who was the one who started attacking me?Blissful09 wrote:Boii888
Im glad you wrote what you did cuz it proves your just a negative person overall, so make sure you dont even try to re-edit or changed your PMS message to me. First of all, i never told you to shut up, GO READ. Other People were HINTING it to you, too knock it off, and im just directly letting u know ppl here are thinking the same, if it hasnt entered your mind yet. Reading my message in negative form and making it seem like i was swearing to you or maybe you read it with imaginary exclamation marks or whatever flipped u off, shows how insecure you are. I was on your side because i dont want you to be banned for flooding. um, there's a difference in free of speech and spamming. What i did was free of speech. And now you're being narrow minded and pathetic by calling me names and assuming in ugly and all. Thats hilarious!!!!!! Maybe you should have went to Dr Chuang after you matured and grew up. They say some ppl match there outsides the same way they match their insides.. now i believe it. No surgury on you will make you good looking if your gonna be a hot temper punkass. BTW if your depress, doing what you're doing is gonna make it worse... is this thread making you happy right now? Deal with things in a positive way, instead of attacking everything in site. Again, chill. Or go ahead and keep calling ppl names and embarass yourself more. Im not gonna fight with a boy who WANTS to reply back and fight with a girl, cuz everyone knows thats pathetic.
i am just updating my progress as I feel people should know about how bad it is, even 1 month post-op.
I didn't post any updates on 1 month post-op yet, so I felt it was prudent to do so.
thank you, and if you don't mind, please get lost. you are just a narcissistic person incapable of empathy.
this world is going crazy, full of selfish people.
i would really appreciate that you stop harassing me, including your threatening PM.
please, if you need to, ignore me and move on. i know you are a selfish person, but i hope this is the least you can do.
thank you.