to talk to you about your trip to Dr Kao too!

I'm contemplating whether to go late in the year.

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Post by bbabymilo » Sat, 27 Feb 2010 10:53 pm

Last edited by bbabymilo on Tue, 15 Jun 2010 8:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by imaboyonce » Mon, 01 Mar 2010 9:41 am

Hi bbabymilo, pm me ur msn , i will add you, i still cant pm :(

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Boil: reverse epi

Post by plasticgirl » Mon, 01 Mar 2010 3:08 pm

Hi Boil,

Just wondering if Dr. Chuang told you he could reverse a bit of the epi?

I am thinking it's not as simple as just covering the tear ducts. The inner whites are showing more and that's what the epi pretty scary too.

boii18 wrote:Hey plasticgirl, I totally agree with your comments.

I'm afraid of going to this doctor again, because he may botch up my surgery again to "display his unhappiness" over myself, or who knows as some form of revenge?

But Its financially much more wise though. I would probably go to him just for epi.

Reason why I don't want him to do my eyelid and fat grafting etc, is because of inherent risks and complications. I want to be a surgeon in the future.

If he is careless and hits an ocular blood vessel, then fails to address the issue, it can lead to blindness. Having witnessed live surgery for the first time past few days, I now understand the risks of surgery and intra-operative complications such as vessels bursting ( which, trust me, is not a good sight, though usually quickly resolved unless pt has ESRF or related problems ).

Even the slightest visual defect can affect your chances of being a surgeon

I think since you are a medical student, you should have a bright future ahead. I wouldn't risk it eyelid surgery ( with inherent risks of blindness ) especially if you are doing it with same doctor.

Myself, I am just reversing epi which should carry almost nil risk, except damage to tear duct?

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Post by wrestler » Mon, 01 Mar 2010 7:33 pm

anyone going dr kao in early may?

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Non-surgical Rhino

Post by beconfident » Fri, 05 Mar 2010 12:15 pm

Hi All,

I'm soo soo outdated and when it comes to all this ps thing i could say that I know nothing! I've been following this thread, and some of the post may scare me off from going for ps but in another way it also encourages me to be brave!

I wonder if any of you has gone for non-surgical rhino before? I did some research online and it looks like different dr uses different chemical for their patients. There are radiesse, restylane and etc. Dr su is using restylane for her patient, and i wonder if anyone knows the pros and cons about these fillers? how long they could last and etc?? Please please to those who had this experience before share this with me? :shock:

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Post by wrestler » Sun, 07 Mar 2010 11:49 am

Hi all, anyone have experience with titanium screws used in facial op?
does it really dissolve? cos i did a search online and found out that there is another type of screws used known as bio absorbable screws or something which is different and dissolves.

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Post by Blissful09 » Sun, 07 Mar 2010 4:12 pm

Has anyone went to Dr hsu for rhino and then AGAIN for revision?
I would like to ask some questions
Is it true most of the time 2nd time is a charm? Or revision is mostly worse? I hope its more then 50/50 chance it will be better the 2nd time around to fix nose. :???:

ALSO you shouldnt travel alone, any mandarin speaker
going to Taiwan in Mid August going for a week im happy to take with us and split the costs, (girl only please!!!!!)
Thats a female, going to Taiwan in mid august. Welcome to come with us.
If you want $25 credit for $15 on xquisis clothing and shoes contact me
Save money.

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Post by terrie35 » Sun, 07 Mar 2010 7:02 pm

Blissful09 wrote:Has anyone went to Dr hsu for rhino and then AGAIN for revision?
I would like to ask some questions
Is it true most of the time 2nd time is a charm? Or revision is mostly worse? I hope its more then 50/50 chance it will be better the 2nd time around to fix nose. :???:

ALSO you shouldnt travel alone, any mandarin speaker
going to Taiwan in Mid August going for a week im happy to take with us and split the costs, (girl only please!!!!!)
Thats a female, going to Taiwan in mid august. Welcome to come with us.
Blissful, why are you going for revision? You can pm me. Thanks!

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Post by Loukoum » Sun, 07 Mar 2010 7:06 pm

Only on mid August ? T.T I'm not even sure if I'll go this summer ( perhaps one year later ^^') , but if it can be, it will be for debut of July ^^'

And I don't speak mandarin, and will go with my mother =o

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Post by Blissful09 » Mon, 08 Mar 2010 1:34 pm

terrie35 wrote:
Blissful09 wrote:Has anyone went to Dr hsu for rhino and then AGAIN for revision?
I would like to ask some questions
Is it true most of the time 2nd time is a charm? Or revision is mostly worse? I hope its more then 50/50 chance it will be better the 2nd time around to fix nose. :???:

ALSO you shouldnt travel alone, any mandarin speaker
going to Taiwan in Mid August going for a week im happy to take with us and split the costs, (girl only please!!!!!)
Thats a female, going to Taiwan in mid august. Welcome to come with us.
Blissful, why are you going for revision? You can pm me. Thanks!
hey i dont mind saying it out to everyone. Dr hsu did do a good job, dont mind that. its just im a perfectionist, im like that with everything, when it comes to my life, my school and the way that i am. i need ot get straight A's i need to have myself together im just like that.

Anyways when i put on makeup.. i dont look prettier with my new nose. And the reason i got rhino in the first place is to look prettier, comparing my old pix to my new pix, (and even showing strangers) they said i was better before. And thats quite hurtful considering in the past i got hit on a lot. Ppl might say "if you were already pretty in the past why u get your nose done?" cuz i wanted to be Song Hye kyo pretty.. meaning i dont wanna depend on makeup to be pretty anymore, as i get older im sick and tired of wearing makeup. And i thought if i just fix my nose it will be ok...

I asked one person.. they said revision does make u look better (most of the time) but theskin gets pulled more taught. Anyone here done revision before? Please tell me if your nose improved.
If you want $25 credit for $15 on xquisis clothing and shoes contact me
Save money.

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Location: vancouver

Anyone coming to taipei soon?

Post by upgrade » Mon, 08 Mar 2010 7:05 pm

is anyone going to be in taipei from now till around the end of april? i'm here right now for surgery with dr. chuang for buccal fat removal, breast augmentation, and neck lipo tomorrow. then when the swelling goes down on my face a rib rhinoplasty with dr. kao.

let me know. its so boring here by myself. :(

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Post by bella10 » Tue, 09 Mar 2010 6:13 am


Can you please ask Dr. Chuang how to get into contact with him? I am very serious about having surgery with him and contacted him about 5 times within the past 2 months but no reply. Is there some other way that I am not aware of to contact him? Any advice would be appreciated.

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