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Post by Blissful09 » Tue, 12 Jan 2010 10:59 am

hello84 wrote:
Blissful09 wrote:its quite fine, because im reaching the 2 weeks point... and i still think its quite honking big =(
So im glad it will go smaller, but yeah its not as scary long as before... its still long tho.. i think next week it will reach medium.. i dont want it to shrink to short.. i think it will be fine

hello84 oh you said u are 9months post op can i ask you how much (%) it looks different compared from 2 weeks for you? Cuz im still 2 weeks and i can say it changed 5% So for you... @ 9months how much different it look?
I would be happy if it changed another 25%......... it needs to be thinner my mid-piont (top of my bulb tip)
I don't know how much percent but your nose will sure change... your nose is still swelling.. that why it looks tall and not natural.. the change will be 6 month later.. you can take some photos 6 month later you compare...

its been 20 days since i got my nose done. I was just wondering which areas exactly would deswell? Beside the part between my nose looks a bit lower i think its done.. it feels quite normal. The scary thing is i still look like a parrot hawk beak with a curved downward look......... even tho im not so fake looking i still where a hat to school cuz i still look weird...
10 mores days will be 1 month.. and i honestly dont think it will improve THAT much as much as i want... meaning... i want the tip to get 30% thinner its sooo round and thick looking.. and i want my bridge to be flatter by 15% more.. and also i wished it would curved upwards... but that doesnt make sense.. and i dont think even when its heals.. it doesnt make sense for it to all of the sudden curve upwards.. i hope i wont look like a bird anymore.

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Post by jamie82 » Tue, 12 Jan 2010 11:56 am

I'm really nervous too blissful =X I'm getting my cast removed today and it looks very high :( Hopefully 3-6 months we can look good~~

I just snapped one just, where in an hours time, I'm gonna remove the cast. Had my op on 7th now its 12th, I tried to put on some makeup to feel betta, but you can still see the yellow remnants of bruising and I look really like crap. My bridge looks super high, tip[ looks so fat.... and I can't help but feel nervous and scared!!!!

*changed my mind about pic* pm me instead
Last edited by jamie82 on Tue, 12 Jan 2010 12:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by angelfern » Tue, 12 Jan 2010 12:37 pm

oh jamie, u're very pretty.
don't stress yourself.

Good that u can remove cast on the 5th day, Dr Kao told me we can remove on 5 - 7th day. The earlier, the better, can go out to play!

How many days do u advise us to stay in Kangning apt? We may just stay one or two days after op, reduce the hassle of travelling from XMD if we have to see him for follow up on the third day.

U managed to get discount from KN apt? Their room is NT2900 & above, i read that if we mentioned that we're Dr Kao's patient, it'll be NT2000, wonder if it's still applicable.


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Post by jamie82 » Tue, 12 Jan 2010 12:51 pm

=X I'm very nervous still lol but thanks anyways, my tip / bridge looks big still, but still yah I can't wait to remove the cast so I can go out shopping... I feel like I'm wasting time sitting on my butt in my room.

anyways, I seriously think I should have booked a hotel near XMD, Raohe or wufenpu there, its damn boring around here I think I practically explored all the areas that are walkable dist. out here.

There's nothing no where to go hangout and sightsee and shop.

I think 2-3 days after the op should be okie to change hotel. The discount is still available, just email the the service apt in advance to book can le.

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Post by angelfern » Tue, 12 Jan 2010 1:02 pm

ya, u relax coz i'm doing in a few months time, i'm also very nervous.

been to kangning hospital to see Dr Kao so i totally agree with u that it's really out of the way, u can still discover there's hairdresser nearby, not bad already.

Go stay in XMD & enjoy yourself from today onwards, buy shoes & facial masks, cheaper than SG.

It's a pleasure reading your posts.
Thanks again.

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Post by cupcakez » Tue, 12 Jan 2010 2:13 pm

takuda wrote:cupcakez: forehead augmentation usually don't cause changes to ur eyes if ur trying to even up ur forehead ie make it perpendicular to the ground(instead of sloping backwards). but if u're seeking something like higher forehead than ur eyes will become deeper..whether smaller or not, i'm not sure. but logically, i should be bigger? who are u considering?
hi takuda, thanks for your reply. I'm looking to make my forehead higher. My forehead is not exactly sloping backwards too much although it's not 100% perpendicular. I want a higher forehead like Caucasian so can make my eyes look deeper. But I'm afraid will that make me look manly? Will it? And with deeper eyes will it somehow cause the double eyelids to look not as prominent (as in will I need a thicker crease)? Does it even make sense?

I'm considering Dr Kao in Taipei, or Dr Park in Korea or BK Clinic. Any suggestions?

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Post by takuda » Tue, 12 Jan 2010 8:00 pm

cupcakez: Dr Kao does forehead?! omg didn't know. Well, i suppose if u want it higher and more deep set, a higher crease would fit better. BUT it still depends on how high is high to you. are you looking at vivian hsu kinda high or dawn yang kinda high? i mean, personally, i feel the former doesn't exactly have high crease eh, she's like born with big eyes. whereas dawn yang sorta got VERY high crease to offset the forehead. so if u're considering eyes as well, do your forehead first. :)

Dr Park as in the one from OZ clinic? I dont know about korea cause they seem to prefer fat graft. And in OZ's website, if i rmber correctly, if you want implant, still must customise, that means you needa arrive earlier to customise/take measurements.

even google's help is very limited cause it's not a common procedure. Dr kao uses silicon? I know Dr Chuang does silicon and fat graft but no pics on his website. And also this doc which i found thru google: [he seems to specialise in using goretex though]

oh, lastly, it should not make u more manly cause supposedly you do it to have higher, rounder foreheads. so, it will in fact be more feminine. we can share our research haha, i'm looking to achieve the perpendicular thing cause mine's sloping backwards. :)
Cry when you get ripped.

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Post by cupcakez » Tue, 12 Jan 2010 11:15 pm

takuda wrote:cupcakez: Dr Kao does forehead?! omg didn't know. Well, i suppose if u want it higher and more deep set, a higher crease would fit better. BUT it still depends on how high is high to you. are you looking at vivian hsu kinda high or dawn yang kinda high? i mean, personally, i feel the former doesn't exactly have high crease eh, she's like born with big eyes. whereas dawn yang sorta got VERY high crease to offset the forehead. so if u're considering eyes as well, do your forehead first. :)

Dr Park as in the one from OZ clinic? I dont know about korea cause they seem to prefer fat graft. And in OZ's website, if i rmber correctly, if you want implant, still must customise, that means you needa arrive earlier to customise/take measurements.

even google's help is very limited cause it's not a common procedure. Dr kao uses silicon? I know Dr Chuang does silicon and fat graft but no pics on his website. And also this doc which i found thru google: [he seems to specialise in using goretex though]

oh, lastly, it should not make u more manly cause supposedly you do it to have higher, rounder foreheads. so, it will in fact be more feminine. we can share our research haha, i'm looking to achieve the perpendicular thing cause mine's sloping backwards. :)
Dr Kao offered to do either medpor or silicone for my forehead. He also suggested fat graft which I'm not very keen cos I already tried fat graft before.. that's why I don't have a sloping backwards forehead now.. but not as high as I want it to be. I already did my eyes more than 3-4 times before don't know if I should do it again so soon. But I'll be quite disappointed if after forehead my eyes crease will drop even furthr.. cos I find it has already dropped quite a bit.
Yah let's share our research! Thanks :)

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Post by Mialee » Wed, 13 Jan 2010 6:56 am

Last edited by Mialee on Sun, 17 Jan 2010 8:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by takuda » Wed, 13 Jan 2010 11:09 am

hi cupcakez, sorry to hear about your eyes. can feel for you because i am personally one with failed eye job. and now, i don't even dare to go for revision first (since the problem is not tht serious, just scaring and abit assymmetrical). mmm, what i can advise is, since u really want a higher forehead, go do it, otherwise u'll nvr be happy. and after that, choose a REALLY REALLY good surgeon for ur eyes (even if it means a lot of $$$), and make it your LAST TIME. 3-4 times on the eyes is no more thr will be more scar tissues each time u operate. Dr kao uses medpor? Sounds interesting because i didn't knw that he does forehead. how much does he charge and did he show u pics?
medpor, what i heard is, is like goretex, ie it binds with ur cells..unlike silicon. another material i heard of his MMA or ''bone cement'' where they inject this putty thing inside and then shape it. results like not bad (verite clinic) but research says bone cement is prone to break/shatter. haha.

i just re-read ur i don't think ur crease will fall/go lower. it's just the shape might be different. i don't knw if it helps but u use both hands to pull the start and end of ur eyebrows slightly. that is the kind of effect u get, ur eyes sunken in. so what is worrying is that ur ''old'' eyes may not be designed to fit ur ''new'' forehead.
Cry when you get ripped.

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Post by cupcakez » Wed, 13 Jan 2010 11:49 am

takuda wrote:hi cupcakez, sorry to hear about your eyes. can feel for you because i am personally one with failed eye job. and now, i don't even dare to go for revision first (since the problem is not tht serious, just scaring and abit assymmetrical). mmm, what i can advise is, since u really want a higher forehead, go do it, otherwise u'll nvr be happy. and after that, choose a REALLY REALLY good surgeon for ur eyes (even if it means a lot of $$$), and make it your LAST TIME. 3-4 times on the eyes is no more thr will be more scar tissues each time u operate. Dr kao uses medpor? Sounds interesting because i didn't knw that he does forehead. how much does he charge and did he show u pics?
medpor, what i heard is, is like goretex, ie it binds with ur cells..unlike silicon. another material i heard of his MMA or ''bone cement'' where they inject this putty thing inside and then shape it. results like not bad (verite clinic) but research says bone cement is prone to break/shatter. haha.

i just re-read ur i don't think ur crease will fall/go lower. it's just the shape might be different. i don't knw if it helps but u use both hands to pull the start and end of ur eyebrows slightly. that is the kind of effect u get, ur eyes sunken in. so what is worrying is that ur ''old'' eyes may not be designed to fit ur ''new'' forehead.
Hi takuda, thanks for your reply. It's very informative. Sorry my bad I just re-read my email Dr Kao is offering Medpor & Goretex not silicone. Goretex is softer and fix to the contour of the forehead - that's what he said. He quoted me NT90,000 for either goretex or medpor.. but if more sheets of goretex is required, may be more ex - depending on the required height.

Well, my eyes now are okay I guess although not ideal. For some reason the crease always go down after some time and no matter how wide I request it to be it will still go down after some time and making me want to do it again. But maybe my skin is now more loose after so many surgery so maybe it's dropping down. Do you know any good eye surgeon in Taipei besides Dr Su(who doesnt do revision) and besides Dr Chuang (he's okay I did my latest eye surgery with him but also not what I want although it's not bad or anything)? I really wish I can find a good eye surgeon!

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Post by ranconan » Wed, 13 Jan 2010 3:25 pm

hi all!
i just got my nose done last thurs with dr.kao and I must say that choosing dr.kao as my surgeon has got to be one of the best choices i've ever made in my life! (ok sounds a lil exaggerating :x)

right now my nose is really HUGE and swollen but im not the least bit worried cos i can already forsee how my nose will look 1 year post op and how i'll be totally lovin' it! ^__^
i had nose lengthening, tip plasty and alarplasty done. this is interesting because my alarplasty didnt result in any external scarring at all.. the incisions are all made inside my nostrils so the only external scarring i got is the columella scar which is negligible.

anyways, after my surgery on thursday, there was a slight discomfort after the anaesthesia wore off... it wasn't exactly painful.. but there was quite a raw sensation.. i dont quite know how to say it but it feels like my nose just got cut and slice and chop and 3$#@%@#%@ many times. and the bleeding was crazy.. i think i used up a whole roll of toilet tissue paper cos of it.. but this is only for the very 1st day as the pain will be gone after a good night's rest.

and and i must say im impressed by dr.kao's post op care!
head over to kangning hospital on friday and saturday to have my nose cleared and instead of having a nurse doing the cleaning for me, he actually handled the whole procedure himself!!! :)

hes really friendly and outgoing and rather talkative.. but thats a plus point because you'll feel comfortable with him. right now all im waiting for is to remove my remaining stitches (didnt managed to remove all as there were still slight bleeding) and of course, for the swelling to subside!

so all in all, it was a really pleasant experience! :D

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Post by jamie82 » Wed, 13 Jan 2010 6:43 pm

Ranconan~~~ I'm missing euuu already hahah....

Your nose will be great, I can already see the shape even though there's swelling :D Its not as huge as you think bah, you're very pretty and your nose will bring out your eyes even more ^^

Btw, I'm wondering if anyone knows where to buy cheap luggage in Taiwan? I bought alot of stuff from Wufenpu today and I think I need another luggage bag T_T

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Post by ranconan » Wed, 13 Jan 2010 7:20 pm

hiii jamie! hehe thank you! i can also forsee you looking really stunning with your new nose ^__^ like i've told you yesterday before i left, your bridge's side view is really nice! dr.kao definitely did a great job with that :D the only thing left is the damn swelling !$#$!#$!@$!

wanna ask you about the inner stitches.. were there lots of stitches inside your nose?

btw jamie, i cant pm so im gna leave my email here especially for one of the girls who PM-ED me, im sorry i cant reply but you can email me at [email protected] and we can talk from there ^^V.

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Post by psgirl » Wed, 13 Jan 2010 8:10 pm

Hi all beautiful sisters and brothers,

I would like to invite you all to spark-up forums at

Without you all there to discuss about PS, the forum seems to be no life like ghost town.

Please please give me your supports.

PS Girl

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