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Post by boii18 » Mon, 25 Jan 2010 7:52 am

Blissful09 wrote:Boii888
Im glad you wrote what you did cuz it proves your just a negative person overall, so make sure you dont even try to re-edit or changed your PMS message to me. First of all, i never told you to shut up, GO READ. Other People were HINTING it to you, too knock it off, and im just directly letting u know ppl here are thinking the same, if it hasnt entered your mind yet. Reading my message in negative form and making it seem like i was swearing to you or maybe you read it with imaginary exclamation marks or whatever flipped u off, shows how insecure you are. I was on your side because i dont want you to be banned for flooding. um, there's a difference in free of speech and spamming. What i did was free of speech. And now you're being narrow minded and pathetic by calling me names and assuming in ugly and all. Thats hilarious!!!!!! Maybe you should have went to Dr Chuang after you matured and grew up. They say some ppl match there outsides the same way they match their insides.. now i believe it. No surgury on you will make you good looking if your gonna be a hot temper punkass. BTW if your depress, doing what you're doing is gonna make it worse... is this thread making you happy right now? Deal with things in a positive way, instead of attacking everything in site. Again, chill. Or go ahead and keep calling ppl names and embarass yourself more. Im not gonna fight with a boy who WANTS to reply back and fight with a girl, cuz everyone knows thats pathetic.
who was the one who started attacking me?

i am just updating my progress as I feel people should know about how bad it is, even 1 month post-op.

I didn't post any updates on 1 month post-op yet, so I felt it was prudent to do so.

thank you, and if you don't mind, please get lost. you are just a narcissistic person incapable of empathy.

this world is going crazy, full of selfish people.

i would really appreciate that you stop harassing me, including your threatening PM.

please, if you need to, ignore me and move on. i know you are a selfish person, but i hope this is the least you can do.

thank you.

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Post by Blissful09 » Mon, 25 Jan 2010 8:28 am

^ Thanks for proving my point.
And no, your a sad person who is selfish, you really believe you're the only one depress about surgury? Learn how to deal with things better. im not the selfish person who wants sympathy. And write things and make sure everyone agrees with me.
And not only did you prove my point and others too

now you just making yourself seem like a liar.
I PM you because its not nessary to create conflict and spam/flood this thread about you being all bitter and hating and insulting me. It has nothing to do with this thread, if you want to fight, cry, mope, whine, and complain u dont need to try to be a bigger asshole on this thread and can just PM me. Threaten you? Wow so your a liar too now, i said if you want to talk more just pm me. HENCE "if u have something to say, can u say it here" OOOOOooo soo threatening!!!! i know you like attention thats why u want to write it in the thread but not everyone wants to here your drama and shit reply written to me. Yes please continue to ignore since you have nothing to say but grade 1 name calling. Thanks, I too, will ignore you, because its embarassing to fight with someone like you and i refuse to go low and sunk at your level.
Last edited by Blissful09 on Mon, 25 Jan 2010 9:33 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Post by Eden86 » Mon, 25 Jan 2010 9:14 am

i agree with bliss, bella10, takuda and mintgirl


what kind of grown man replies by calling a girl ugly and calling her names?
You two met? Or you just admit you lost to the arguement and you have nothing
better to say? I'll tell you what kind of person starts name calling
a loser with no come backs. How is she selfish? You're the one who is selfish
only thinking about yourself as if no one else has gone through a bad experience
your the one thinking of yourself and i skimmed through the last 5 pages
and ppl are asking you to JUST BE FAIR. Wow you seem like those unstabled
guys.... i feel sorry for dr chuang, your soo immature and probably havent even hit
puberty running your mouth on this thread... probably sending threatening messages
to dr chuang. I'm not gonna bring your parents into this but dont be such an asshole
jerk and you should have been taught better.
bliss09 ignore him.. i read your message and then read his...he aint got nothing to respond back too let him embarass themself
lets continue to ignore boi18

Anyways anyone going to Taiwan near the end of April? most likely do my nose wiht dr kao, Please let me know i really need someone to come with me. and i still need chin information.

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chin implant SCAR

Post by Eden86 » Mon, 25 Jan 2010 9:37 am

ok ignore the two dots thats for lipo, the the cut is from chin implant?
i read somewhere in this thread the cut is made inside the mouth .. kinda like behind the buttom lip.. or...infront of the bottom teeth

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Post by fifipek » Mon, 25 Jan 2010 10:21 am

cupcakez wrote:
boii18 wrote:there is mistake with both art and science. I told him i dont want fat removal or deep set eye and smehow the surgery failed. My epi is also asymetrical and scar is obvious. I also told him that i do nt want my eye longer. He told me he could do that. But, the surgery failed again and make my eye long.
How long had the surgery been? Just to share with you when I had my epi done and super parallel double eyelids done (lol) I look quite freakish for a damn long time. But eventually it looks very good and now I'm only hoping it'll last! But it nv and I have to keep redoing it again.. :mad:
Average about 6 months to look normal.
hi cupcakez,
may i know where u did your eyelids? did doctors tell u y u need to keep redoing your eyelids? i already have double eyelids but i would love deeper eyelids. isnt double eyelids surgery permanant?

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Re: chin implant SCAR

Post by fifipek » Mon, 25 Jan 2010 10:25 am

Eden86 wrote:Image
ok ignore the two dots thats for lipo, the the cut is from chin implant?
i read somewhere in this thread the cut is made inside the mouth .. kinda like behind the buttom lip.. or...infront of the bottom teeth
hi may i know how many mm or cm is your chin implant scar?
how long does it take to heal? 1 week 2 week?

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Just reading

Post by plasticgirl » Mon, 25 Jan 2010 12:31 pm

I'm just reading through the posts. I can understand boil18 frustrations. It's very difficult to be so young and go into surgery to end up looking so far removed from yourself.

I am going through the same thing. I was angry, depressed, I didn't know why the doctor couldn't deliver the extremely subtle results I wanted.

But Boil18, you are not going to get any sympathy on this board. One thing I'e learned from my ordeal is to learn to love myself. You didn't like your face before, hence you decide to change it drastically. You still don't like your face now. Unless you learn to love yourself and have a good self-esteem, you'll always be looking for something more. I rather than coming onto this board, you should seek out a psychiatrist and deal with image issues. And when you're more stable, seek the revisions you need carefully.

Take care

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Post by takuda » Mon, 25 Jan 2010 1:27 pm

plasticgirl: there is a very stark difference from feeling depressed and insulting doctors (although there seems to be a ambiguous relationship)

NOT TRYING TO TAKE SIDES AS USUAL, Blissful: just let it's not the first time Boii18 has gotten into an ''argument'' Sgexpat and even in Stomp i suspect..Boii18, the forum is helpful and receptive of ur woes/post-op depressions but you don't give a ''one month update'' calling him a ''butcher'' all over again.

I'm gna tell you that none of your posts were neutral in its tone and there were mostly harsh and caustic. I mean surely no one will say anything if you typed smth like '' Hi all, today's my one month post op with Dr Chuang, but it's still the same and i'm not happy with the results ... etc''

Not teaching you how to type but you really need to learn to type a ''neutral'' post.

I repeat, not siding anyone.
Cry when you get ripped.

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Post by hello84 » Mon, 25 Jan 2010 2:05 pm

Hi pretty and hunk,

I had just finish my eyelid surgery with Dr Jong. Alot of ppl saying that he is abit impatient and rush... But for me i think he is quite nice... he listen to me and we discuss about 20 mins about the shape and outcome of my eyelid and my keloid scar behind my ear. what i feel is that he is quite patient and honest. he make sure the outcome goes well and keep asking me to sit up during the surgery to confirm that my both eye is balance.

I feel that the way you talk to surgeon is important. If you want them to be polite and listen to you, you also must treat them the same way.

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Post by Blissful09 » Mon, 25 Jan 2010 4:24 pm

^ Hello84, how did it go? Was it painful?

Im so happy, i send my post op to Dr hsu and he replied immediately! :)
so my nose right now looks pretty much like angelababy's (if u seen her pic u can see above the tip is a tad wide) i ask dr hsu about if my nose will be slimmer.. but he said no not really. As i knew, "your nose will get smaller" meant flatter shorter and tip will deswell. My nose looks natural right now, its not as high as before and no longer scary long. I hope it continues to get better each month. :D

Ok this is what i think, i really want to suggest ppl to do natural material, as i compared with my friend who did her nose using fake material, it only looked good at the beginning and it was like the fake material expanded after 3 months, she wants to do revision. For natural, maybe its the opposite, looks very scary and spookey and tall and long!! but then after your body absorbs it and it gradually gets small and natural.
Oh yeah my scar is exactly 3cm and i know ppl were worried about it, but its really nothing :wink:

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Re: happy

Post by ranconan » Mon, 25 Jan 2010 6:30 pm

hello84 wrote:Hi pretty and hunk,

I had just finish my eyelid surgery with Dr Jong. Alot of ppl saying that he is abit impatient and rush... But for me i think he is quite nice... he listen to me and we discuss about 20 mins about the shape and outcome of my eyelid and my keloid scar behind my ear. what i feel is that he is quite patient and honest. he make sure the outcome goes well and keep asking me to sit up during the surgery to confirm that my both eye is balance.

I feel that the way you talk to surgeon is important. If you want them to be polite and listen to you, you also must treat them the same way.
hi dear!

if you're keloid prone then please abstain from surgeries!! keloid prone people's skin tends to heal badly hence the formation of keloids. ears and chest area are especially prone to keloid formation. so if you have it, then please abstain from them >.<

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Post by jamie82 » Mon, 25 Jan 2010 6:51 pm

Blissful09 wrote: Oh yeah my scar is exactly 3cm and i know ppl were worried about it, but its really nothing :wink:
Yea its not so scary after all. Its totally covered by most bikinis and bras now just a thin faintish line is remaining.

Anyways bliss, I wanna ask if your rib area hurts when you wear bras with stiffer underwires? I still don't really dare to aggravate it too much esp. when I felt a tinge of a little ache when I wore one of my more structured bras. The doctor said any pain there is the rib in side healing but not the wound outside, but I keep having psychological fear now I might split the incision open lol.

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Re: chin implant SCAR

Post by jamie82 » Mon, 25 Jan 2010 6:54 pm

Eden86 wrote:[img]
ok ignore the two dots thats for lipo, the the cut is from chin implant?
i read somewhere in this thread the cut is made inside the mouth .. kinda like behind the buttom lip.. or...infront of the bottom teeth
I don't know who does that but modern chin implants (even those jaw reduction stuff) are done with incisions from inside the gums? I'd seriously avoid docs who still practise outside incision for implants like that.

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Re: happy

Post by jamie82 » Mon, 25 Jan 2010 6:55 pm

ranconan wrote:
hello84 wrote:Hi pretty and hunk,

I had just finish my eyelid surgery with Dr Jong. Alot of ppl saying that he is abit impatient and rush... But for me i think he is quite nice... he listen to me and we discuss about 20 mins about the shape and outcome of my eyelid and my keloid scar behind my ear. what i feel is that he is quite patient and honest. he make sure the outcome goes well and keep asking me to sit up during the surgery to confirm that my both eye is balance.

I feel that the way you talk to surgeon is important. If you want them to be polite and listen to you, you also must treat them the same way.
hi dear!

if you're keloid prone then please abstain from surgeries!! keloid prone people's skin tends to heal badly hence the formation of keloids. ears and chest area are especially prone to keloid formation. so if you have it, then please abstain from them >.<
Girl, we should hang out for kopi a couple months later k to catch up kekeke and we can admire each others nose.

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PLastic surgery depression

Post by plasticgirl » Mon, 25 Jan 2010 7:26 pm

Hi Takuda,

No, there is no stark difference between feeling depressed and insulting the surgeon. The insults stems from anger. The disappointed party is either angry at themselves or with the surgeon. In Boil's case, Dr. Chuang did not do as he wanted and the results were thus not what he expected. However, seriously, with even the minuteness of epi, the eyes will be longer. Mine was only less than 1mm but the difference is very huge. I can imagine how Boil must feel. The first thing you look in the mirror are your eyes. Your eyes are your face. If it's botched, it's not like the nose where u can take the implant out. You live with it.

I will never recommend EPI for anyone.

Stages of Grief (whenever we lose part of our identity through plastic surgery or accidents.. it's grieving)

1) Shock/denial 2) Pain/guilt 3) Anger, Bargaining 4)Depression/reflection 5)upward turn, 6)reconstruction 7) acceptance, hope.

Boil's anger is understandable and even expected. It's a very normal reaction. Lots of people in the same shoes will feel the same anger towards the surgeon. I'm not trying to defend him. I have counseling background and one month is not enough to degrief, and definitely not enough for the surgery to heal.

Minor botched surgeries are fixable but when it comes to epi, if done wrong, the effects are devastating, akin to nose collapse. But this may be the wrong forum for his anger. Maybe he needs a plastic surgery support group. He definitely needs to see a psychiatrist to work through his issues or they will magnify and then it won't be a variation of normal.

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