hello84 wrote:ranconan wrote:hello84 wrote:Hi pretty and hunk,
I had just finish my eyelid surgery with Dr Jong. Alot of ppl saying that he is abit impatient and rush... But for me i think he is quite nice... he listen to me and we discuss about 20 mins about the shape and outcome of my eyelid and my keloid scar behind my ear. what i feel is that he is quite patient and honest. he make sure the outcome goes well and keep asking me to sit up during the surgery to confirm that my both eye is balance.
I feel that the way you talk to surgeon is important. If you want them to be polite and listen to you, you also must treat them the same way.
hi dear!
if you're keloid prone then please abstain from surgeries!! keloid prone people's skin tends to heal badly hence the formation of keloids. ears and chest area are especially prone to keloid formation. so if you have it, then please abstain from them >.<
Thank for your advise=) Dr Jong did told me such as chest shoulder and back is very easy to get keloid... For my case keloid at my ear area still got chance to cure...he was saying that hardly the area behind the ear hardly grow keloid if that so might be the surgeon stitching problem. He told me after remove stitch, maybe every 2week or 1 month go to have steriod injection. This is to prevent the keloids to recurr..
hihi! i dont think its doctor's stitching problem coz as far as i know, keloids are genetic. so if you have a keloid it means that u have keloid prone skin which is commonly seen on african american and sometimes asians.
for keloids at ear, its relatively easier to cure. i have a friend that has it at her ear lobe, then she went for surgery to remove it and till now it hasnt recur =). so if you choose to remove it via surgery, you can try applying dermatix onto the wound once its healed to prevent another keloid forming.. however, theres a risk involve with removing of keloid as the recurred keloid will be even BIGGER and nastier than before. so its a risk either way.
but if you're only doing your nose then it shld be fine as the skin around ur nose is soft and therefore keloids wouldnt form there. in fact, very rarely will bad scarring occur on the face. the most commonly found area are shoulder, back, chest, ear, chin. areas that are dense has the highest possibility of bad scarring.
you have to find out whether anyone in ur family has history of keloids.. that cld be ur parents/grand parents/great grand parents. and if there are then please abstain from surgeries otherwise the results cld be devastating as theres no cure for keloids and it'll just keep growing and growing and growing as the years goes.
but on the other hand, if its a hypertrophic scar then it'll just regress with time =)
hope this piece of information was helpful =)