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Post by cupcakez » Mon, 01 Feb 2010 10:01 am

takuda.. do you think it's too natural to use fillers for forehead? dr kao suggested I use fillers if I want lesser downtime. I'm afraid the results will be too subtle?

Forehead implant vs Fillers. Any comments?

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Post by takuda » Mon, 01 Feb 2010 11:47 am

cupcakez: dont go for fillers!!! (1) the effect/result will be like fat graft, just that it doesn't get reabsorbed. (2) the same thing applies for nose, results will not be smooth etc etc so just stick to implant..
the thing is fillers will not be able to meet what you want anw? it can't make the forehead a lot higher..just evens out i guess.
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Post by Blissful09 » Mon, 01 Feb 2010 2:45 pm

ehh? whats wrong with your forehead? Do u have a picture? Why do u want your forehead to be a puffy look? I honestly never know what i need to get done.. do doctors look at you and then tell you "oh... u might been forehead augmentation, and chin augmentation" or do ppl decide it on their own?

anyways here is a picture of my scar... umm its not near my boob at all... and my swimsuit doesnt fully cover it actually...

i just applyed ointment on it.. its about 1 month and a half healing process and its red not white yet.. not sure when it will fade.

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Post by cersepn » Mon, 01 Feb 2010 8:22 pm

it's been said here so many times already. If you wanna have PS done, be prepared to give people an answer if they ask you. If people don't notice a change, then the surgery is imo, a failure

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Post by turnerdhr » Tue, 02 Feb 2010 2:10 am

cupcakez wrote:takuda.. do you think it's too natural to use fillers for forehead? dr kao suggested I use fillers if I want lesser downtime. I'm afraid the results will be too subtle?

Forehead implant vs Fillers. Any comments?
in BKK, i believe they use bone cement and the results are very positive. I think an implant itself might not be natural enough as an expected result. I am also thinking of forehead enhancement. i am doing my research...

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Post by Miffy_2452 » Tue, 02 Feb 2010 2:53 am

i, Guys! I am just back from 9 days trip to Kaohsiung to do my nose with Dr. Hsu. I am so relieved that I am finally done with it. While I am happy with the result so far, I dont think I will do this kind of lonely and secretive trip again.

I had my consultation with Dr. Hsu on Sunday, then went ahead with the surgery on Monday. As what people said, Dr. Hsu is a very nice doctor. During the whole process, I never met him in such a grumpy mood (I met him 5 times in different timing, and on my stitch removal day he needs to open his clinic 30 mins earlier to match with my flight timing) and what I love about him is his punctuality. You can also ask him anything and he will give u his honest opinions. He wont try to rip off your money. I was initially prepared with rib cartilage rhinoplasty, but after he told me the natural result that I wanted will be enough with ear cartilage then I did ear cartilage rhino instead. He is a figure that you can trust, and it is truly important if u decide to alter part of ur body.

On the day of surgery I need to be in the hospital before 9.30 am to do check up (if u do ear cartilage then u dont need to do x-ray). The surgery itself was scheduled on 12.30 pm. I wasnt allowed to eat anything after 2 am on that day and only can drink 1-2 zip of water before 9.30 am (I heard that too much water can cause nausea due to anaesthetic). I was under LA with full sedation (I was completely asleep during operation, eventhough the nurses told me that I MIGHT be awaken in the middle of operation – Thank, God!! -_- ) I was awake by 4.30 pm and got myself a few snaps with my mobile phone due to curiousity (haha) then felt so tired so I tried to go back to sleep but the sleep wasnt peaceful coz the nurses kept coming in and out to check my condition. My body was shaken coz I felt so cold (I believe because of the medicine inside IV drip) and I experienced blackouts twice. Once when I was peeing in the bathroom (need 4 nurses and 1 doctor to make sure I am fine) and the other one when I was by myself trying to climb back up to my bed. I always have low blood pressure and I guess that was why. During my stay in the hospital, I was on my lowest point. I never been hospitalised before nor did a surgery, and eventhough I can count myself strong enough to face needles and blood test (didnt really have problems with injections and IV drips in the hospital), it is more to moral breakdown coz I didnt tell anyone that I'm going to Taiwan for surgery. I was even scared enough to put my best friend's number down on my registration paper in case something happen with my surgery.

Also, in my opinion the nurses are nice enough if you talk more with them. I didnt talk that much, but I was being very polite to them (Taiwanese are mostly polite) and eventually they were being gentle and care with me too. Two of them were even trying to speak English with me before they knew I understand Mandarin. It is highly recommended for u who doesnt speak any Mandarin or Taiwanese to bring someone as ur translator. My mandarin isnt that good but at least still on conversational level :)

I was discharged from the hospital on Tuesday, and Dr. Hsu asked me to see him on Wed night to help me cleaning my nose. When some people found it painless or just rather uncomfortable, I found it quite painful and VERY uncomfortable!! Probably because my nose condition was keep bleeding and after a while it is stuck there become hard to clean. I will rather have my blood taken or having injections than having my bleeding nose cleaned by him -_- He then asked me to come again on Saturday to remove some of my stitches (he said to make the scar become less visible since he cut my alar quite high) and clean my nose again (sigh!). The stitch removal itself was painless but again the cleaning part really got my nerves. One thing I need to warn u, ladies (esp the long-haired ones), u wont be able to wash ur hair for a week and I found it quite disturbing. My hair become very oily and super itchy till I need to ask Dr. Hsu is there any way to wash my hair. He then nicely enough refered me to the salon accross the road and give the instruction to the lady not to touch my ear zone. After that he asked me to go back to his clinic again and have him cleaning my ear wounds (he just finished cleaning it when I asked him if I can wash my hair). I go back again to him on Monday to have the rest of my stitches removed (as well as my nose cast) and for the first time in my life I saw so many whiteheads on my nose!! I was quite freaked out..up until this point I'm still having running nose and it worries me what will happen if I already left Taiwan. He said it was normal so I guess I just need to wait...

Dr. Hsu told me to see ENT specialist in Singapore another 1-2 week to clean my nose once again and to remove the inner stitches. He then gave me the medicine to remove scar (quite exp, NTD 1,600) and some ointment too. He told me my current nose is still not looking natural, so I need to wait for few months till I can see the final result.

Lastly, I paid Dr. Hsu with SGD instead of NTD and it costed me more (eventhough not much) coz no banks were open during weekends and he doesnt know the exact exchange rate so I need to give him more and he didnt return me the rest. So I suggest if any of u decide to go to him, please bring NTD instead.

I wanna say very sincere thank you to those people in the forum who helped me significantly with the whole process..finding out informations, exchanging ideas, had a nice light conversations and most important part: supporting each other. You guys are truly awesome and if it wasnt because of you I wouldnt be writing this long essay :). Special thanks are for Missuglynose, Hello84, Angelfern for the constant support, also for Blissful09, Aadvark and Feline.Eyes for very generous input and informations. Thank you Thank you Thank you!!

To those who are planning to go for Dr. Hsu, good luck! I dont regret my choice choosing him as my doctor :D

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Post by Islena » Tue, 02 Feb 2010 4:52 am

angelfern wrote:Hi blueberrian,

We're considering donated rib too, can't seem to find much info regarding the pros & cons of donated rib from the internet. Anyone recall who used donated rib & has some info on it, pls share. Thanks.

We fear that the donated rib he used may be uncompatible & develop complications in the future like silicon (???), despite having to pay more.

Dr Kao haven't reply my email since last sun, so if i sent him another set of questions regarding donated rib, it'll take even longer. lol.
Check out this article on using donated rib for rhinoplasty. By the way, all donated ribs are irradiated, so it's safe for use by anyone. ... gery/17037

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Post by cupcakez » Tue, 02 Feb 2010 11:14 am

takuda and turnerdhr thanks for the replies!

What is bone cement? Is goretex not natural enough?

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Post by angelfern » Tue, 02 Feb 2010 11:24 am

Hi Miffy_2452,

Wow, back already so soon, thanks for the long post. Suppose to chat with u when u're in TW but i've been busy spring cleaning & painting the rooms.

We should form a support group & meet up regularly.:)
Is there something wrong with DR Hsu email? hsuyc1
I kept receiving this failure notice.

Previously wanted to ask his opinion on the advantage of using donated rib but it seems he also prefers using own rib as he mentioned in his blog that using your own is always better.
Last edited by angelfern on Tue, 02 Feb 2010 11:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by angelfern » Tue, 02 Feb 2010 11:35 am

Islena wrote:
angelfern wrote:Hi blueberrian,

We're considering donated rib too, can't seem to find much info regarding the pros & cons of donated rib from the internet. Anyone recall who used donated rib & has some info on it, pls share. Thanks.

We fear that the donated rib he used may be uncompatible & develop complications in the future like silicon (???), despite having to pay more.

Dr Kao haven't reply my email since last sun, so if i sent him another set of questions regarding donated rib, it'll take even longer. lol.
Check out this article on using donated rib for rhinoplasty. By the way, all donated ribs are irradiated, so it's safe for use by anyone. ... gery/17037

Yeah, Dr Kao sent me the latest research article by Professor Kridel, it appeared in Dr Hsu's blog too but it's translated into chinese by another doctor.

I'm quite excited that it shows using donated rib is safe but it seems both doctors still recommend using own rib. Maybe TW just approved using donated rib & it's still new to them or simply the doctors prefers using patient's own rib as it's still the best. hmmm...

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Post by takuda » Tue, 02 Feb 2010 2:55 pm

cupcakez, turnerdhr: The fact that goretex has only been used in PS for 7 years, the same applies to forehead -- no one can assure you its durability; yet its biggest con is its removal (should thr be a need).

I'm not too sure about bone cement (i think another name for it is MMA, the scientific name). The results i saw was not bad but material wise, i THINK it cracks easily if a huge force hits it. So, it's pretty much fragile.

The way of doing (again if my memory doesnt fail me since i'm more inclined to silicone) is to have a incision (smaller i guess) and inject the MMA. Like fillers, it can be moulded within a short period of time, and so the surgeon injects the putty and shapes ur forehead. Should be less invasive than putting an implant in.

Turnerdhr: When you say BKK, where do you refer to? Aadvark once mentioned that DrPat(tokai) does bone cement at US$600 per pack (or smth like tht).
Cry when you get ripped.

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Post by missuglynose » Wed, 03 Feb 2010 10:58 am

Hi all :)

Day 9 post-surgery: The swelling on my nose has gone down to the extent that it actually looks like a natural nose now - I went to get my hair done yesterday and the hairdresser said it looks really nice and not fake at all :)


The swelling on my right side seems to have subsided much faster than the left, so as a result my left nostril (the flesh) seems to be thicker, but from the bottom view the septum looks lopsided to the left (because it's swollen) and the left nostril looks smaller too (because the septum takes up space).

No cause for panic yet, I am convinced that it's just swelling (feels like it when I press gently with a cotton bud), and it's impossible for Dr. Hsu to make such a blatant error. My left eyelid also took longer to deswell than my right :)

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Post by cupcakez » Thu, 04 Feb 2010 9:59 am

takuda wrote:cupcakez, turnerdhr: The fact that goretex has only been used in PS for 7 years, the same applies to forehead -- no one can assure you its durability; yet its biggest con is its removal (should thr be a need).

I'm not too sure about bone cement (i think another name for it is MMA, the scientific name). The results i saw was not bad but material wise, i THINK it cracks easily if a huge force hits it. So, it's pretty much fragile.

The way of doing (again if my memory doesnt fail me since i'm more inclined to silicone) is to have a incision (smaller i guess) and inject the MMA. Like fillers, it can be moulded within a short period of time, and so the surgeon injects the putty and shapes ur forehead. Should be less invasive than putting an implant in.

Turnerdhr: When you say BKK, where do you refer to? Aadvark once mentioned that DrPat(tokai) does bone cement at US$600 per pack (or smth like tht).
Will silicone look unnatural? What about medpor?

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Post by takuda » Thu, 04 Feb 2010 1:14 pm

silicone is the same as nose. if ur implant isn't too big, ur skin is not excessively thin, it won't have the white reflective looking thing. i don't know muhc bout's supposed to be similar as goretex since it grows onto skin cells?
Cry when you get ripped.

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Post by Blissful09 » Thu, 04 Feb 2010 1:17 pm

Hi guys im not sure if this has already been said

But i was joking around saying i wouldnt mind donated my rib... (at the time when i first took off my cast and saying its way to high cuz of swelling) but now its gone insanely down and it looks natural and nice

well donated rib is only if your really young (which u will need parents persmission for rhinoplasty) and if your bone is not fully develope, or if your a elderly person.

Otherwise i suggest you use your own dna genetic bone just in case of complications... otherwise wouldnt it be the same as using another foreign object in your nose? the only difference is it wont expand like silicone.

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